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<pder>oriansj: I created a pull request in mescc-tools-extra for the addition of unbz2, a bz2 decompression utility
<pder>I will follow up with updates to mescc-tools-seed (stage0-posix) that require bumping the versino of M2-Planet and M2libc
<pder>I've tested M2-Planet builds of unbz2 for x86 and amd64 architectures but none of of the others yet.
<oriansj>pder: reviewing now
<oriansj>pder: please do astyle -A1tSxejz2fpUxV unbz2.c so that the code matches code style the rest of the code in mescc-tools-extra
<stikonas>oriansj: also if you don't mind more reviews
<stikonas>I got the setting environmental variables on UEFI part working
<stikonas>(while I was travelling on the train)
<stikonas>I'll later rework it a bit to restore previous state (so some stuff will move to a separate function) but that can wait will later
<oriansj>stikonas: merged