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<Irvise_>Hi, would this be a "solution"/allowed for a bootstrap?
<Irvise_>It is obviously not a great thing, and could be easily generated with another system. But manually writing that binary file shouldn't be that hard nor bad would it?
<Irvise_>Btw, has the issue with CA-certs been fixed? I would like to try it once again
<stikonas[m]>Irvise: cacerts were fixed for now
<stikonas[m]>Until another cert expires
<Irvise_>Thanks, I am running a build now.
<stikonas[m]>I can't check ol for now (travelling)
<stikonas[m]>But keep in mind that in live-bootstrap we try to rebuild even all text files that were generated
<oriansj>Irvise_: intern solutions are always ok if there is a plan in place to remove the need for them later. For example when MesCC got started it needed GCC to compile but there was a plan to just rewrite it in a lower language later (you can see that in janneke's first talk) and only later after much work was done was M2-planet ultimately what bootstrapped MesCC (a full 5 years later)
<oriansj>so if you have a reasonable plan for removing that bootstrapping blob later down the road, it is fine as long as you are honest about it and with a known reasonable amount of work
<oriansj>for example Live-bootstrap used to have to cheat between M2-Planet and Mes.c because M2-Planet just couldn't build Mes.c yet
<oriansj>but the second janneke solved that last step, fossy incorporated
<oriansj>it into live-bootstrap
<Irvise_>stikonas, oriansj: thanks. I think the binary could be easily generated with Mes, so that should not be an issue :)
<Irvise_>Also, first build complete!
<Irvise_>Bootstrapping completed.
<Irvise_>One question. If I exit the bootstrap environment, is there a way for me to easily get back to it without having to rebuild everything?
<stikonas[m]>I think live-bootstrap didn't go beyond mes when m2-planet couldn't build mes
<stikonas[m]>Once it was possible, I think it was me who updated to mes-m2 and fossy added tcc
<stikonas[m]>Irvise: you can't easily go back in, though there are a couple of things to help
<stikonas[m]> has an option to preserve and not delete build env
<stikonas[m]>And another option is to copy out built packages from /usr/src/repo and use preseed option of (but this is less tested)
<oriansj>hmmm: sysc/distfiles/curl-7.83.0.tar.xz: FAILED
<oriansj>looks like it got cloudflare html
<theruran>what's the bootstrapping story on Fortran? /cc Irvise_
<Irvise_>theruran: oh, that is a really good question. I think it is not problematic as most of the code in GCC is C++ and does not require a fortran toolchain to compile it. I remember compiling GCC with fortran and ada in NetBSD and Ada was the problematic one.
<theruran>asking because this project made me think about using Fortran to write a language - never heard of anyone doing that before -
<theruran>the author said it is art because it has no useful purpose xD
<theruran>I found this paper that discusses Forth as a target for a formally-verified compiler 🤔
<theruran>as a separate thought, I was wondering if Forth can be formally-verified ex post facto
<fossy>apologies for my absence in the last week or so. i was planning to finish python bootstrap this last week however i got covid and was stuck in bed for a few days :|
<fossy>stikonas, rickmasters: 1. both of you make very good points about tarball distribution and i am feeling that perhaps external downloading should be the default, at least for the time being. it is more difficult to justify network downloading when there is little-no network support early in the bootstrap, or if the bootstrap is being run regularly. i feel that the option should probably
<fossy>remain however, as it adds some trust to obtaining sources since it occurs in the more trusted environment. but i'm not sure anymore it makes sense as a default.
<fossy>we did consider committing tarballs to repo a while ago but it's not something git handles well at all.
<stikonas>oh yes, covid is annoying, I had it once in August
<stikonas>hopefully you are feeling better now
<stikonas>I'm actually a bit sick too but this time it's just a common cold which if far better than covid was
<rickmasters>fossy: did you mean "should *not* be the default" in your first sentence?
<stikonas>I think fossy agrees that we don't download sources every time while we are doing development
<fossy>^ yes, what stikonas said
<stikonas>fossy: by the way, are you going to bootstrap python with gcc 4.7.4?
<fossy>yes, that is the plan
<stikonas>well, it might be possible to swap it with newer gcc later...
<fossy>i know some of the older pythons do not actually build with new gcc
<stikonas>oh I see
<fossy>when i was testing outside of live-bootstrap python 3.3 segfaulted using my system's toolchain
<stikonas>that might be a problem then
<stikonas>I was just thinking it might be nice to build newer shared musl after we build newer gcc
<stikonas>that would allow us to drop ton of patches on top of gcc 4.7.4
<fossy>yeah, that would be good
<stikonas>but if it would cause problems with older python
<stikonas>then we can't do it
<fossy>what are your thoughts on musl vs glibc for the final system we drop the user into?
<stikonas>I don't think it matters for me
<stikonas>I personally use glibc on my Linux system
<stikonas>but I chose musl for live-bootstrap for its ease of build
<fossy>same, i have a feeling bootstrapping distributions might be a bit easier for glibc
<fossy>yes, logically, musl makes sense for where we have it
<fossy>easier with glibc*
<stikonas>not sure if it will be much easier
<stikonas>I suspect once we are "done" with live-bootstrap, any distro bootstrapper would want to build stuff into new prefix
<fossy>mm, true
<stikonas>kind of like cross-compiling
<stikonas>though might be the same arch
<stikonas>fossy: by the way, what else do you want to see bootstrapped in live-bootstrap for now
<stikonas>I guess we need python, newer GCC
<stikonas>anything else?
<stikonas>we are probably approaching what is considered binary seed for most distros
<stikonas>we might want to upgrade some other stuff once more, e.g. binutils
<stikonas>maybe once we have python and new GCC we should release version 1.0 and try to announce it a bit more
<stikonas>and then we need to finish off kernel bootstrap, e.g. make it work with fiwix (which rickmasters is already working on)
<oriansj>fossy: perhaps a repo that is just the tarballs; which shallow checkouts against which one can do
<oriansj>which has the download script for the tarballs from upstream for improving trust
<oriansj>and then live-bootstrap would only need a script which git clone --depth 1 's the repo and then copies over the files
<oriansj>that way it becomes simple use DVD distribution of the tarballs (or honestly any file distribution method you trust)
<oriansj>then live-bootstrap can just stop and tell the user they need to obtain the source tarballs and suggesting a couple different methods for doing so
<fossy>stikonas: more recent GCC, binutils
<fossy>at that point i feel like you could realistically use it as a starting point for LFS or something similar, so i'd be happy for a 1.0 at that point
<oriansj>and would the LFS community be interested in helping to integrate the work?
<stikonas>we don't know, nobody talked with them
<oriansj>I guess I should reach out then
<stikonas>on #lfs?
<oriansj>figured that would be a basic first step
<duplexsystem>personally I'd use zpaq to compress src as it usually beats gzip by a factor of 2 for text
<stikonas>duplexsystem: but that is not bootstrappable
<stikonas>at least not in early stages
<oriansj>duplexsystem: fair enough but ungz can be built by M2-Planet
<oriansj>but if you know of a unzpaq program that M2-Planet or MesCC or TCC can build, please let us know
<stikonas>and also somebody would have to repackage tarballs
<oriansj>and if it needs TCC, at that point we can build xz which does a very solid job
<duplexsystem>ah true. it needs c++ but I could proabally write a one that works with m2
<stikonas>xz itself might build with tcc
<stikonas>but bootrapping it without pregen files needs a fairly new autotools
<stikonas>unless we try to write a manual makefile
<stikonas>there are actually other ways to reduce amount of tarballs
<stikonas>the simplest is to unify linux and linux-headers versions
<stikonas>that will immediately cut 175 MB from download
<stikonas>(this is by far the largest tarball)
<sam_>you can always speak to us too :p
<sam_>i'm certainly interested
<stikonas>sam_: well, I'm also interested in bootstrapping gentoo from live-bootstrap
<stikonas>but I haven't looked at it yet as it would be good to first get python and newer GCC in
<stikonas>(and right now I have stage0-uefi to finish anyway)
<oriansj>sam_: well do you think Live-bootstrap is close enough that they would be interested?
<oriansj>as they may want portage bootstrapped first
<oriansj>sam_: also there are a good many gentoo IRC channels: so the question is of course which would be the most appropriate to ask on.
<stikonas>well, sam_ is already a gentoo dev, so in some sense even this channel is appropriate
<oriansj>well sam_ what would increase the odds of gentoo incorporating Live-bootstrap?
<oriansj>Linux from Scratch thus far seems very uninterested
<sam_>I think #gentoo-toolchain is probably the best place, but maybe here for now
<sam_>at first I'm interested in what integration looks like
<stikonas>I suspect it might be some add-on on top of live-bootstrap
<stikonas>i.e. like stage0-posix has after.kaem hook that live-bootstrap overrwrites with its build chain
<stikonas>oriansj: to be honest I expected LSF people to be more familiar with the concept of bootstrapping
<stikonas>before #bootstrappable community they were actually one of those who are closest to what we are doing