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<duplexsystem94>ah that makes sense
<rickmasters>I just got Fiwix to build linux on Dec 9, with this list of caveats:
<rickmasters>Ultimately, boot2now will probably merge into live-bootstrap directly and won't exist independently
<duplexsystem94>so how does this compare to something like tccboot (presumably tcc can compile tccboot but I haven't checked that)
<rickmasters>boot2now has been pretty volatile and hacky so I've kept it separate from the live-bootstrap repo until it works.
<rickmasters>tccboot is an alternative strategy that I spent some time on
<duplexsystem94>boot2now worked for me on first clone so I'd say that's pretty good progress
<rickmasters>ultimately I gave up on tccboot because the build process is undocumented and uses a lot of tools that would have to be bootstrapped. And its a pretty old Linux.
<duplexsystem94>ah so what version of linux is fiwix targeting to build?
<stikonas_>duplexsystem94: same as live-bootstrap
<rickmasters>Fiwix builds 4.9.10 which is what live-bootstrap builds and transitions to
<rickmasters>You can read more about the tccboot and Fiwix discussion here:
<duplexsystem94>ah yeah that is significantly newer than what tccboot builds (2.4 or something iirc)
<stikonas_>fossy's comment in parts.rst says that newer versions have higher requirements on make, gcc and binutils
<stikonas>I suspect make and binutils is not too hard to upgrade if we need
<stikonas>gcc is probably harder as it has more dependencies
<stikonas>but 4.9.10 should be good enough for a while
<duplexsystem94>anyways my current goal is to build a self-bootstrapping linux os that will fit on a DVD so I will be eyeing these repos
<duplexsystem94>why a DVD? because I have 100s of them and I want something to do with them
<stikonas>live-bootstrap is about the size of CDat the moment
<stikonas>and we could reduce it more
<stikonas>right now we ship two linux tarballs 4.9.10 and 5.10.41
<stikonas>so DVD should have plenty of space
<duplexsystem94>well I want to get up to sway so that's a lot more src that needs to fit and I also don't have any blank CDs
<rickmasters>duplexsystems94: you're in the right place. oriansj is very active here to answer questions on compilers from hex0 to M2-planet (also stikonas especially on UEFI)
<rickmasters>stikonas and fossy are active on live-bootstrap which goes from mes library and C compiler to build linux and gcc
<rickmasters>and I've been working on the kernel bootstrapping
<rickmasters>Lot's of other smart and knowledgeable folks hang out here to help on many topics
<stikonas>and janneke should be able to answer questions on mes
<stikonas>and he also works on bootstrap chains in GNU Guix
<oriansj>duplexsystem94: well if you wanted something consume a good deal of DVDs, backing up guix source tarballs could certainly do that
<oriansj>although you would probably need tracking software to find specific tarballs with exact checksums
<oriansj>and probably look at software for generating parity files to deal with the likely bit-rot (unless you went for one of the more exotic DVD filesystems)