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<pabs3>HN discussion:
<stikonas[m]>And again people post stuff without fact checking... "and every modern distro relies on some bootstrap binary for C compilers anyway"
<oriansj>"which attempts to bootstrap from just a very small hex interpreter" shakes fist at <.<
<oriansj>1) assembler not interpreter
<oriansj>2) successfully did so
<oriansj>3) we freaking bootstrapped GCC from that very small hex assember
<oriansj>4) dick
<oriansj>scratch 4 as this is probably needlessly rude
<xd1le>yeah HN comments about bootstrappability is painful to read
<alethkit>Greetings. With the new changes to Zig, what would an external dev need to do in order to restore O(1) bootstrapping? I'm trying to figure out if it's possible to purge C from the bootstrap chain
<alethkit>I know camlboot and a 4K VM for gambit scheme exist, but not much else
<alethkit>(For my purposes, bootstrapping from x86-64 UEFI is enough, since everything else is probably being cross-compiled for now, anyway)
<drakonis>that is a question for #zig as well
<alethkit>(For the sake of clarity, I'm not counting M!_
<alethkit>drakonis: So it's off to #zig I go?
<drakonis>you can go there as well for that
<alethkit>Ah, right
<oriansj>alethkit: well if you wanted O(1) bootstrapping for zig and didn't want to use any C family code (which would mean not using the existing c++ code base); then you'll effectively have to implement the Zig language in a higher level language such as haskell, ocaml, scheme, common lisp or something of that sort
<alethkit>That's what I thought, yes
<alethkit>Given that camlboot and scheme exist, those would be my two main options
<alethkit>particularly OCaml, seeing as 5.0 is the first mainstream language that's pure without monads
<oriansj>it'll be a chunk of work but you'll only have to implement the subset of the features that they actually use (and depend upon) in their compiler
<oriansj>instead of the whole language
<alethkit>Oh, that sounds good? I think
<alethkit>where would it fit in with your stages? stage2?
<drakonis>with it being self hosted, odds are that it uses a large amount of language features
<oriansj>drakonis: but we don't know the percentage until someone actually checks
<oriansj>alethkit: odds are the zig bootstrap would probably fit right after the guix bootstrap
<oriansj>which would give you a great deal of tooling, libraries and anything else that helps to speed up your work.
<drakonis>and zig can be used to compile any c/c++ code
<drakonis>last i checked, it could compile erlang and pass all tests
<oriansj>drakonis: but no C compiler can compile any c/c++ code; the inline assembly bits alone would invalidate that statement
<oriansj>perhaps the clang C/C++ code set
<oriansj>which is a subset of *ANY* C and mostly overlaps with GCC
<alethkit>I did forget about cosmopolitan libc
<alethkit>Out of curiosity, what are the issues with using that for a bootstrap?
<drakonis>i'm not sure if the new compiler without llvm underneath it still has access to the c/c++ compiler built into it
<drakonis>it probably still has it given that the patch notes didnt mention anything removing it
<alethkit>Franciman: I was also thinking of using Scheme (In particular, the 4K VM from Gambit Scheme), but OCaml 5.0 might also be an alternative
<alethkit>It has a release candidate, and camlboot exists
<alethkit>and more importantly, it has algebraic effects
<alethkit>which allow for a lot more concision in code
<Franciman>i second the idea
<Franciman>i prefer ocaml to scheme too
<alethkit>As a bonus bonus point, I think there's someone working on making an interactive theorem prover with 5.0, so you could (in theory) get a proof certified bootstrap chain
<alethkit>I guess we need to actually find out what to implement
<alethkit>drakonis: Do you know if zig supports tail call optimisation?
<alethkit>I assume converting all control flow to that would make our lives easier
<drakonis>a cursory look into the documentation mentions tail call optimizations and the ability to prevent them
<drakonis>there's a call builtin
<drakonis>lets you control whether it is a tail call or not
<drakonis>among other things.
<alethkit>Oh, we can just declare it a compile error
<alethkit>very cool
<alethkit>If one is allowed to "cheat" by commiting a WASM blob to source, one is also allowed to "cheat" by declaring anything they don't like to be a compiler error
<drakonis>they'll hang you dry though
<drakonis>the wasm blob will only go away once there's a reasonable replacement for it
<drakonis>but to be honest, you do you.
<drakonis>i'm looking forward to seeing zig's spec and what comes out of it
<drakonis>no async/await/suspend/resume in stage2
<drakonis>got removed since there's no support for it yet
<drakonis>it'll be back soon.
<alethkit>drakonis: I mean, for now, it's only an experiment
<alethkit>Having an alternate implementation for bootstrapping might also be directly helpful
<alethkit>And more importantly, the specification allows for tail call failures to be declared compiler errors
<drakonis>that is not actually the spec
<drakonis>there is no spec yet.
<alethkit>Sorry, yes
<alethkit>the documentation
<stikonas>camlboot only targets specific version of ocaml, doesn't it?
<stikonas>and moving to new versions of ocaml might require building from unreleased git snapshots
<alethkit>stikonas: I believe so, yes
<alethkit>but it might be able to be adapted
<alethkit>On another note, I stumbled upon
<Irvise_>stikonas: from their readme they point out they use OCaml 4.07.0
<alethkit>andrewrk: The logs will probably clear up what I meant
<alethkit>I hope
<alethkit>drakonis: I just checked, and it turns out Zig is only able to compile C/C++ code when Clang is present
<drakonis>hm, i see.
<alethkit>However, if you can get away with rewriting the bootstrap in zig...
<alethkit>or at least something like stage2
<alethkit>Oooh, exists!
<Irvise_>alethkit: yup, it is a very cool Scheme! Sadly, it seems that it needs a binary blob to compile itself :(
<Irvise_>However it is ver cool that i can compile itself in its own "OS" :D
<alethkit>Irvise_: Considering that it's a Scheme, it might be possible to just write raw assembly to compile it?
<Irvise_>It is a fairly advance Scheme... It is a compiler too and it can write drivers/low level binaries...
<Irvise_>Theoretically everything can be, but...
<alethkit>SectorLISP -> LokoScheme ?
<alethkit>and hopefully one can jump to a custom version of camlboot
<alethkit>Now I really want to try this
<alethkit>It might be possible
<alethkit>but you definitely need to do some trickery
<stikonas>alethkit: you can't use SectorLISP for bootstrapping
<stikonas>it's too limitted
<theruran>alethkit: I am also interested in cutting C out of the bootstrap path, toward a Scheme most likely