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<muurkha>though it would be better with longer variable names in some cases
<rickmasters>I just changed wstrcpy to this, which seems to fix it:
<rickmasters>int i = 0;
<rickmasters>do {
<rickmasters> destination[i]=source[i];
<rickmasters>} while (source[i++] != 0);
<rickmasters>After that fix, flex-2.5.11 and then musl-1.1.24 finishes on fiwix.
<rickmasters>Then it fails on "build tcc-0.9.27"
<rickmasters>It builds tcc-musl, but has a memory fault trying to build tcc-musl with tcc-musl.
<rickmasters>I'll start digging into that.
<stikonas>rickmasters: if that works with linux, can you make a pull request?
<rickmasters>stikonas: sure. I just edited the patch rather than reconstruct it. Is that ok?
<stikonas>yes, that's fine as long as it applies
<stikonas>maybe musl is doing something that crashes fiwix?
<rickmasters>yeah, i kept the number of changed lines the same for wstrcpy
<stikonas>I think emacs even fixes changed line numbers for you
<rickmasters>to clarify, fiwix doesn't crash - the process triggers a general protection fault and is terminated
<rickmasters>muurkha: it *appears* that fiwix will zero any mapped page not backed by an inode:
<rickmasters>So, digging further might take some time. But can you think of problems other than uninitialized stack variables that might occur if it doesn't zero the stack?
<oriansj>I can think of a couple optimizations that might assume the default stack is zero but none that should absolutely be needed.
<oriansj>muurkha: if you notice knight zeros memory on stack pop
<oriansj>and the compiler should be putting zero on the stack prior to use anyway (regardless of what the kernel does)
<muurkha>oriansj: it's not clear to me whether the Fiwix kernel is intended to provide security boundaries between processes (i.e., support some processes having more privileges than others)
<muurkha>but if it is, it wouldn't be okay for it to rely on the compiler for those security boundaries
<muurkha>the fact that it supports the Linux system call interface implies that you can use a malicious compiler
<muurkha>rickmasters: I explained the problem in the post I linked above on the orange website
<muurkha>(the problem other than uninitialized stack variables that might occur if it doesn't zero the stack)
<muurkha>with arrays in the stack frame that are set up by calling functions (such as wstrcpy!), having the compiler pre-zero them would be a performance loss, and potentially a significant one in some applications
<muurkha>though not a relevant one here
<stikonas>and at the moment M2-Planet does not pre-zero arrays on the stack
<muurkha>for M2-Planet, the performance loss should not be an issue
<rickmasters>muurkha: so, the leakage of confidential information? Yes, it would be a problem for fiwix, but not something that would stop me in my tracks in this bootstrapping effort.
<rickmasters>A malloc issue would be a heap problem of course rather than stack but its the same issue in the sense that the kernel needs to zero that too and probably manages it in a similar way
<muurkha>no, it's probably not a problem relevant to bootstrapping, but it's a problem a kernel needs to solve to provide security boundaries between processes
<muurkha>agreed about malloc
<stikonas>indeed, leakage of confidential information is not a big deal in bootstrapping
<stikonas>we have full control of what code we run there
<stikonas>and checking hashes of all programs actually would help to spot if any uninitialized data somehow propagated into executables
<muurkha>yeah, it could cause a determinism problem