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<rekado>this is good:
<rekado>few have licenses
<rekado>but the miranda project does
<rekado>(still stuck with a segfault in the compiled hsc of ghc 4.08.2)
<clemens3>oriansj: so which guile version is supported, I have 3.0.7. Is it too new or too old?
***codething is now known as tanvirroshid
<acrow>What guix package provides the 'jar' executable?, icedtea?
<acrow>What provides the 'jar' executable: icedtea:jdk.
<oriansj>clemens3: I am thinking too new as the manual still references Guile version 2.0.13 or later, including 2.2.x and 3.0.x
<oriansj>but janneke would know best
<unmatched-paren>acrow: Or openjdk:jdk.
<unmatched-paren>openjdk provides any JDK > 9
<unmatched-paren>whereas icedtea is <= 8
<clemens3>oriansj: ok, i see what older versions i have around, thanks..
***ChanServ sets mode: +o rekado_
<rekado_>another lead for Haskell bootstrapping: hbc.
<rekado_>this tarball (not actually gzipped) contains a BSD license:
<rekado_>early versions of ghc should be buildable with hbc
<unmatched-paren>rekado_: very exciting!
<unmatched-paren>you're so patient with this...
<stikonas>fossy: -q --external-sources is now broken in live-bootstrap
<rekado_>ghc-4’s configure script is so silly. Checks for a bunch of existing Haskell compilers in the environment and then doesn’t do anything with them.
<rekado_>also annoying: the build never fails even when make prints errors. It just marches on and then fails because it tries to invoke “hsc”, which couldn’t be linked.
<civodul>rekado_: are you working on part 2 of ? :-)
<rekado_>part 2 is covered in a bunch of unordered and increasingly scattered notes; this is an attempt to extract *something* useful out of this whole ordeal.
<civodul>thumbs up
<rekado_>I’m using generated C files for GHC 4 to build it as intended
<rekado_>so that’s clearly not ideal
<rekado_>but it’s juts 3MB, which is better than a massive GHC 7 blob.
<rekado_>unfortunately, the actual compiler segfaults almost immediately
<rekado_>and the debug info is terrible (building with debug symbols fails because of how hacky all that GHC code is)
<rekado_>new gdb error: “Backtrace stopped: previous frame inner to this frame (corrupt stack?)”
<civodul>sounds terrible
<civodul>or exciting! depending on the viewpoint
<rekado_>yes, it’s a bit of both
<rekado_>with the rediscovery of the HBC sources I’ll have another path to explore if this GHC 4 stuff turns out to be beyond my ability to fix.