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<oriansj>aggi: I wish you success on your new Oasis path. Hopefully you submit your new package scripts when you make them to help move Oasis forward for people who might have similiar desire to what you have.
<oriansj>as maintaining private package definitions only result in a growing long term burden and cooperation is a non-zero sum activity.
*sam_ nods
<sam_>muurkha: nice to meet someone else interested in HPPA oto :)
<muurkha>I haven't really done anything with it this millennium
<muurkha>what have you been doing with it/
<oriansj>getting cobol programs ported off to Linux proably
<oriansj>muurkha: the most common language for implementing code for many government systems that didn't have the money to do a Java rewrite in the 90s
<muurkha>true, but how many of those had the money to move onto HP workstations? :)
<oriansj>depending on how you define HP workstations all to a subset
<oriansj>as there HP workstations that be bought for as little as $600 and others which are well over $100K
<muurkha>hmm, well, it's true that the hardware can be arbitrarily cheap
<muurkha>but porting your COBOL from MVS to HP-UX sure isn't
<oriansj>muurkha: depends *very* heavily on which Cobol compiler you used, if you used the non-standard extensions provided by your compiler and if you isolated the operating system specific functionality
<aggi>oriansj: currently i am being threatened to thrown out onto the streets here
<aggi>which is a below zero sum game; and until this situation isn't settled appropriately
<aggi>it will be for all
<muurkha>aggi: that sucks
<muurkha>oriansj: I've never worked on a COBOL project so I don't really know how common portable COBOL is, but I think the answer is 'not very'
***Andrew is now known as ay