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<oriansj>well the smaller the delta between stage0-posix and stage0-uefi cc_* the easier it would be to detect mistakes
<stikonas>oriansj: delta is quite huge but mostly trivial things
<stikonas>I think i had to change over a thousand lines
<stikonas>mostly stuff like "mov register, label" -> lea register, [rip+label] or "mov register, [label]" -> mov register, [rip+label]. But also slightly more complicated changes in types struct
<stikonas>ok, debug function crashes in the middle...
<oriansj>that means the bit before it is called passed a something it didn't expect (possibly a null value or an address outside of memory it can read)
<stikonas>ok, that was just another missed "mov register, label" in debug function
<stikonas>so another bug that I didn't spot before because code was commented out
<oriansj>I'm honestly more surprised you didn't actively use it for testing while implementing the functions
<oriansj>as I have always leaned heavily on it when doing cc_* work
<stikonas>oriansj: I didn't really implement them
<stikonas>I took cc_amd64 file from stage0-posix
<stikonas>and just went over it adjusting absolute addressing
<stikonas>anyway, debug function is working now
<stikonas>oriansj: it was probably very useful for you cause you had to write all those compilation functions, etc
<oriansj>fair. the debug function was designed to be called from where ever you are and enable you to figure out what is going on if you don't have a debugger to use
<oriansj>as the first cc_* written was for knight and the debug was very primitive
<stikonas>well, now it might be useful for me, since I can't easily figure it out using gdb
<stikonas>unless I go step by step over the whole thing
<oriansj>yeah, that is an exercise in frustration
<stikonas>hmm, still not sure what is broken, but it must be something where I made types structs relatively addressed
<stikonas>and that diff is not that large...
<stikonas>(diff is actually here:
***nckx is now known as nckhexen
<stikonas>ok, I found the bug...
<stikonas>fix_types did not iterate over indirect types...
<ilmu[m]><oriansj> "one: it tends to lead to non-..." <- only if you get stuck debating the premise, if you can move on from picking a coordinate frame then you get a technical discussion.
<oriansj>ilmu[m]: well let us assume the premise is valid, what technical problems remain to reaching the final goal state?
<ilmu[m]>if the goal state is "truth" then I want to tell you that the icelandic word for truth is "sannleikur" which is a composition of the words for "proving" and "game" so when I say "fix a premise" I am saying "pick some axioms" and then the "technical discussion" can also be called "mathematics"
<ilmu[m]>final goal state would be to know everything that is true given the axioms
<ilmu[m]>barring that; you'd want to know what you can know given the axioms
<ilmu[m]> * [[[ wrote into wrong window ]]]
<muurkha>are you from Iceland?
<stikonas[m]>ilmu: Knowing everything that is true given axioms is simply not possible
<stikonas[m]>So you can immediately throw away your final goal
<stikonas[m]>It's simply a theorem that there are always statements that can be neither proved nor disproved given the axioms
<ilmu[m]><stikonas[m]> "ilmu: Knowing everything that is..." <- that's literally what datalog does (given it's restricted semantics)
<ilmu[m]><muurkha> "are you from Iceland?" <- yep
<ilmu[m]>the theorem you mention stikonas is exactly a result of people testing the limits of what holds given the axioms
***Noisytoot_ is now known as Noisytoot
<oriansj>ilmu[m]: the idea isn't for software to replace human thinking but to amplify what can be achieved.
<ilmu[m]>yeah and also to help the human prioritize how to allocate attention
<oriansj>and aid in encouraging human cooperation.
<ilmu[m]>the issue is that right now you don't get control over the program that "helps you prioritize"
<ilmu[m]>oriansj: yep exact
<oriansj>ilmu[m]: well people have to be able to allocate their attention and resources on the wrong things
<ilmu[m]>because who knows what is the "wrong" thing
<ilmu[m]>"who is fit to assess?" is the fundamental reoccuring question
<ilmu[m]>we can provide tooling to assist humans in trying to answer it
<oriansj>ilmu[m]: hence why "who does decides" matters.
<oriansj>as long as those who are doing the work get to decide what gets done, then the tools will empower and not enslave the users.
<ilmu[m]>oriansj: "coupling responsibility and authority" is how I put it somewhere, but yeah I agree.
<oriansj>ilmu[m]: good. Now what are the technical problems that need solving?
<ilmu[m]>I have a roadmap which is roughly to fill in this skeleton:
<oriansj>ilmu[m]: have you ever read the Cory Doctorow book Walkaway?
<stikonas>ok, found another bug in my position independent cc_amd64
<stikonas>now there are no more crashes, though there is some corruption in output (but it seems to be limitted to comments)
<stikonas>so probably 1 more bug left
<oriansj>I believe the logic is that there are 10x more bugs for every bug we see.
<stikonas>oriansj: well, the diff between good and bad output is now
<stikonas>all if labels in the comments are broken
<stikonas>(though this shouldn't affect the binary code)
<stikonas>interestingly, only if is affected
<stikonas>so that would suggest something missing in process_if:
<stikonas>but so far I can't spot anythint there
<oriansj>the pointer being passed to the string generating the labels is wrong
<stikonas>ok, found it
<stikonas>there was lea instead of mov
<stikonas>so I think I now have a working position independent cc_amd64 GAS prototype (for posix)
<stikonas>should we also add it to stage0-posix?
<stikonas>though it's GAS, not NASM
<oriansj>stikonas: we would be adding it to stage0 itself
<stikonas>but it still uses POSIX syscalls...
<stikonas>anyway, my next step is to replace POSIX syscalls with UEFI functions
<stikonas>and then need to convert to M1
<oriansj>oh, sorry I ment your stage0-uefi work would become a submodule of stage0 when you feel it was ready
<stikonas>oh that might go to submodule of stage0
<stikonas>but relocatable cc_amd64.S prototype
<oriansj>can definitely go into stage0-posix-amd64
<stikonas>it definitely shouldn't replace existing cc_amd64.S
<stikonas>because that is what corresponds to cc_amd64.M1
<stikonas>and it's not even NASM assembly
<oriansj>we could create a GAS folder for it
<stikonas>yeah, that could work
<stikonas>maybe I should also migrate M2libc defines to those more readable ones...
<stikonas>well, I should probably finish cc_amd64.efi and then can do defines...
<oriansj>sounds like great idea
<stikonas>ok, pushed into GAS directory
<stikonas>there is one extra function to fixup type structures but other than that it follows existing cc_amd64
<oriansj>stikonas: interesting solution in fix_types
<stikonas>well, that seemed simplest to me
<stikonas>and most isolated from othat parts of code
<stikonas>initially I thought to do it relative to prim_types
<stikonas>but it's simpler to do it relative to each individual type
<oriansj>I like it ^_^
<oriansj>although if we moved the strings after the structs, you could simplify things as they would just be an array
<stikonas>type strings?
<stikonas>not sure if I understand your idea yet...
<stikonas>is each type an element of array, or each .quad an element?
<oriansj>stikonas: if you look at the bottom of every type you see something like type_function_name: .asciz "FUNCTION"
<oriansj>that is the string for the type's name
<oriansj>which is variable in size
<stikonas>yes, so if we move those out
<stikonas>everything is constant in size
<oriansj>but it can be moved because it is pointed to by the .quad type_function_name - type_function
<stikonas>but we still need to iterate over 4 sets of quads
<stikonas>ok, but then it's easier to predict in advance
<stikonas>where the next element is?
<stikonas>so we don't need to bother with that INDIRECT vs NEXT?
<stikonas>ok, got it
<stikonas>I think i'll do it
<oriansj>and if we are willing to change the order of the elements in the struct itself, then we just have 16 sets of pointer, int
<oriansj>but that would take a good deal more work as it would impact all of the -> bits in the above code
<stikonas>hmm, that is indeed a bit more work...
<stikonas>oriansj: hmm, it might be easier to iterate but it's trickier to do the last type
<stikonas>as I need to stop at NEXT=0
<stikonas>well, for now I've implemented the first suggestion
<stikonas>as that is a fairly cheap fix that does not affect much
<stikonas>still fixup_type is already much simpler
<oriansj>stikonas: fair; that is probably enough simplification anyway.
<stikonas>hmm, first attempt of porting cc_amd64.S to UEFI (which took maybe 5 minutes) manages to completely crash UEFI and cause a reboot...
<oriansj>UEFI seems to be less stable than DOS and I must say that is a serious achievement