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***Server sets mode: +cnt
<Christoph[m]>If one passes the --luks-password, does it then appear in the list of processes?
<sam_>applications can mangle $0 so it's possible for it to not, although it may still be accessible
<Hagfish>that's such a good point, i wish i'd thought of it :)
<oriansj>plasma41: well adding information to the wiki is certainly possible, it would probably belong in here:
<oriansj>although I admit, I haven't looked really at that language nor the fine details of that project but the makefile does appear to mostly a long list of copying .jar files around.
<oriansj>and it looks like the building of the IntelliJ SDK dependencies .jar files is left as an exercise for the "reader"
<oriansj>but the .patch files look useful and the makefile could probably be leveraged by someone who wanted to make a proper guix bootstrap for kotlin
<oriansj>so probably a useful block of bootstrapping information but the building of its dependencies might require a bit of work.
<oriansj>Christoph[m]: good point
<oriansj>it would also show up in: /proc/1/cmdline