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***examors_ is now known as examors
<rickmasters>Hello, I'm back with another update on boot2now and the builder-hex0 bootstrap kernel work.
<rickmasters>As a reminder, I reported on August 9th that I has was stuck for weeks building mes-tcc
<rickmasters>but I had finally found a clue as to what was wrong.
<rickmasters>Well, I fixed the issue and managed to build mes-tcc a few days ago.
<rickmasters>Unfortunately, mes-tcc is only partially working.
<rickmasters>I am debugging "mes-tcc -ar cr /usr/lib/mes/libc.a unified-libc.o"
<rickmasters>which is currently failing with an "Unsupported Elf Class" error.
<rickmasters>To elaborate, mes-tcc is in the tcc-0.9.26 package and is an early form of tcc built using mes.
<rickmasters>This tcc-0.9.26 package also uses the libc sources from mes.
<rickmasters>mes-tcc is the first compiler which progressively, over five passes, builds itself up to the final tcc-0.9.26 binary.
<rickmasters>If I can get mes-tcc to work well, or perhaps get to the final tcc-0.9.26 binary, then that is
<rickmasters>probably a good place to pause and explore building a kernel written in C and assembly.
<rickmasters>The reason to pause is that I don't see an advantage of working towards later bootstrap
<rickmasters>tools such as tcc-0.9.27, or tcc-0.9.27 with musl, for building the next kernel.
<stikonas>hmm, that's comming from tcctools.c
<rickmasters>And building gcc is much, much further away.
<rickmasters>I also have a lot of technical debt built up that I need to work through.
<rickmasters>I'll report any significant progress but I may be gone for a while again.
<stikonas>rickmasters: but maybe it makes sense to use higher level language?
<stikonas>even if it's something similar to builder-hex0, but if you write it in M1 or C it might be easier for you
<rickmasters>stikonas: well that's what I have been working towards but it was not clear whether to use M1, M2, mescc, or tcc
<rickmasters>stikonas: looking back, the kernel programming wasn't the problem - it was debugging very difficult bugs with little information and very long run times
<stikonas>yeah, long run times make it hard to debug
<rickmasters>for example, mes corrupted memory when it got a file handle number that was too high
<stikonas>for stage0-uefi I have some bugs with little information but at least short run times
<stikonas>and it's already annoying
<rickmasters>and i'm running on qemu without kvm, so mes would take over 24 hours to run, so debugging memory corruption in a slow interpreted program was just hard
<rickmasters>I should spend time moving to bare metal, but i was willing to wait because I've got other things to do and I'm lazy
<rickmasters>BTW, regarding M1, I have to admit, I was turned off by the primitive mnemonics and lack of documentation.
<rickmasters>With tcc you get what looks like a standard-ish decent assembler
<rickmasters>.... or maybe I'm looking at the mes assembly - the tcc.s file uses assembly syntax I am familiar with
<stikonas>rickmasters: the difference is just what defines you are using...
<stikonas>I think mes just has defines called like mov____eax,ebx rather than COPY_EBX_to_EAX
<rickmasters>Yeah, I've looked at the defines and see something like DEFINE LOAD_INTEGER 8B00 but I have no idea what that actually does
<stikonas>I think I found M0 mnemonics alright but I didn't do much assembly before
<stikonas>so perhaps it's a case of being used to it
<stikonas>so another syntax looks unusual
<rickmasters>but without docs "LOAD_INTEGER" doesn't have enough information, as opposed to mov eax, [eax]
<stikonas>yes, perhaps we need better comments there
<stikonas>not sure where those names came from
<stikonas>I guess oriansj?
<stikonas>rickmasters: it's somewhat different for M0 on risc-v
<stikonas>it's slightly closer to normal syntax, yet still a bit different
<stikonas>e.g. "addi a7, 217" becomes "RD_A7 !214 ADDI"
<stikonas>(typo in the number, should be the same)
<stikonas>but risc-v style fixed word syntax needs much bigger hex2
<rickmasters>I guess its not that hard to plug 8B00 into some disassembly tool and backfill the documentation but I decided to just avoid further investment in M1 if possible
<rickmasters>my suspicion is that there was a goal to somewhat unify the assembly syntax across architectures by using an abstraction like LOAD_INTEGER
<rickmasters>but that probably fell apart quickly because the register set can't really be abstracted away
<rickmasters>anyway, I have to step away but I'm sure oriansj will chime in on these topics soon enough
<Hagfish>what a legend, i'm glad he's still making progress, and it sounds like some more exciting milestones aren't too far away
<Hagfish>i'm glad you were able to compare notes with him, stikonas, and your work sounds equally important and impressive
<oriansj>well most of the M1 DEFINEs are a direct product of M2-Planet's needs and were named related to what the Instruction was doing in the generated M1 output. Hence why the DEFINEs in cc_x86.s are quite different from those in M2libc.
<oriansj>The idea was anyone could create any DEFINEs to suit their needs rather than requiring anyone to use a standard set of DEFINEs that are hardcoded.
<stikonas>oriansj: that's true, but I guess rickmasters is saying, we could have used names that are closer to e.g. nasm syntax