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***midnight_ is now known as midnight
<oriansj>pabs3: I guess it was a good thing that I cloned it when I saw the thread
<oriansj>although the readme with clone instructions is actually straight up wrong
<oriansj>if you do git clone on the github url, it would allow proper cloning
<oriansj>and 1GB of git history is a shitload if it is source and not generated crap.
***civodul` is now known as civodul
<oriansj>even if only half of that volume was additions (and the other half deletes); that is still 500 Million letters or 50 Million written words (assuming 10chars per word). Assuming a person typing 500 words per minute 24/7 that would be 100,000 minutes of typing or 69.44years of typing at that crazy high rate.
<oriansj>even split across 10 people, it would still be 7 years of 24/7 work at 500 words per minute
<stikonas>oriansj: in the end I think I'll reserve memory for that label table in hex1...
<stikonas>a bit more code, but pointer will be easier to work with anyway for relocatable code
<stikonas>yeah, 1 GiB of git history sounds like something wrong
<oriansj>stikonas: sounds like a conservative plan and is quite reasonable
<oriansj>also depending on relocation sections is a recipe for depending on functionality not currently in hex2/blood-elf
<stikonas>on related note, apparently OVMF is able to run non-relocatable binaries
<stikonas>but we shouldn't rely on that...
<oriansj>well PC relative addressing is certainly something easy to do in AMD64 and we have hex2 support already so solves both of those issues
<oriansj>although doing the PC relative version of LOAD EAX &label for function pointers is going to be eseential for cc_* and M2-Planet (not to mention mes.c)
<stikonas>well, it most cases we just care about contents of varaible there
<stikonas>although I don't remember now how exactly it is used in cc_amd64...
<stikonas>we'll get there...
<oriansj>in cc_* and M2-Planet (and mes.c) it is used for function pointers passed to call eax [call rax]
<stikonas>oh, they are called using global addresses, ok...
<oriansj>hence the need to figure out the way to do PC relative version of LOADI32 EAX &label
<stikonas>yeah, I see...
<oriansj>but I am probably over thinking it and it is probably something simple like: mov rax, rip label or knowing x86 stupidity lea rax, [rip+label]
<pabs3>oriansj: did you find out what took up 1GB of git? any generated/binary files?
<oriansj>pabs3: well the git clone of the repo I have is only 8.3M in size
<pabs3>I guess you got the new one?
<oriansj>yeah, literally all of thre code in a single commit
<oriansj>effectively zero history
<oriansj>real shame honestly
<pabs3>hmm, cloning the fork still gets me 8.3M too
<pabs3>7448 commits in the fork though
<pabs3>weird :/
<pabs3>software heritage might have the old one. they plan to republish the old repo too according to that issue
<drakonis>which repository?
<pabs3>the fork and the issue
<pabs3>they posted a screenshot of the gigabyte on
***lukedashjr is now known as luke-jr
***hl_ is now known as hl
<oriansj>well a dozen or so failed git repacks could produce that much blob in a repo without it having anything to do with the git history itself.
***rkeene_ is now known as rkeene
***Noisytoot_ is now known as Noisytoot
<rickmasters>Hello, I'm back with another update on my bootstrap kernel work.
<rickmasters>As a reminder, I reported on July 6th that I had built mes with mes-m2
<rickmasters>on the booostrap kernel (builder-hex0) and was proceeding to try to build tcc with mes.
<rickmasters>We also talked a lot about EFI and I hoped to help with that.
<rickmasters>Unfortunately, my hopes that I could get mes to build tcc quickly were dashed because
<rickmasters>it crashed trying to compile tcc.c (after 16 hours or so).
<rickmasters>This was perplexing because mes-m2 built over a hundred C files and
<rickmasters>mes is essentially the same program as mes-m2.
<rickmasters>After two weeks of arduous debugging I managed to compile tcc.c into tcc.s.
<rickmasters>Turned out that mes used more memory (over 570MB) than the kernel anticipated,
<rickmasters>(and other issues) but I finally got it to work.
<rickmasters>The next command I tried was to assemble and link mes-tcc but that also crashed.
<rickmasters>After another two weeks of debugging, mostly stabs in the dark with a full day
<rickmasters>of turn-around, I finally got confirmation this morning that the stack was not
<rickmasters>restored properly when mes resumed after spawning M1. This was the clue I was looking for.
<rickmasters>I am testing a possible fix for that now and hopefully I can produce mes-tcc and leave mes behind.
<rickmasters>Mes is extremely slow. I am not using kvm which explains some slowness, but still, mes is painful to work with.
<rickmasters>After mes-tcc, I will try to build tcc with mes-tcc. The compile chain is:
<rickmasters>M2 -> mes-m2 -> mes -> mes-tcc -> boot0-tcc -> boot1-tcc -> boot2-tcc -> boot3-tcc -> boot4-tcc -> boot5-tcc
<rickmasters>boot5-tcc is copied as the final tcc 0.9.26
<rickmasters>Running tcc is a new game with unknown syscalls so I can only hope it goes well.
<rickmasters>I may disappear for a while again but I have been following the discussions about EFI and reducing the seeds which is great work.
*vagrantc claps :)
<Hagfish_>incredible work, thank you!
<vagrantc>sounds like some good progress
<vagrantc>mes has been languishing in debian since the default compiler switched to gcc-11
<Hagfish_>570 MB of memory sounds... generous, let's say. it's orders of magnitude bigger than most of the other numbers that get mentioned here :)
***Hagfish_ is now known as Hagfish
<rickmasters>Yeah, that much memory meant the kernel could not used a fixed size for saving a process when a child was spawned...
<rickmasters>I had to look at the brk pointer and dynamically allocate the memory, so it took some rework
<rickmasters>mes also used a different ELF header structure so I had to discover and support that before it would even run
<rickmasters>I also made some other fun discoveries like our untar does not support long file names, silently corrupting those files
<vagrantc>probably an older tar format?
<rickmasters>The basic tar format only supports 100 bytes for file names
<rkeene>Isn't tar deprecated ?
<vagrantc>if you can switch to ustar, that effectively gives you 151 (in some cases larger, but not all)
<vagrantc>rickmasters: or are you talking about upstream tarballs of arbitrary formats you need to unpack during the bootstrap?
<rickmasters>vagrantc: I am saying the untar command in stage0-posix/mescc-tools-extra does not support > 100 byte file names
<rickmasters>so, I created a tar file using modern tar with long filenames and untar didn't extract it properly so I had to workaround that by using shorter relative paths
<samplet>The GNU long name extension is pretty simple to implement.
<samplet>Compared to pax, say.
<rickmasters>samplet: TBH, it was easier to work around but yes that would have been a good improvement to add but I wasn't up for it
<stikonas>rickmasters: well UEFI work is kind of parallel (and somewhat higher level) to what you are doing
<stikonas>I'll probably have hex1 soonish but I was sick last week (still not healthy), so things were pretty slow
<rickmasters>the pain was discovering what happened - the file name was truncated and you can't even see that without --verbose so figuring out that the compiler crashed
<stikonas>but yes, you are doing incredible progress
<rickmasters>... due to a missing file was a bit of a chore
<samplet>rickmasters: Definitely. The only thing better than solving a problem is avoiding it! :)
<rickmasters>stikonas: covid? several people I know got it recently, I got it in April so it seems to bounce off me now
<stikonas>rickmasters: yes, covid, one co-worker got it, in a few days most of my other coworkers got it...
<rickmasters>stikonas: this last variant is finding everyone it seems. its a wild fire
<rickmasters>stikonas: hopefully its burning out ... until ...
<rickmasters>covid seems to never end but I'll say no more, don't want to side track on that
<rickmasters>on a longer term topic - I've been thinking about how live-bootstrap could be restructured to support building bootstrap kernels.
<rickmasters>sysa would need to be split up but that shouldn't be too hard
<stikonas>yes, I agree, sysa would become a few systems
<stikonas>a bit unfortunate that current numbering means we would have to rename e.g. sysc -> sysd
<rickmasters>perhaps split after tcc-0.9.27. yeah naming is tricky
<unmatched-paren>"note: Despite the name, sysd is not a bootstrap implementation of systemd." :)
<rickmasters>or sysa1, sysa2 but not as clean in terms of naming conventions
<nimaje>could use a unary numbering system
<rickmasters>whoops. I should say a split somewhere after building tcc-0.9.26 and a new kernel because running make is the inflection point for a new kernel I think
<rickmasters>the current bootstrap kernel can only spawn one child and presumes fork, exec, waitpid are run in an exact sequence
<rickmasters>its possible that make -j1 might work but I wouldn't count on it
<stikonas>well, we only use make -j1 for now
<rickmasters>oh, I didn't know that. why's that?
<stikonas>live-bootstrap never introduced parallelization, partially because we didn't get to it, partially because there might be some new reproducibility bugs
<rickmasters>ok, well I'll see how far I can get before this kernel runs out of steam, only testing will tell
<stikonas>ok, stage0-uefi now goes to hex1
<rickmasters>stikonas: nice job
<rickmasters>stikonas: for the minimal boot, how is the Optional Data used?
<stikonas>Optional Data is used as command line
<stikonas>so if we run with hex0 amd64\kaem-minimal.hex0 EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.efi then hex0 builds kaem-minimal
<rickmasters>what runs that command line?
<stikonas>You can set Optional Data in your boot entry
<stikonas>in UEFI setup menu
<rickmasters>You pick hex0-seed.efi as the executable, but pass a different executable name "hex0" for the command line?
<stikonas>first word is ignored
<stikonas>see here in prototype
<stikonas>it's like argv[0]
<stikonas>in principle one does not have to add that first word at all
<stikonas>but then we lose compatibility with UEFI Shell
<stikonas>which would make debugging a bit harder
<rickmasters>so you would you use \bootstrap-seeds\UEFI\amd64\hex0-seed.efi for the command name if you were using the UEFI shell?
<stikonas>(or as boot entry)
<stikonas>if you don't have UEFI shell
<stikonas>e.g. on my laptop there is no UEFI shell
<stikonas>rickmasters: also error checking is almost non-existant and OptionalData (command line) parsing also doesn't check for length limits
<stikonas>but I might change that in later programs
<stikonas>e.g. for hex2.efi
<stikonas>since it's much easier to do if we have hex1 to calculate jumps for us
<rickmasters>the value of error checking isn't as clear in a bootstrap scenario so its not something i've put a lot of effort into to be honest,
<rickmasters>although I have to admit it probably would have saved some debugging time for a couple of issues
<stikonas>yes, but it's the same in stage0-posix
<stikonas>e.g. M0 does almost no error checking and prints no useful error messages
<stikonas>whereas M1 is much more helpful
<rickmasters>one distinction is whether the tool is used in a narrow way to build another tool or is re-used many times in ongoing new scenarios in which error reporting has more value
<stikonas>well yes, I agree
<stikonas>that's why so far I've done minimal error checking
<stikonas>although I've tried to keep to UEFI specs and released freed memory and close file handles