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<oriansj>well there is a big list:
<stikonas>it should also be fairly simple to maintain as it's just a single binary (all resources are compiled in)
<stikonas>oh ok, FSFE uses it too... I wasn't aware of that
<stikonas>hmm, haven't heard of nexus
<stikonas>drone I saw earlier today...
<stikonas>oh, it's some kind of binary artifactory...
<stikonas>we can probably start without it and add it later
<oriansj>we can even just rent a managed service:
<oriansj>so we have fallback options if things go really bad
<oriansj>of the (throws hands up and gives up) variety
<oriansj>So figure out the install procedure, write up a install procedure/script and then setup the and give you and everyone here access
<stikonas>the biggest problem with scripts is where to store passwords...
<stikonas>or we can leave that part manual
<stikonas>(since you don't want to store admin or mysql password in configuration script)
<oriansj>stikonas: oh, my default solution is to make password generation be random and sent to the users in an encrypted message that only they can decrypt
<stikonas>ok, that might work
<oriansj>so the install script would call pwgen set a 200+ character password, put in a gpg encrypted block and send that to the user@email
<oriansj>that way there is no way for anyone to know the password unless they can decrypt the message or can guess the contents of /dev/random
<muurkha>no need for 200+ characters
<muurkha>256 bits is already overkill
<muurkha>a 256-bit passphrase looks like: he whole deny lazy tune nave fc bitch gis rake mare two upon stay col peak carol eat bert lists egg check
<oriansj>muurkha: true but it ends discussion of if they are secure when dealing with auditors real quick
<muurkha>ugh, maybe I should blacklist "bitch"
<muurkha>it shouldn't, those auditors are stupid
<stikonas>yes, even 30 alphanumeric charachters would already be about 150-bits of entropy
<oriansj>well yes in a technical perspective but they are very very useful in getting things fixed.
<muurkha>200+ characters generated from the low 16 bits of your PID would be easily brute-forceable
<muurkha>as in the Debian OpenSSL debacle
<oriansj>muurkha: fair, hence why I said pwgen
<oriansj>and /dev/random
<muurkha>right, but if you're using those you don't need 200+ characters
<muurkha>a smart auditor who sees those 200+ characters will wonder what you're trying to hide
<muurkha>or whether you know enough to be using /dev/random instead of your PID :)
<oriansj>muurkha: a smart auditor would just look at the git repo and say: you are good and give us the checkbox
<oriansj>but smart auditors stop being auditors because answering the auditor's questions pays better
<oriansj>and has much lower liability
<muurkha>hopefully a smart auditor would look at the git repo and report some bugs to you
<oriansj>I'd be happy if they actually found something that actually was a problem. They miss absolutely basic things (unless they somehow magically get information pointing them in that direction)
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<oriansj>stikonas: looks like a gitea setup is just download binary and copy config on a server with git and sqlite3 installed
<stikonas>yes, I think you can use sqlite3...
<stikonas>it is fairly simple
<stikonas>I think I used mysql on my server, but sqlite3 would do
<stikonas>then I think on first use it would ask you to configure some stuff, e.g. set up admin password
<stikonas>well, you would still need to set up forwarding in your web server from port 8080 (or wherever it listens) to 443 on
<oriansj>I wonder if I can script that bit out
<stikonas>you can
<stikonas>it won't ask that if config file is found
<stikonas>so you can just upload config file
<stikonas>probably do it once manually
<oriansj>and setup LetsEncrypt cert with the proxy service
<stikonas>then you'll have a reasonably good config file
<oriansj>and I'll probably need to setup something to routinely check for newer versions of the binary and email if they appear
<stikonas>hmm, I don't have that problem when I use distro packages...
<oriansj>what distro has a gitea package?
<muurkha>okay, adding a blacklist of too-evocative words to my passphrase generator took longer than I expected
<stikonas>gentoo in particular
<stikonas>alternatively we can setup autoupdating rootless podman container...
<muurkha>yay podman
<stikonas>but maybe that's more setup...
<stikonas>anyway, I'll go to bed soon, will be back tomorrow evening
<oriansj>sweet dreams, hopefully I can get over analysis paralysis before you wake up
<stikonas>haven't yet figured out the problem in kaem (uefi) but something strange is going on
<stikonas>(probably while reading data)
<stikonas>maybe I didn't zero allocated buffer...
<stikonas>but will check later
<oriansj>well there is a very good reason to only use calloc as not all systems can be expected to zero memory before handing it to you
<stikonas>well, it might be something else, don't know yet
<stikonas>but at some point (after some space character) higher 8-bits of 16-bit character somehow are set
<stikonas>even though they should be zero
<stikonas>oriansj: ok, already figured it out
<stikonas>will fix it tomorrow but the bug is here
<stikonas>I think UEFI functions expect 16-bit of memory there instead of 8-bit
<stikonas>and eventually something got corrupted
<stikonas>probably uint8_t c[2] would fix it...
<oriansj>I wonder if it would be too weird to require port knocking for people wishing to git push to a gitea instance on port 22
<muurkha> is the smallest readable RISC-V implementation
<muurkha>200 lines of Verilog
<stikonas[m]>oriansj: in my opinion SSH with no password auth should be secure enough
<stikonas[m]>(And maybe with some older/weaker SSH ciphers disabled)
<stikonas[m]>Port knocking is just a few more bits of entropy, shouldn't matter with long SSH keys
<stikonas[m]>And especially given the fact that SSH shell there is restructed
<oriansj>muurkha: neat
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