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<oriansj>as hex2 doesn't need catm to be built generally speaking
<oriansj>M0 and above absolutely require catm
<oriansj>(atleast until proper mescc-tools is built)
<stikonas>well, catm is useful once hex2 is there (to add hex2 header)
<stikonas>but obviously you can't use that for catm itself
<stikonas>but you can still embed hex2 header inside catm.hex2 file and get most of the benefits
<oriansj>nope and thus there will be a hair of duplication for hex2 ELF headers but oh well
<oriansj>^nope^no it isn't possible to leverage the standard hex2 elf header in building of catm because you need catm to do so^
<stikonas>well, yes, but embedded hex0 header is no better than embedded hex2 header
<stikonas>and you have either hex0 or hex2 header in catm
<oriansj>or hex1 but yeah
<oriansj>so hex0, hex1, hex2 and catm just need manually to update their ELF bits if we figure out new standardized changes but I guess there is no avoiding that anyway
<oriansj>atleast with hex2, wrong values are easier to fix
<stikonas>oriansj: have you seen ?
<stikonas>might be useful for uefi
<stikonas>although here I think they put code in some empty space in the header
<stikonas>oh actually I should probably read this one
<stikonas>if most or all UEFI implementations can run those terse images, we can have way smaller binaries
<oriansj>yeah, there is huge savings potential IF I can get a solid block to focus on working out the ugly details
<oriansj>our ELF binaries are tiny compared to their standard tools built equal
<oriansj>(statically built of course)
<stikonas>well, I still can't understand if Terse images are supported in UEFI applications
<oriansj>well we will know for absolute certain once I make a proper M1 UEFI application
<oriansj>then we will know absolutely the most minimal UEFI binary we can make
<stikonas>well, it can be just "RET" in the code section
<stikonas>but the header or maybe header and footer might be harder
<oriansj>every byte will be figured out
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