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<muurkha>(Alan Winfield and Matt Hale at the Bristol Robotics Lab at the University of the West of England working on Autonomous Robot Evolution)
<muurkha>unfortunately it seems like a case of dishonest headlines
<muurkha>headline: "Evolving, self-replicating robots are here". page title: "Evolving, Self-Replicating Robots Ready To Colonize Space". Actual article: "As for that timeline of self-replicating robots in space, it’s likely to be long after he retires...creating von Neumann replicators...would be a very bad idea."
<muurkha>so, the robots in question aren't self-replicating (on purpose), and they won't be ready to colonize space for, Winfield thinks, decades
<oriansj>muurkha: sounds like dr stone was more hopeful:
<muurkha>I'm amused at Feynman's suggested route to nanotechnology appearing in that image
<oriansj>why so?
<muurkha>well, because it isn't currently thought to be a practical route to nanotech, or possibly even feasible
<muurkha>but it's engaging and easy to draw
<oriansj>well Dr Stone isn't known for taking the most practical route to anything.
<oriansj>especially in regards to techs that leave the experience of the author (such as electronics and manufactoring)
<muurkha>yeah, it's all unrealistically easy
<muurkha>but hey, I would have said writing a C compiler in a day was unrealistic too, even not in assembly
<oriansj>well if you spent a couple thousand years awake and thinking, what crazy things could you work out completely?
<muurkha>I thought he had to spend those years counting seconds so he would be sure to wake up in the spring and not the winter
<muurkha>but yeah that part sounds aweseome
<muurkha>if you didn't have to spend it counting
<oriansj>well depending where in the world you exist, some places waking up in the middle of winter wouldn't be an instant death sentence
<oriansj>and honestly you have a couple hours to create shelter/warmth before exposure gets you.
<oriansj>and as you needed to be exposed to nitric acid under those conditions for years to actually wake up; it means that there has to be a large nitrate source nearby which means livable conditions
<oriansj>but yeah, waking up next to a hungry bear or lion would basicly be a ooops sorry no chances for you....
<oriansj>also your baseline stats would really count for or against you.
<oriansj>being big means needs lots of calories but also means better able to fight against lower level threats while you are still building up basic tooling. (such as stone/wood weapons/tools)
<muurkha>the natural nitric acid drip was one of the most implausible plot devices
<muurkha>but it's kind of a crowded field
<omasanori>Hi, the certificate of was expired few days ago. Could anyone fix it?
<pabs3>the admin (rekado) doesn't seem to be online. I guess oriansj might know a way to contact them though
<vagrantc>i saw a potentially relevent mention on the guix-sysadmin list ...
<vagrantc>civodul might know something to ... but probably not around till tomorrow
<omasanori>I see, thanks!
***mateusz7 is now known as mateusz
<oriansj>certbot has its advantages
<stikonas[m]>Yes, but certbot still needs to be run from time to time...
<stikonas[m]>If nobody is running it, I see how cert can expire
<stikonas[m]>Although, there should still be notifications...
<stikonas[m]>I think letsencrypt emails at least 3 times before expiry date
<oriansj>stikonas: well the idea is to have certbot be just a cronjob; a set and forget sort of thing with an alert fallback
<stikonas[m]>Yes, that's how I run it
<stikonas[m]>Not sure if is set up like that
<stikonas[m]>We had another cert expiry maybe 3 or 5 months ago
<oriansj>yeah that is about the length of the standard Lets Encrypt cert, which makes sense if they are just manually running it
***civodul` is now known as civodul