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<stikonas>ok I see it. By the way bashisms are explicitly allowed in live-bootstrap too...
<stikonas>anyway, I should probalby go back to my kaem prototype work...
<mihi>ah ok, I only remember some discussion about bashisms in this channel, not sure about which project they were.
<stikonas>I think somebody tried to convince us not to use them in live-bootstrpa
<mihi>I guess the easiest bandaid fix is in to check whether utils_fp_name(stream) starts with /dev/ and ignore errors...
<stikonas>but given that bash is the only shell we have (besides kaem), it makes little sense to restrict ourselves
<mihi>About kaem, UEFI and UTF-16: Did you check whether UEFI shell's editor can work with both ascii and UTF-16 files?
<mihi>honestly I don't know...
<stikonas>mihi: I think it can't
<stikonas>it produces UTF-16 files
<mihi>so probably kaem should be able to read them :)
<oriansj>and not need any conversion at all
<stikonas>well, right now I read ASCII files
<stikonas>possibly we can add another optional binary
<stikonas>to convert UTF-16 into ASCII
<oriansj>sure, we can add it to mescc-tools-extra
<stikonas>it might have to be written in hex0
<mihi>is it hard to skip all nulls when reading the ASCII file? Which would work for our cases.
<stikonas>maybe we can do it on reading
<oriansj>well in assembly we can just not look for nulls
<stikonas>we need to skip 00 and FF and FE
<stikonas>file starts with UTF byte order mark FFFE that helps to determine endianness
<stikonas>well, it's just a couple of if's to skip if we read those...
<stikonas>also not sure what to do with line breaks...
<stikonas>either I just don't do them
<oriansj>as 4C 00 4F 00 4C 00 isn't any different than 4C 4F 4C to logic looking only for 0A and 20
<stikonas>since we only need them from m2-planet and before kaem
<stikonas>maybe I should paste what I currently have
<stikonas>hmm, debian pastebin thinks that kaem is spam...
<oriansj>we can do pascal strings or just ensure 4 nulls at the end
<mihi>yet another 4 letter acronym :P
<oriansj>read only words and if the last word is all zeros
<stikonas>right now I think I've got load_image to work but not yet start_image, that one exists with non-zero exit code without launching child
<stikonas>I guess else if(c == '\n') { should also have || '\r'
<stikonas>and then add some if c == 0 to skip over...
<stikonas>so this kaem doesn't have to do so much tokenization but on the other hand UEFI API is somewhat bulky
<stikonas>and we also need to do the same fix in hex0, hex1, ...
<mihi>For info, I just tried with VirtualBox's UEFI shell's editor, when you save file with F2 it is Unicode, but when you press F9 before F2 it will become ASCII.
<stikonas>oh yes, I missed that File type thing
<stikonas>so I think we just assume that files are ASCII
<mihi>so probably if it is easier, restricting to ASCII files should be fine :)
<oriansj>siraben: umm it might be simpler than you think
<stikonas>well, it will save us some bytes...
<oriansj>fgetc function can just drop the nulls and read another byte
<oriansj>as long as we stick to ascii
<oriansj>all the bytes we will be reading are 00 ##
<stikonas>oriansj: we don't have fgetc though...
<stikonas>I didn't put it in another function...
<stikonas>we might but we'll see...
<stikonas>I'll first get something working, then we can tune C code
<oriansj>stikonas: fgetc is just what I call the function that reads a byte in kaem/hex0
<oriansj>in your C code, it would just be a function called anything you want which does the fgetc call
<stikonas>yeah, it's fin->read(fin, &size, &c);
<stikonas>where uint64_t size = 1
<stikonas>oriansj: and what about line breaks?
<oriansj>so yeah, a little function with a goto if c is zero
<stikonas>do we need them?
<stikonas>we can't easily use \
<oriansj>I don't know if we need them in UEFI
<stikonas>because all paths use that \
<stikonas>ok, I think let's not add them
<stikonas>even in POSIX we don't use them that much
<oriansj>just to make long commands pretty
<stikonas>ok, got it to run hex0 (was a minor bug with child image handler, should be passed by value)
<stikonas>now I need to fix command line arguments that are passed to child and I think kaem prototype will be done
<stikonas>well, it's an easy part...
<mihi>stikonas, when you use MEDIA_FILEPATH_DP as device path, you should be able to avoid actually loading the file yourself.
<stikonas>converting it to hex0 will be harder
<stikonas>mihi, yes I know, but I'm not sure if it's much smaller
<stikonas>in terms of code
<mihi>you might be right. :D
<stikonas>mihi: cause I need to copy the file location string
<stikonas>and I still need to allocate_pool for file path string
<stikonas>so I thought I can just as well read the whole file into it
<mihi>for the filename you could probably get away with a static buffer. Also I believe you could free the device path and maybe even the executable image between Load_image and start_image.
<stikonas>mihi: static buffer is not that good in hex0
<stikonas>your binary will grow by that size
<mihi>so buffer allocated at startup with either allocpool or allocpages.
<stikonas>yeah, I think freeing earlier does work
<stikonas>oriansj: I think I've got it working now:
<stikonas>at the moment there is an assumption that children don't check loadoptionssize field
<stikonas>it might be a good idea to fix that even if we don't use it
<stikonas>but other than that it seems to work
<stikonas>3.5 KiB when compiled with C compiler, but hopefully will be smaller when we hand-write it
<oriansj>stikonas: well assuming PE format doesn't include a bunch of required crap, we definitely should be able to trim that down by 4x
<stikonas>well, looking at those binaries, there are a lof of gaps filled with either 0x00 or 0xCC
<stikonas>oriansj: I'm thinking a bit on how to go from C to hex0...
<stikonas>I guess we first need to try to target some off the shelf assembler
<stikonas>but I don't think nasm works...
<stikonas>so maybe I should just use llvm-as as it natively supports PE binaries that UEFI uses
<oriansj>stikonas: does UEFI support return codes?
<stikonas>oriansj: it does
<stikonas>oriansj: I think it supports even more of them than POSIX
<stikonas>up to native integer length, so uint64_t on 64-bit system
<stikonas>oriansj: and it also supports returning arbitrary text data
<stikonas>but I haven't coded that in caem
<oriansj>here is my idea: a hex2 binary which just returns 42
<stikonas>in kaem
<oriansj>shouldn't need any more than a few assembly instructions and should cover the basics of the headers needed
<stikonas>yeah, we can start with that...
<oriansj>well it doesn't look horrific:
<oriansj>but will probably take some experimentation to discover what we can just NULL and what needs to be carefully set
<oriansj>the checksum bit has me concerned how to do that in hex2
<oriansj>but we might be able to ignore it and put nulls if it isn't actually checked.
<stikonas>there might be some differences in 64-bit version...
<oriansj>hopefully we don't need the DOS stub program (unless it ends up making things simpler for us)
<oriansj>ooooh, as COM binaries are a property of PE files; wouldn't that mean UEFI supports COM binaries with PE wrappers?
<oriansj>or too hopeful of a thought?
<stikonas>hmm, no idea...
<stikonas>oriansj: DOS stub can be zeroed
<stikonas>at on QEMU it's still happy
<stikonas>not sure if we can completely skip it
<stikonas>but at least if it's zeroed, then it's not too bad
<oriansj>I was thinking something a little more aggressive
<oriansj>as the DOS_STUB is just a COM file, if we put a useful program in there, would UEFI actually run it? As then we can skip virtually all of the PE file format entirely
<stikonas>oh I see
<stikonas>we can try...
<stikonas>though maybe UEFI would just jump to normal entry point
<stikonas>and ignore dos_stub
<oriansj>indeed, we don't yet know
<oriansj>but we certainly will have some fun figuring this puzzle out
<stikonas>checksums are already zeroed in my test file
<stikonas>I didn't even have to do it
<stikonas>so probably most of the fields can be at the very least zeroed
<stikonas>this can be built with fasm:
<oriansj>thanks, that'll be handy for testing
<stikonas>(I just put it in Development/rootfs directory in stage0-uefi repo and then tried to manualy run it
<stikonas>not sure if this applies to UEFI but
<stikonas>The smallest x64 PE executable is 268 bytes.
<stikonas>I wonder if UEFI can run 32-bit binaries
<stikonas>that could cut the size by a lot
<oriansj>well we have to abuse UEFI to find its limits
<stikonas>well, be careful with that. Best to make sure it's within specs, otherwise some things might work in one implementation but not the other
<stikonas>though I guess we can test on a few different computers and see if things generally work
<oriansj>well the problem with specs is they don't always reflect reality
<oriansj>but yes, generally we should be confirming to the specification to give us the greatest compatibility as possible
<muurkha>possibly of interest to some here:
<muurkha> http://b5l4xazoe5xjswxrptga65mbcq4o5ism2isee2kc76gohmrdf3o5jdqd.onion/
<Hagfish>have all the UEFI tests been done in qemu so far? (sorry, i haven't been following, but it seems like there's another big achievement ahead or recently passed)
<stikonas>Hagfish: yes, only in qemu
<stikonas>there wasn't much to run until recently
<stikonas>and it's much quicker to boot qemu
<Hagfish>yeah, i'm just glad i haven't missed the big moment :)
<stikonas>there isn't that much right now yet
<stikonas>it's just two C programs
<Hagfish>but it's like booting the first computer, in a way
<Hagfish>it might not do anything, but it's sort of a clearly defined start point
<Hagfish>the set of all bootstrapped software is currently empty, but soon that set will grow and grow until it includes all software
<Hagfish>(although i guess the definition of "bootstrapped" will change over time)
<Hagfish>does it count if you didn't solder the transistors together yourself? etc.
<muurkha>this was a continuous source of controversy on the old homebrew computing newsgroup. comp.homebrew? I forget
<muurkha>which was for people using existing chips but not existing boards, basically
<Hagfish>yeah, that's an interesting dividing line
<Hagfish>and i think it's perfectly valid to talk about "bootstrapped within qemu", that's still an amazing technical achievement and rules out all sorts of attacks
<muurkha>maybe, I'm not sure it rules anything out against an active adversary
<stikonas>well, qemu or real hardware shouldn't really metter
<muurkha>it matters a lot
<Hagfish>an attacker wouldn't target qemu if they know a defender can just run the same code on real metal
<muurkha>real hardware isn't vulnerable to the compiler with which you compiled the kernel under which qemu is running
<muurkha>or with which you compiled qemu
<muurkha>Hagfish: not unless they've compromised the metal, but that only matters once we can just run the same code on real metal
<stikonas>qemu was built with gcc, uefi was probably built with gcc too...
<stikonas>even on baremetal
<Hagfish>muurkha: ah yes, if they've compromised the metal, then it would make sense to hide the same behaviour in qemu, for consistency
<stikonas>yes, but you can compromise firmware
<stikonas>you don't need to compromise hardware
<muurkha>and even if they haven't compromised the metal or the firmware, they could compromise qemu in an undetected way until you actually did compare the results
<muurkha>and then only if you respond to a discrepancy in a very persistent way
<Hagfish>comparing the results seems cheap, but i guess there's a question of which machine you do the comparison on :)
<muurkha>it's cheaper once the bare-metal results exist :)
<Hagfish>true :)
<stikonas>in any case if metal or fimrware is compromosed, it's unlikely to be trusting trust attack. It will probably be just backdoor (kind of like management engine)
<muurkha>still, barer metal would be great
<stikonas>well, builder-hex0 is closer to bare metal, we have that
<stikonas>but it's slow and somewhat hard to use (since it's close to baremetal)
<muurkha>in Accelerando there's a fun line about this which involves bootstrapping on a clock-radio microcontrololer
<stikonas>on the other hand stage0-uefi could probably be automated almost to the extent of stage0-posix
<stikonas>but if you want to do real baremetal bootstrapping with no firmware, e.g. on some arm system or riscv
<stikonas>then builder-hex0 is a good starting point
<stikonas>though you have to replace bios syscalls with minimal hardware drivers
<muurkha>you could presumably get a pretty usable system running an an 8-bit AVR talking to encrypted external memory
<muurkha>ARMs usually seem to have a lot of annoying HAL attack surface
<muurkha>but to a certain degree this is counting angels on the head of a pin, given the enormous progress we've already made
<muurkha>(I say "encrypted external memory" because the choice of the right authenticated encryption mode could ensure that hypothetical malicious external memory can't do anything worse than a DoS)