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<oriansj>shall we use Haunt like the bootstrappable website?
<oriansj>or is there a more accessable website generator which people like better?
<stikonas>hmm, that's not really a wiki then, more like website
<stikonas>but maybe we don't have much choice over wiki vs website
<oriansj>stikonas: DokuWiki ?
<stikonas>hmm, possibly, I haven't used it but seems to have good reviews
<oriansj>and it works on just plain text files which we can have in version control in a public git repo
<stikonas>the other alternative might be just use wikis that come with VCS websites...
<stikonas>something like gitlab/gitea/github...
<stikonas>maybe less flexible but might be cheaper
<oriansj>well $5/month for a server isn't that much of an expense
<oriansj>unless one counts the cost of the time required to properly maintain the server
<oriansj>hence why I like the idea of pulling from a git repo. So that if anything goes sideways, we just nuke the server and do a git clone
<oriansj>ideally the solution we pick wouldn't require javascript to view the content
<stikonas>well, if server configuration is non-trivial, it's also good to put it into git repo (i.e. via ansible or something like that)
<plasma41>IMO, git backed wikis that don't either have talk pages or support pull requests are pain for working on experimental edits requiring feedback from other contributors
<plasma41>s/are pain/are a pain/
<oriansj>stikonas: excellent point
<oriansj>plasma41: didn't think of that, thank you
<plasma41>oriansj: I find it especially frustrating that there's no mechanism to submit a pull request to the git-backed wikis associated with projects on Git{Hub,Lab}.
<plasma41>It's a pet peeve of mine
<oriansj>plasma41: now what sort of tools/projects don't have that problem?
<plasma41>oriansj: I'm interpreting that as a rhetorical question. Tone of voice is hard for me to discern through text without tone indicators.
<oriansj>plasma41: now that is a new one for me. /srs
<oriansj>plasma41: /pos
<plasma41>oriansj: It's a pretty nifty little system.
<oriansj>plasma41: and the question was Genuine curiousity
<plasma41>Could you try rephrasing the question?
<oriansj>if anything I say can be considered impolite or inconsiderate or talking down to anyone. Raise it as a major issue as I love the people here and just want to help everyone as much as I can. /pos /srs /gen /p
<oriansj>plasma41: of course. Are there any tools or projects that don't have that problem as I am not familiar with it enough to know myself.
<oriansj>thank you plasma41, I'll take a look
<plasma41>Sourcehut's "mailing lists as a first class collaboration mechanism"/"no accounts needed, just email a patch" design philosophy is a breath of fresh air compared to GitHub/GitLab and similiar forges.
<oriansj>seems handy
<plasma41>Sourcehut's companion website was very helpful in teaching me to use the email-based collaboration features of git for the first time.
<oriansj>well atleast it gets a B rating:
<siraben>"Says “free software,” not “open source.” (A6)"
<stikonas_>well, gnu seems to be happy even with grade C
***stikonas_ is now known as stikonas
<stikonas>and there is nothing between F and C
<oriansj>siraben: hence why a B grade isn't bad in this case
<oriansj>stikonas: well anything below C is missing some rather basic functionality in terms of user freedom
***lukedashjr is now known as luke-jr
<yjftsjthsd3>On the wiki conversation: I would also advocate for backing it with git; I would personally suggest a normal git repo of markdown files, with a cronjob somewhere that pulls it, runs it through pandoc (or a static site generator if you feel fancy) and publishes the output via httpd
<yjftsjthsd3>Sidestep the problem of "git repo but treated as a wiki in ways that undermines the usual git workflows"
<yjftsjthsd3>(And yeah, srht's mechanism is pretty great)
<yjftsjthsd3>Just as another well-meaning member of the peanut gallery:)
<yjftsjthsd3>And separately, thanks for the "Tone indicator" article:) No idea why wikipedia thinks its mostly useful for people on the Autism spectrum; tone over text is infamous for being awful to read...
<plasma41>yjftsjthsd3: yw :-)
<Hagfish>yeah, that was a fun and insightful article. and also from the peanut gallery, i'm wondering if there is a way of converting wiki <-> repo bidirectionally
<pabs3>for mediawiki there is git-mediawiki, which lets you push/pull to a mediawiki remote
<pabs3>seems that is in git itself now, I thought it was separate before
<oriansj>Hagfish: absolutely, Dokuwiki would just require a cronjob to check in the state of the text files and do a git push
<oriansj>although that produces problems if there is a merge conflict
<oriansj>Hagfish: neat, didn't know mediawiki had that
<oriansj>am I just overthinking this?
<oriansj>is it wrong I wish guix download supported --download-all-the-sources and created a folder with all of the sources referenced in guix