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<oriansj>nimaje: ok, let me address them one at a time. ${D} is written in ${B} therefor the shell running ${D} would be ${B} and the value would also be ${B}. ${C} is run inside of ${D} and are passed the value ${B} and would thus display the commands for shell ${B} instead of shell ${A}. If the user likes ${A} better than ${B} why would ${D} be written in ${B}?
<muurkha>maybe someone else wrote the program
<oriansj>and assuming they have the source code, they just add the following: ${A} ${C} to replace the ${C} command
<oriansj>or assuming the creator of the script cared about their users getting a proper user experience would look at that variable and adjust accordingly
<muurkha>yeah, it's better to run things with an interpreter for the language they were written in :)
<oriansj>now assume the following counter example: inexperienced user uses system which ${B} is the default and manually changes to shell ${A} because they like it better. runs ${D}, ${W} or even ${C}; bad commands are output.
<oriansj>so instead of getting a correct result when running ${C} which we would have if shell ${A} accurately informed program ${C} that it was running in environment ${A} instead of preserving the outer value ${B}
<oriansj>now perhaps creating a second variable like $PARENT_SHELL should be created by the shell to allow software down the call chain to figure out what to pass. say in the n:n-1:n-2:...:2:1:0 fashion to allow easy walking
<oriansj>but that is just me trying to engineer better behavior
***fosslinux is now known as fossy
<oriansj>nimaje: but if one assumes the user is competent and the default shell if the user's preferred, then yes you are absolutely right on the behavior
<oriansj>but we can't assume login to exists, so what would the correct to assume value of SHELL be in that case? (as /etc/passwd might not even exist yet either)
***chexum_ is now known as chexum
***dongcarl9 is now known as dongcarl
<oriansj>I have a proposal for bootstrappable wiki, so that these sort of deletion messages never show up again
<oriansj>we create a git repository for the content, everyone who asks gets commit access to it and I have a script that pulls the content on an hourly basis and publish to a server we control (I'll pay for it)
<plasma41>oriansj: Sounds good from over here in the peanut gallery