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<achaninja>ekaitz: yeah I'm using cproc and qbe because I know the authors of both
<ekaitz>achaninja: they did a nice job on that. I really like the ideas behind those projects
<stikonas>well, I guess right now cproc and qbe are alternatives to newer tcc versions
<stikonas>for now one still has to go via tcc-0.9.26
<stikonas>it would become very interesting if at some point cproc/qbe could be build with mescc
<oriansj>rickmasters: looks very promising and I am very glad you selected compatible licensing.
<rickmasters>thanks, i am flexible on licensing
<stikonas>I guess the same license applies to wrappe scripts in top level directory of boot2now?
<oriansj>The use of hex0 is impressive to say the least; especially when if I am reading this correctly, you could be bootstrapped by
<rickmasters>stikonas: yes, whoops i neglected to add the notices, will do so
<stikonas>initially I even neglecged to look at notices...
<stikonas>oriansj: bootOS for typing in source?
<stikonas>i.e. something like monitor program
<rickmasters>orianjs: i provided a 384 byte bootstrap so i guess it depends on the goals
<stikonas>that's why I'm a bit confused...
<stikonas>it's not clear to me why we need bootOS
<oriansj>stikonas: we don't need it but it is another route to build the hex0
<stikonas>oh you mean bootOS->hex0 and do builder-hex0.hex0->builder-hex0.img
<oriansj>as in the hex0 in builder-hex0.hex0 could be built by bootOS
<stikonas>oriansj: anyway, with builder-hex0 you probably won't have to worry about writing kernel in assembly. Next kernel can be written in M2-Planet subset
<oriansj>stikonas: oh yeah
<stikonas>though I think you said M2-Planet subset is still a bit annoying to write kernels in
<stikonas>or maybe we get lucky and mes-m2 runs on builder-hex0
<stikonas>I haven't tried yet
<doras>stikonas: I see that the permissions are different all the way to guile-3.0.7_0.x86.xbps.
<doras>So... something is fishy here.
<oriansj>well mes.c does require a couple more syscalls than what was listed.
<stikonas>oriansj: do you remember which syscalls?
<stikonas>maybe they are not essential
<stikonas>at least some of that was just detecting interactive mode
<rickmasters>even hex2 would be a lot easier than hex0, those jumps...
<stikonas>oh yes, I'm well aware of that...
<stikonas>I added riscv support in stage0-posix
<stikonas>actaully even hex1 is alright
<stikonas>you are just limitted to smaller programs
<stikonas>I guess for kernel hex1 is too simple
<stikonas>and builder-hex0 is maybe three times as big as hex0+kaem-optional-seed
<oriansj>rickmasters: M0 is even a viable option for bare metal
<stikonas>yes, but since builder-hex0 can go to at least M2-Mesoplanet we don't need to use M0 later
<stikonas>well, at least for x86...
<rickmasters>it seems like a kernel would have a mix of assembly and higher level
<rickmasters>i don't know enough about the syscall requirements beyond stage0-posix
<oriansj>well M2-Mesolplanet does support inline assembly so we can definitely do a Kernel in it
<rickmasters>builder-hex0 does not really implement chmod or access so they would need to be reimplemented as well
<oriansj>rickmasters: chmod+access would only matter if we needed them for the filesystem we would be working with.
<rickmasters>the file system is ... primitive, probably needs a rewrite - you can't really expand a file after closing it
<oriansj>rickmasters: that isn't an issue for us
<oriansj>mescc just does a single write as well
<oriansj>TCC and above however would be an issue
<oriansj>and I was thinking of a filesystem one could write by hand
<rickmasters>i thought i read somewhere here that tar was capturing file modes and affecting checksums
<stikonas>rickmasters: yes, recently live-bootstrap switched to creating some hand-rolled packages
<stikonas>basically just .tar.bz2 with contents of make install DESTDIR=/tmp/destdir
<stikonas>rather than just checksumming binary files
<stikonas>but with old tar the problem is that order is not deterministic
<stikonas>seems to work fine in tmpfs but if you run it outside tmpfs, the order might be different
<stikonas>that's what doras is struggling with
<rickmasters>stikonas: are you open to changing tar?
<rickmasters>sitkonas: or do you try to stick to the originals?
<stikonas>in principle yes, we use patches in live-bootstrap
<stikonas>but that might not be the easiest solution
<stikonas>so right now we start with tar 1.12
<stikonas>that's the latest tar that can be built with mes libc
<stikonas>fossy tried to add this as workaround for sorting
<stikonas>but then we still have an issue with permissions if one tries to run everything rootless
<rickmasters>i should also mention that builder-hex0 only supports one outstanding child with fork, if anything forks a lot (like make), it won't work
<stikonas>well, make is only useful after tcc
<stikonas>and tcc is already too complicated for builder-hex0
<stikonas>I was actually thinking of moving make immediately after tcc in live-bootstrap
<stikonas>that was before I've read builder-hex0
<stikonas>*read about
<stikonas>but I guess that's still fine
<stikonas>I've also experimented a bit with newer tar 1.13 (haven't tried even newer ones)
<stikonas>tar 1.13 is missing two functions in meslibc
<rickmasters>a much more capable kernel beyond builder-hex0 would be needed for make
<stikonas>strtoumax and strncasecmp
<stikonas>yes, but from what oriansj said, even tcc wouldn't run on builder-hex0
<stikonas>so as long as we keep make after tcc, we should be fine
<stikonas>and wouldn't add any additional constraints
<stikonas>well, in bootstrap we deliberately used few syscalls early on
<stikonas>e.g. kaem does not use dup or any other similar stuff
<stikonas>we can't implement $(command) then but at least it can run on simple kernel
<rickmasters>yes, i was surprised how for it got on so few syscalls
<stikonas>we only start using pipes once we reach bash
<stikonas>before that scripting does not use "tar xzf" but uses two steps (unpack and untar)
<stikonas>but it was still a bit of guess work since we didn't have any kernel
<stikonas>just in general attempted not to use complex stuff
<rickmasters>adding it up: file system, paging, multitasking, pipes, dup, etc
<rickmasters>the next kernel would be some work
<stikonas>bauen1: had some work done on that
<stikonas>but it's not M2-Planet buildable
<rickmasters>nice - looking for existing work is my instinct, maybe porting it M2-Mesoplanet
<stikonas>also it would be nice if newer kernels supported something like kexec...
<stikonas>then one can easily do automatic chaining
<stikonas>hopefully kexec shouldn't be hard to implement, just loading new kernel somewhere and jumping into it
<oriansj>we might also end up having to extend what M2-Planet/M2-Mesoplanet supports
<stikonas>well, last upgrade already extended it quite a bit
<stikonas>1.10 has quite a few extra things compared to 1.9
<oriansj>but rickmasters your work is epicly impressive and you should feel very proud
<stikonas>I agree
<rickmasters>oriansj: thank you so much, that means a lot
<rickmasters>oriansj: i feel the same way about you and stage0
<rickmasters>oriansj: and contributors, honestly don't know the history, but it seems you are the focal
<stikonas>depends on project
<oriansj>rickmasters: everyone here is excellent and if it wasn't for their help it would have taken another decade to get this far
<stikonas>oriansj maintains stage0-posix
<stikonas>fossy and I maintain live-bootstrap
<stikonas>janneke: maintains mes
<rickmasters>stikonas: thank you, i've read a lot about live-bootstrap and mes, its all great work
<rickmasters>an epic puzzle being put together here
<oriansj>and a great deal of fun too
<stikonas>well, it was inspired by guix and follows work done there
<rickmasters>not too familiar with guix, did it approach boostrapping more from a top down perspective?
<stikonas>yes, it started as normal distro
<stikonas>and was trimming down its bootstrap seed
<stikonas>live-bootstrap was done bottom-up and hence is more strict with pregenerated files
<rickmasters>stikonas: i see
<stikonas>but it was made possible by combining both approaches
<stikonas>mes/mescc came from top down approach (with the goal of building gcc)
<stikonas>and stage0/stage0-posix was building from hex0
<stikonas>and it was about 1.5 years ago when the gap got closed
<stikonas>though it took some time to get everything into released versions
<rickmasters>so, besides the kernel, is the bootstrap to gcc completely done?
<stikonas>well, live-bootstrap demonstrates it
<stikonas>even goes to g++ 4.7.4
<stikonas>although we couldn't bootstrap gnu autogen for regenerating top-level configure script in gcc
<rickmasters>stikonas: ok, i watched a presentation that said there was some missing work on mes or something but that may have been old
<stikonas>but that script is optional
<stikonas>(this is created using autogen
<stikonas>but running ./configure in gcc subdirectories works around this
<rickmasters>if it works and is auditable then seems fine
<stikonas>yes, it's not too bad
<rickmasters>actually, the less tools the better, in my opinion
<oriansj>so yeah, your kernel work, puts us very close to doing a bare metal x86 to full Linux distro
<stikonas>yes, I expected it would take a few years to get to this stage
<oriansj>assuming we get a little more advanced kernel written in C that M2-Mesoplanet/M2-Planet can build supporting maybe 31 more syscalls; we would be able to build Linux and the rest would be details
<oriansj>we might actually be done before bootstrappable hits the 10 year mark
<rickmasters>oriansj: that's pretty exciting
<rickmasters>oriansj: i've been thinking that there would need to be utilities build to format a file system and lay down bootloaders, grub/lilo
<stikonas>rickmasters: worth emailing your work to bootsrappable mailing list
<stikonas>well, live-bootstrap builds util-linxu
<oriansj>it is mega news
<rickmasters>there's a mailing list? lol
<stikonas>but live-bootstrap does need a real disk for system c which is preformatted and loaded with source tarballs
<stikonas>it's a low volume mailing list
<stikonas>maybe an email once every few months
<rickmasters>ok, i'll take a look
<rickmasters>i guess the transition from 32 bit to 64 bit linux is well established?
<rickmasters>just cross compile
<oriansj>indeed and trivial after one has binutils, gcc and guile
<rickmasters>just wondering if its been automated before but shouldn't be a problem
<stikonas>guix has it automated
<stikonas>live-bootstrap for now stays in 32-bit mode
<rickmasters>which makes sense, a full 64 bit bootstrap is hard to imagine
<rickmasters>i mean starting in 64 bit, like with a 64 bit kernel, i'm not signing up
<oriansj>rickmasters: no worries
<oriansj>do only the things you find fun
<rickmasters>is cross compiling to other architectures a sufficient strategy for those architectures or will is it an open goal to try to boostsrap every architecture from bare metal?
<oriansj>rickmasters: personally, I want to do *every* architecture from bare metal but doing just 1 is enough to show that it is possible and end the debate
<oriansj>and provide a root capable of enabling DDC to find all trusting trust attacks in the entire ecosystem
<oriansj>doing all of the architectures would even allow us to even detect hardware level subversion
<rickmasters>oriansj: i see. thats ... ambitious and i don't disagree because 386 may not last forever
<oriansj>well yes.
<rickmasters>carting emulators around will get tiresome - the bootstrap will need to keep up with the times, someone will port to apple M9 in 2093 and never look back
<rickmasters>the more implementations the better i guess is what i'm trying to say, but cross compiling seems find to me for now
<oriansj>well you just showed that the root kernel can be *MUCH* simpler than I planned and going by time to completion for the cc_* rewrites: ^_^ that isn't very far off
<oriansj>if we do the C kernel in a cross-platform manner, we create another universal base and porting to new architectures becomes a 4 step process: M2-Planet+mescc-tools, stage0-posix, C kernel and builder-hex0 rewrite.
<rickmasters>yeah i guess i'm imagining how hard it would have been to write builder-hex0 in 64 bit from scratch - just unknown to me. maybe its not so bad
<oriansj>rickmasters: well, if it had been me: Write in M1 first and then use emacs macros to do the conversions to hex2 and then calculate the labels and then jumps/calls
<rickmasters>i decided not to do that on principle, but it would have been a lot easier
<oriansj>rickmasters: completely fair
<rickmasters>spending 6 hours isolating a typo'd opcode is no fun
<oriansj>and honestly all the more impressive
<rickmasters>well less fun
<rickmasters>oriansj: excited to see where this goes. great meeting you and everyone. near my bedtime but i'll be back in 9 hours or so
<oriansj>a pleasure rickmasters and stay awesome
<fossy>rickmasters: this is absolutely insane, amazing work
<fossy>rickmasters: this is a *massive* development, thank you very much for your contribution
<Hagfish>yeah, it's like Christmas has come early for the bootstrappers this year :)
<fossy>arches my personal opinion is cross compiling is good for everything BUT i would like it if we can someday make an open arch the "base" arch that everything can be cross compiled from
<rickmasters>fossy: thank you!
<fossy>stikonas[m]: FYI i've nearly finished sysc network source download, but disk-source behaviour will be retained, behind command-line flag for & used if found within the disk
<stikonas[m]>fossy: sounds good
<stikonas[m]>fossy: can you add an option to specify remote mirror for downloads?
<stikonas[m]>E.g. I can put my cache dirs somewhere on my server
<stikonas[m]>Or is that non trivial?
<fossy>stikonas[m]: no, that seems simple to me, i'll add that
<Franciman>has anybody tried mes on big projects?
<Franciman>Like how fast is it?
<Franciman>mescc is reasonably fast?
<stikonas[m]>mescc is quite slow
<Franciman>hmm i see
<stikonas[m]>Takes about 10 min to compiles tcc
<Franciman>i was thinking about how much would it take to add a bytecode interpreter
<stikonas[m]>Whereas tcc rebuilds itself in a fraction of second
<Franciman>thanks t184256
<Franciman>thanks stikonas[m]
<Franciman>i'm working on my bootstrappable scheme (before i knew about mes, but now i keep going cuz it's fun lol)
<stikonas[m]>fossy: BTW, are you going to format disk in sysb in download mode? Or not planned right now?
<fossy>stikonas[m]: yes, disk formatted in sysb, if it has no existing partitions
<fossy>rickmasters: is there a known limit to the size of helloworld.src? i tried adding mes to it, but it fails in the src file src file stage, kernel crashes
<rickmasters>fossy: hmm, no, but i did run into bugs as it got bigger and bigger, so not too surprised
<rickmasters>i'm happy to take a look with some more detail
<rickmasters>perhaps a link to the specific file you are adding?
<rickmasters>wait, now that I check - there is a 1M limit total in near the top
<fossy>oh, ok, that makes sense, it was around 5M
<rickmasters>yeah, i should probably put in a check
<rickmasters>you should be able to just change 2056 to (size / 512) + 8
<rickmasters>you're in uncharted waters :D
<fossy>:P ok thanks
<stikonas[m]>fossy: trying to run mes-m2?
<janneke>so, what's up with: ?
<janneke>the numbers seem all off / don't seem to work?
<stikonas[m]>janneke: s390?
<stikonas[m]>I don't think mes support s390
<janneke>eh, isn't that riscv(64)?
<stikonas[m]>I sometimes look here
<janneke>ah, something had me terribly confused by equating riscv64 with s390?
<stikonas[m]>It worked for m2libc development
<stikonas[m]>s390 seems to be some IBM thing
<achaninja>janneke: what does the -DBOOTSTRAP do in your tcc?
<achaninja>I also wonder about LONG_LONG_STUB, but i guess that just emulates LONG_LONG by computing only the low 32 bits?
<achaninja>I guess it looks like it removes some features mescc can't support
<achaninja>does that sound right?
<janneke>achaninja: yes, something like that
<janneke>mescc does not support floats, so they are compiled in in several steps
<janneke>same for long long
<janneke>achaninja: see, which is called several times by
<achaninja>thanks, I made the mistake of not using them properly and ended up with a mostly working tcc
<achaninja>but not quite right
<achaninja>janneke: I have new appreciation for the work you put into patching tcc
<achaninja>good job!
<janneke>achaninja: hehe, thanks
<janneke>it's all pretty much a best-effort thing
<janneke>not really what we want the "final" full source bootstrap to look like ;)
<achaninja>Well I will be happy to see the progress as it occurs
<stikonas[m]>Well, progress is happening. We can now do bootstrap using released mes. Hopefully gash will soon run on mes. Then we'll be able to use mes/mescc build system
<stikonas[m]>And now we got bootstrap kernel
<stikonas[m]>janneke: have you seen the new kernel? Might be nice if we get mes running on it (if that is possible)
<janneke>stikonas[m]: oooh, that's awesome rickmasters
*janneke would like to see that!
<rickmasters>janneke: thank you
<unmatched-paren>rickmasters: thanks again for your work! i can't get builder-hex0 to run on my guix system though; i'm running `make` in a `guix shell qemu xxd make`, but all i get is "No bootable device" from the qemu firmware
<unmatched-paren>what am i missing?
<rickmasters>unmatched-paren: i guess i would start by seeing what did work, maybe ls -ltr
<unmatched-paren>so, looks like the `-mini` .bin and .img files have been built
<unmatched-paren>but not the regular ones
<unmatched-paren>that's the only difference from the git repo
<rickmasters>didn't get far, check for cut and xxd
<unmatched-paren>xxd and cut both exist
<rickmasters>cut builder-hex0.hex0 -f1 -d'#' | cut -f1 -d';' | xxd -r -p > builder-hex0-seed.bin
<rickmasters>thats the command maybe the options differ?
<unmatched-paren>that command works fine, should i try make again?
<rickmasters>does it run without error but produce an empty file?
<unmatched-paren>oh, i see. that command produces the right file, but the mini-seed is 0 bytes large
<rickmasters>so sorry cut builder-hex0-mini.hex0 -f1 -d'#' | cut -f1 -d';' | xxd -r -p > builder-hex0-mini-seed.bin
<rickmasters>its this one that failed
<unmatched-paren>the seed isn't 0-sized anymore
<unmatched-paren>woo it works!
<unmatched-paren>i think?
<unmatched-paren>this is the output
<rickmasters>that looks good
<rickmasters>are you in the boot2now repo, that was just the builder
<unmatched-paren>ah, i'm not
<unmatched-paren>i cloned builder-hex0, which is probably the problem, right?
<rickmasters>yes, that's just the kernel/compiler
<rickmasters>boot2now combines that (it has its own snapshot of builder-hex0) with the stage-posix source
<rickmasters>you don't need to clone builder-hex0
<stikonas[m]>Would got submodules make sense for boot2now?
<stikonas[m]>Or is stage0-posix modified
<unmatched-paren>rickmasters: btw, i just noticed a number of improvements that could be made to the builder-hex0 makefile
<unmatched-paren>mind if i send a pr?
<unmatched-paren>unless there was a reason for not using $@ $^ et al
<stikonas[m]>Although boot2now only has x86 part of stage0-posix
<rickmasters>stikonas: i am not opposed to git submodules but it wasn't my immediate preference
<stikonas[m]>No, it's up to you, I was just asking if there is some particular reason
<rickmasters>stage0-posix can add stuff (like access recently) that i may not support yet, so i was trying to control what snapshot to use
<rickmasters>i'm sure there is a way with git submodules but after an hour or two of research it wasn't crystal clear so i just did the copy pattern
<stikonas[m]>I know some people don't like git submodules...
<rickmasters>unmatched-paren: yes, open to pr
<stikonas[m]>git submodules point to specific commit, so that should be fine
<rickmasters>funny, you'll find $@ and $^ in my history
<unmatched-paren>rickmasters: surely you can just do git submodule add <COMMIT>?
<unmatched-paren>to freeze to a commit
<rickmasters>i removed the make variables to its easy to cut and paste at the command line (as demonstrated above)
<unmatched-paren>ah i see
<rickmasters>but i agree its kinda best practice for maintenance of the makefile
<rickmasters>unmatched-paren: no doubt submodules would work, i don't have a strong feeling about it
<rickmasters>i just read scary stories about merging and branches and forgetting to update and just said, ah screw it
<rickmasters>lame, i know :p
<unmatched-paren>i _think_ the branching/merging problems only happen if two people add submodules seperately and try to merge
<unmatched-paren>forgetting to update sounds like more of a problem with just copying it in :P
<rickmasters>then i read about git subtrees and experienced a little analysis paralysis, had to move on
<unmatched-paren>ok, i'm running boot2now now :) seems to be working
<unmatched-paren>"Hello World!" it works \o/
<rickmasters>woo hoo!
<rickmasters>unmatched-paren: i'll work on switching to submodules
<unmatched-paren>oriansj: does m2 support `restrict`?
<unmatched-paren>as in, ignoring it instead of throwing an error
<stikonas[m]>unmatched-paren: no
<stikonas[m]>unmatched-paren: see
<stikonas[m]>You might be able to ignore it here
<unmatched-paren>i'm implementing some things in m2libc that seem to be defined using restrict in typical libcs, so i was wondering whether i should use it
<unmatched-paren>*with arguments that are defined using restrict
<Franciman>is there any document explaining the subset of C supported by mescc and m2-planet?
<stikonas>Franciman: you can get some idea of what is supported by M2-Planet if you look at function names in cc_core.c
<stikonas>and there are sometimes comments above them that display what is processed, e.g.
<stikonas>there is also very basic macro pre-processor in (basically handles defines and their define expressions). There is a more sophisticated pre-processor M2-Mesoplanet which can also handle includes and more complicated function-style defines
<stikonas>e.g. #define SUM(A, B) A + B
<stikonas>I'm less familiar with mescc but mescc is far more capable
<Franciman>m2-planet seems already very capable!!
<stikonas>yes, it's not bad
<stikonas>but some stuff is missing, e.g. i++ wouldn't work or int i[2][3]
<stikonas>also no support for structs on stack, structs have to be used via pointer
<stikonas>and no support for . operator
<stikonas>M2-Planet itself is written in simpler dialect, so that cc_x86 and other cc_* compiler could build it
<muurkha>stikonas: would (i++) work?
<stikonas[m]>muurkha: no, not implemented
<stikonas[m]>i += 1 does work now in 1.10
<stikonas[m]>Before it was only i = i+1
<muurkha>oh, you just mean in the compiler, I thought you meant in the preprocessor
<stikonas[m]>Yes, in the compiler
<muurkha>I want to point out that #define SUM(A, B) A + B is bad style unless it's working around a preprocessor limitation
<muurkha>because SUM(x ^ y, z) ends up as x ^ y + z which misparses as x ^ (y + z)
<muurkha>#define SUM(A, B) (A) + (B) solves that problem
<stikonas[m]>Well, that works too, I was just pointing out that function type macros work
<stikonas[m]>What's on the right hand side is not important
<stikonas[m]>It can be even another define "function"
<stikonas[m]>M2-Mesoplanet supports that
<muurkha>yeah, it's a tangent, but I thought it was worth mentioning because that's a "red alert" line of code
<muurkha>sorry to distract from your intended point