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<stikonas>but building mes-m2->tcc still ends up faster than mes-m2->mes->tcc
<stikonas>doesn't matter too much...
<achaninja>I see
<stikonas>I guess the one built by gcc would be even faster
<achaninja>for testing im just using guile because i presume its much faster than mes
<stikonas>yes, it should be much faster
<achaninja>maybe i should get guile 3
<stikonas>though building guile 3 is much slower than building mes
<stikonas>but I guess you don't count guile building time
<achaninja>nah, not for this
<achaninja>im really curious if i can build some c compilers other than tinycc with mes
<rkeene>Probably 8cc
<achaninja>I guess it might not work, each new codebase probably uses different C features
<rkeene>Maybe ELVM
<achaninja>I know the author of cproc
<achaninja>so i want to try that one for sure
<achaninja>it is able to compile gcc
<achaninja>interesting haha
<achaninja>I contributed a small amount of code to 8cc
<achaninja>had not heard of elvm
<stikonas>achaninja: yes, that's an interesting question for which we don't know the answer
<rkeene>It's great for compiling your C code to BF, which can then be run by a trival BF VM
<achaninja>haha :P
<rkeene>Or you can compile your C code to C, which you can then use a C compiler to compile.
<stikonas>although I doubt that any other compiler would be as capable as tcc
<stikonas>though maybe it can replace tcc 0.9.26 stage
<rkeene>I wrote a more system-oriented BF called SF: devel/sf/ with a simple VM:
<rkeene>(Assembler: )
<muurkha>rkeene: oh neat
<achaninja>the main advantage of tcc is the embedded assembler
<rkeene>RLE (run-length encoding) example program:
<achaninja>and linker
<achaninja>but luckily i already wrote an assembler
<rkeene>Oops, the first URL was truncated:
<muurkha>rkeene: when I wrote my first BF interpreter I immediately ran Linus Ã…kesson's game of life in it
<achaninja>rkeene: what do you mean by system oriented?
<muurkha>I was impressed by how the BF spec was enough to go from zero to a virtual machine capable of running GoL in half an hour
<rkeene>achaninja, It has an assembler which understands code/data split and instead of "." and ",", it has an interrupt vector (and the assembler knows how to register interupt handlers)
<fossy>janneke: ah, ok, that is good! thank you for the update
<rkeene>It has some default interrupt handlers -- Halt, Print String, Print Char, Get Char, but others could also be added (and the program being executed can supply its own)
<rkeene> example assembly with an interrupt handler registered
<muurkha>and I wondered if it would be possible to do something similar that avoided BF's most egregious defects, like the lack of subroutines
<muurkha>it seems like your "interrupts" are really subroutines?
<muurkha>I mean they don't get invoked asynchronously, do they?
<rkeene>I don't know what asynchronously means here, but the handler is invoked when the interrupt is triggered and there's no stack, so.. possibly ?
<rkeene>There's kind of a stack, but only for the instruction pointer
<muurkha>well, I mean, in hardware, your keyboard interrupt might get invoked in the middle of some processing loop where the program is iterating over a lot of data
<muurkha>the loop gets paused, the keyboard interrupt handler runs to, say, read the keystroke into a buffer, and then it resumes the processing loop
<muurkha>by "asynchronously" I mean the interrupt handler runs independent of what the current instructions being run are
<rkeene>That could occur here too, if we had hardware interrupts wired up to something; You would have the IP saved, jump to the interrupt handler, and it could do something (hopefully saving the current DP -- that's not done automatically in what's implemented, but maybe it should be), and return (which resets IP)
<muurkha>right, but that isn't what you're using them for, is it?
<rkeene>No, I only implemented the same interrupts as BF had -- I just also made it extensible and overridable
<rkeene>I didn't have any reason to add hardware-style external interrupts
<rkeene>But the code is really trivial :-D
<muurkha>async I/O is handy for interactive computations like compiling a program while your text editor remains responsive, and hardware interrupts can be useful there
<muurkha>the alternative in that case is to poll for keyboard I/O inside each of the compiler's inner loops or to have some kind of multithreading
<rkeene>Sure, and a set of programmable timers and a clock would be useful for that
<muurkha>I think the register-interrupt-vector approach is a very nice way of adding a subroutine mechanism to BF
<muurkha>yeah, although you really only need a timer interrupt to support time-sharing between multiple background tasks, and you only need one
<rkeene>Trivial to add, the goal here was to make programs not a whole system so I left out pretty much everything I've written in other VMs in the past
<muurkha>here's the most recent VM I wrote:
<muurkha>a week ago
<rkeene>sf is from 2008 or earlier
<muurkha>it's not as intellectually interesting as sf
<muurkha>but it makes cool animations
<rkeene>Next is to add SF support to ELVM, then compile TCC using ELVM ;-)
<achaninja>does anyone know the status of mescc amd64 support?
<achaninja>it says it cannoy build tcc?
<stikonas>achaninja: it might be more of an issue of patching tcc and not mescc
<achaninja>i am trying to compile a simple printf with mescc atm
<achaninja>i get
<achaninja>Target label printf is not valid
<achaninja>however puts works fine
<achaninja>I can see printf is not included in libc.a for some reason
<achaninja>any idea why that might be the case?
<stikonas>I think because it's not necessary
<stikonas>if tcc does not use it...
<stikonas>although strange, we do build quite a bit of stuff
<stikonas>can't be that nothing uses pritnf
<stikonas>printf is in include/stdio.h
<stikonas>and in stdio/printf.c
<achaninja>maybe im using libcmini
<stikonas>could be
<achaninja>I don't know how to control that haha
<achaninja>I just see it mentioned
<stikonas>libcmini is probably enough for mes itself
<achaninja>that must be the case, trying to work out how to get the libc used to build tcc instead
<fossy>yes, libcmini is not sufficient
<fossy>you need to build libc+gnu version iirc
<fossy>no, sorry libc+tcc version
<achaninja>right, i found the file
<achaninja>any idea how to tell mescc to use that file?
<fossy> all of these
<fossy>-lc+tcc ?
<achaninja>that was it!
<achaninja>thank you
<stikonas>fossy: I'm almost done with mes 0.24
<stikonas>just updating checksums due to libc changes
<fossy>sounds good
<stikonas>and these early checksums are not automated
<fossy>ah, yes, unfortunately
<fossy>not tooo many of those though
<stikonas>well, until recently even later checksums were manual
<achaninja>btw, was mes originally written in assembly?
<achaninja>I wonder how it came to be that there are C compilers in assembly
<achaninja>then to mes
<achaninja>I am guessing that is what turned out to be the most practical for whatever reason
<fossy>no, mes was not originally written in assembly
<fossy>oriansj wrote cc_x86 in assembly, which is used for M2-Planet, which is used for mes
<fossy>that is the path that happened to take shape, essentially
<achaninja>I suppose its slightly unusual in that it goes c -> lisp -> c again
<achaninja>but whatever works :P
<achaninja>bootstrapping to mes is very fast
<achaninja>oriansj: would it be possible to generate a tarball for stage0 releases instead of relying on github tarballs?
<achaninja>afaik github tarballs are not reproducible
<achaninja>unless they are published somewhere I haven't seen
<achaninja>i think github just generates them with git archive | some-gzip-version-we-dont-know
<achaninja>Also I suppose github does not include the submodules
<muurkha>github release tarballs are in many cases just random files you upload when you create the release
<achaninja>muurkha: what do you mean?
<achaninja>currently we have
<achaninja>these links are unreliable
<achaninja>mes on the other hand has
<achaninja>I suppose one may want to cross reference them with git
<achaninja>but the point is they have a fixed shasum
<muurkha>I mean that when I created I built dercuano-20191230.tar.gz and dercuano.20191230.pdf on my laptop and then uploaded them to GitHub through my web browser
<muurkha>GitHub made no attempt to produce that these build artifacts themselves or to verify them against the corresponding source code
<achaninja>I trust that more than github tbh - for example if you signed it with gpg and put the signature on your own domain
<muurkha>*produce these
<muurkha>sure, that's plausible, but it definitely doesn't give you reproducibility of the binary tarball
<muurkha>unless the individual author has made the effort to do it (I didn't)
<achaninja>yeah I know what you mean
<muurkha>they *did* create the source tarball and zip file from the tag
<achaninja>yes, however it doesn't include any of the submodules
<achaninja>so is useless
<achaninja>might as well not exist
<muurkha>right, though in this case I didn't have any
<achaninja>I can create my own stage0 tarballs
<achaninja>or add a gitsubmodule to my project
<muurkha>didn't occur to me that git archive strips out the submodule commit hashes but I guess it does
<achaninja>when I downloaded the github tarball it didn't even have the files
<achaninja>unless I made a mistake
<achaninja>not just the hashes
<muurkha>it makes sense that git submodule information would be missing
<achaninja>the problem is the package manager I am using currently prefers tarballs
<achaninja>I had some thoughts about creating a 'canonical tar' format that is reproducible
<achaninja>and being able to canonicalize input tarballs and then hash the result
<achaninja>to filter out annoying minor deviations
<achaninja>like timestamps and different compression algorithms
<muurkha>that's an interesting idea
<muurkha>a tarball minifier
<achaninja>more like standardizer
<achaninja>but yeah :P
<muurkha>as you said
<achaninja>yeah, my other idea was to provide a web url that goes
<achaninja> https://mysite/tar-canonicalizer?url=foo.tar.gz
<achaninja>so you can just download canonicalized tars that are ready to have their hashes checked
<achaninja>nixos uses the NAR format for this purpose
<achaninja>however I think a new format is largely unnecessary
<achaninja>muurkha: as you say
<achaninja>the current releases are just random files
<fossy>i don't think a website that does that would be really acceptable in bootstrapping, but the idea is generally a good one
<achaninja>but if they were instead canonical tars they can be verified
<achaninja>fossy: the website is just convenience since if you already have the hash
<achaninja>it is secure
<achaninja>but yeah
<achaninja>One problem is I didn't know how to choose a canonical gzip compressor
<achaninja>I could just select an arbitrary release of gnu gzip for example
<fossy>well, yes, but you're still trusting that someone has verified that the canonicalizer does not tamper with sources
<fossy>if you canonicalise on the fly then you don't have to trust that
<achaninja>your build system cna do it too
<fossy>do gzip outputs differ from version to version these days?
<achaninja>no, but im not sure if that is a guarantee
<achaninja>another thing I'm not sure about
<achaninja>for canonical tar
<achaninja>is if you need to preserve mtime
<achaninja>or at least relative mtime
<achaninja>since make uses mtimes sometimes to check if it must regenerate a file
<achaninja>maybe same mtime is ok
<achaninja>my design for canonical tar was posix tar format with guaranteed sorting, and a fixed uid and mtime
<achaninja>and normalized directory entry names
<achaninja>e.g. trailing / or not for directories
<muurkha>I think you'd want to set all the mtimes to 0, yeah
<muurkha>normally you don't want to include things in your tarball that make knows how to generate
<achaninja>yeah, but sometimes you don't need stuff
<achaninja>for example often perl is a dependency, but only for info files
<achaninja>and make checks if the info files are out of date
<achaninja>but yeah, maybe that can be solved other ways if you want to
<muurkha>I think you can pare away those epicycles
<achaninja>I think overall it will be nice to not have to wrangle so many tar options
<achaninja>e.g. most of this would not be so necessary if you can just run a standard canonicalizer
<oriansj>achaninja: well the problem with secure and reliable source distribution is that is a much bigger problem than just a single tarball. So I left it a something for someone else to solve
<achaninja>thats ok, for now I'm checking in a copy os stage0-posix into my package tree
<achaninja>my package tree I'm working on is attempting to distribute source over bittorrent and ipfs
<achaninja>with primary sources too
<achaninja>which is why its harder to use git
<achaninja>however I can just make my own trusted tarball releases
<achaninja>might not work out, but will see
<achaninja>oriansj: I just built the master mes-m2
<achaninja>and get
<achaninja>assert fail: eval/apply unknown continuation Segmentation fault (core dumped)
<achaninja>when running
<achaninja>./bin/mes --no-auto-compile -L module -e main scripts/mescc.scm -I include -v -S scaffold/exit-42.c
<achaninja>ah wait, my PATH might not be right
<achaninja>hmm no, I wonder if the example in the readme is out of date
<achaninja>it points to -L module
<achaninja>but nyacc is in mes/module
<Hagfish>achaninja: great idea to use bittorrent and ipfs. anything that removes SPOFs and makes bootstrapping resilient is good to see
<Hagfish>and apparently there is a standard for cryptographic signatures in torrents:
<muurkha>Hagfish: is ipfs free from SPOFs? I thought there was like a centralized blacklist of badthink files or something
<muurkha>different regimes use different terms for it: "subversive literature", "fake news", "rumors that undermine social stability", "copyright infringement", "degenerate literature"
<pabs3>muurkha: ah, yesterday I *didn't* actually paste the rude version to HN! what you saw was the less-rude version
<achaninja>muurkha: I am trying to avoid ipfs mainly because
<achaninja>i don't like how it only has a single implementation
<achaninja>but it does have some useful properties that bittorrent doesn't
<achaninja>I mainly want to let people keep hosting their own code if they want
<achaninja>it is super annoying when a build gets interupted by a missing server, its happened to me before
<muurkha>pabs3: yes, I suppose it wasn't the most inflammatory version ;)
<muurkha>achaninja: very
<achaninja>I am struggling with m2-mes
<achaninja>the master release does not seem to be running for me
<achaninja>I will test the tag from live bootstrap
<achaninja>ah ok found the problem
<achaninja>i though nyacc was dungled in m2-mes again
<achaninja>I did an ls mes/modules and saw nyacc and assumed it was there
<achaninja>janus: I spoke too soon, it now works fine with guile
<achaninja>but segfaults with m2-mes
<achaninja>debugging :P
<janneke>well, celebrate each (little) success!
<janneke>it's more fun that way
<achaninja>its fun, im gonna attempt to compile (parts of) another C compiler
<achaninja>see what works
<achaninja>guile only is at least enough to test
<achaninja>I can't help but get the feeling the invocation in the mes-m2 repository is not right
<achaninja>the readme
<achaninja>but its also highly likely I did something else wrong
<achaninja>more progress...
<achaninja>the readme didn't say to set
<achaninja>MES_ARENA and friends
<achaninja>now I am getting....
<achaninja>spammed in my terminal
<achaninja>ok success
<achaninja>the readme seems incorrect
<achaninja>ping oriansj
<achaninja>I think theres a mistake in the readme for m2-mes
<achaninja>it worked when I did not specify -L module
<achaninja>but the readme told me to do that
<achaninja>i also had to do
<achaninja>-L ../nyacc/
<achaninja>I can do a PR
<achaninja>unless Im mistaken
<achaninja>ok first obstacle - uint64_t
<achaninja>janneke: I guess that is normal for the 32bit compiler
<achaninja>or is it all? :P
<janneke>achaninja: dunno, not sure what you're doing
<achaninja>I will make a reproduction, but basically
<achaninja>compiled a C file that had int64_t
<achaninja>and I didn't have -m 64
<achaninja>adding -m 64 allowed me to handle int64_t but I got a different error
<achaninja>I'm attempting to compile:
<achaninja>this file
<achaninja>I'm gonna try to use creduce to find a minimal C file that produces the error but still works under gcc
<janneke>note that x86_64 support is still experimental in mes, iow, it cannot build tinycc correctly
<achaninja>thats ok
<achaninja>I can also try to patch cproc to avoid 64 bit variables
<achaninja>cd qorg11
<achaninja>oops sorry
<achaninja>hmm though actually, tcc seems to use them
<littlebobeep>Do these changes not require a Guile binary to make use of?
<janneke>a guile binary is needed for the guix driver, and it's also used to run gash and gash-utils
***attila_lendvai_ is now known as attila_lendvai
<achaninja>is there a configure flag for mescc that tells it what arch it should be building?
<achaninja>especially by default
<achaninja>I'm on an x86-64 platform but want it to build a 32 bit libc+tcc
<achaninja>it seems to be just building the 64 bit version
<fossy>hm, can't you have uint64s on 32-bit?
<fossy>maybe mes doesn't support
<fossy>mes def has long long support which is standardised as >=64 bits
<achaninja>fossy: it doesn't seem to support it
<achaninja>because when I tried to compile it
<achaninja>it generated the same assembly for long long as it did for int
<achaninja>in 32 bit mode
<achaninja>I may have made an error
<achaninja>the tcc codebase does mention int64 but maybe not in a code path the bootstrap uses, not really sure tbh
<stikonas>are you looking at tc 0.9.26 with janneke's patches?
<achaninja>stikonas: yeah
<achaninja>fossy: the code is identical
<achaninja>heres an example
***malvo_ is now known as malvo
<vagrantc>is mescc-tools M2libc unchanged from mescc-tools 1.3 to 1.4.0 ?
<vagrantc>never managed to wrap my head around git submodules
<janneke>i believe there were no changes
*janneke set: git config diff.submodule diff
<janneke>and then: git diff Release_1.3 Release_1.4.0 -- M2libc
<janneke>while this gives a diff: git diff Release_1.2.0~10 Release_1.2.0 -- M2libc
<stikonas[m]>stage0-posix doesn't use submodule from mescc-tools/M2libc anyway
<stikonas[m]>It uses it's own M2libc submodule
<vagrantc>does mescc-tools build without the submodule?
*vagrantc still uses antiquated technology that builds from tarballs :)
<vagrantc>answered own question... nope, doesn';t build :)
*janneke has been creating tarballs for all those
<janneke>the guix bootstrap needs tarballs too, of course
<vagrantc>yeah, bootstrapping git seems a bit of a dangerous idea
<vagrantc>first, we port git to assembly...
<bauen1>there's this tutorial on implementing git from scratch in python, so not that far fetched
<vagrantc>that seems to have an even larger bootstrapping chain...
<Hagfish>lol, don't worry, there's a way of bootstrapping Python from Rust... ;-)
<bauen1>not saying we should use that tutorial, but that it can be done without major issues
<Hagfish>yeah, true
<Hagfish>i'm just worried that bootstrapping might become like
<janneke>ow, how cruel!
*janneke thinks we're making amazing progres
***stikonas_ is now known as stikonas
<stikonas>well, if you don't want to bootstrap git, you'll still have to bootstrap tar and gz
<stikonas>you actually need to start with some unpacked files
<stikonas>though having to get it with git is not ideal
<stikonas>but tar.gz in some sense is not ideal either
<stikonas>but at least this is only a problem for stage0-posix and anything else can be built from tarballs as stage0-posix contains untar and ungz
<janneke>yeah, anyway it's not a problem worth focussing on right now, i think
<stikonas>yeah, just pick what is more convenient
<Hagfish>janneke: i'm sorry if my paranoid worry sounded cruel. when i think rationally about it, i too am in awe at how much progress has been made
<Hagfish>i think i just hadn't thought about the issue of bootstrapping version control before, and for a moment the whole problem looked fractal, but that just shows my lack of perspective
<muurkha>yeah, agreed, janneke
<stikonas>well, stage0-posix would always be somewhat cyclic, you can't completely bootstrap it and there will always be issues like that. You can only avoid them in baremetal bootstrap.
<janneke>Hagfish: no worries
<stikonas>but obviously baremetal bootstrap is less portable and harder
<stikonas>but if you do baremetal bootstrap, bootstrapping version control is non-issue
<stikonas>you can start with some sources printed on paper
<bauen1>i'd argue that how the sources are obtained isn't all that interesting as long as you can audit / view / edit / hash them