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<oriansj>huh. ExecStart=/bin/true in /lib/systemd/system/tor.service that doesn't seem right but it is the debian default config
<oriansj>oh, it is a stupid systemd thing, the correct bit is in /lib/systemd/system/tor@default.service
<littlebobeep>oriansj: You use systemd?
<unmatched-paren>littlebobeep: well, they're on debian, which uses systemd...
<unmatched-paren>bootstrappable seems to be half Debian users and half Guix users :)
<unmatched-paren>at least, that's my impression, anyway
<oriansj>littlebobeep: I use all inits that are free (as in freedom) software.
<oriansj>unmatched-paren: well the Debian community was the one that first spawned reproducible builds and the Guix community is where the bootstrappable work first came together. So people from them is kind of expected.
<unmatched-paren>oriansj: huh, i thought it was Nix that started Reproducible Builds
<unmatched-paren>not sure why i thought that
<stikonas[m]>unmatched-paren: we have a wide range of distros here, not just Debian or Guix
<stikonas[m]>there is also Void, Gentoo, I think Arch too