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<muurkha>re "raku is very amenable to building these", contrary to what you might think from a compiler class syllabus, except for C++, the hard part of writing a compiler is not parsing, even a minimal bootstrap compiler that with no optimizations and really stupid code generation (code generation being where the bulk of the code is for a normal production compiler)
<drakonis>i see
<muurkha>of the 2000 or so lines of Ur-Scheme, including blank lines and comments and unit tests, about 170 lines are the parser
<drakonis>right right
<muurkha>parsing C takes more code than that of course, but compiling C also takes more code than compiling Scheme
<muurkha>I feel like something like OCaml with algebraic data types and pattern matching helps a lot with the kind of structural case analysis you run into a lot in compilers, although I'm far from an expert on writing compilers, I'm just a muurkha
<muurkha>but I've written a couple of toy compilers so I feel like I might have learned *something* ;)
<drakonis>ha, i see.
<drakonis>raku does have that
<drakonis>but neither am i an expert in writing compilers or raku
<drakonis>(for the latter, yet.)
<drakonis>it is a lot of fun thouguh
<muurkha>(also I find OCaml's type checking helpful)
<drakonis>yes, that's nice.
<littlebobeep>muurkha: What "toy" compilers have you written?
<muurkha>well, there's Ur-Scheme and peg-bootstrap, which I linked above, and meta5ix (
<muurkha>and StoneKnifeForth:
<muurkha>and I guess compiles audio synthesizer signal flow graphs into JS, but they aren't Turing-complete
<muurkha>and a few others, I did one that compiles lambda calculus into SK-combinators I can't find
<littlebobeep>muurkha: Hmm I saw you mention Ur-Scheme but I saw no link...
<muurkha>oh sorry,
<muurkha>also linked from
***alMalsamo is now known as littlebobeep