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***alMalsamo is now known as lumberjack123
***janneke_ is now known as janneke
<pabs3>HN thread (no comments yet) about GHC bootstrap
<fossy>alright, just need to update M2-Mesoplanet (opened PR), stage0-posix, then PR will be pushed
<oriansj>fossy: wouldn't a --temp-directory option give more flexibility?
<oriansj>with /tmp just being the default prefix and probably an error message indicating the use of that flag if one is not able to access current prefix target.
<nimaje>isn't the TMPDIR env variable used to make programs use an alternative to /tmp?
<oriansj>nimaje: probably, we just haven't included the looking at the env variable in M2-Mesoplanet yet
<stikonas>but that can be easily added
<stikonas>although what is the right value in live-bootstrap TMPDIR=/ ?
<oriansj>indeed and supporting both methods is valid
<oriansj>./artifacts ???
<oriansj>so I'll merge fossy's patch and then extend it a little bit
<oriansj>or just straight . would work as well
<oriansj>ok all merged and expanded.
<oriansj>now it will first attempt to use TMPDIR env variable and if that doesn't exist it will fallback to /tmp and if one uses --temp-directory it will override and do that