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<oriansj>stikonas: I have sent fossy an invite to mescc-tools-extra but it appears to be "Pending"
<oriansj>so fossy still needs to accept first
***alMalsamo is now known as lumberjack123
<stikonas>fossy: so I still get those /tmp/filelists.txt: error 02 messages
<stikonas>first one happens when installing flex-2.5.11
<stikonas>(probably because that's the first package built after bash)
<stikonas>I can also see messages like " line 96: grep: command not found"
<stikonas>which I guess comes from reset_timestamp function
<stikonas>hmm, or maybe from "if tar --help | grep ' \-\-sort' >/dev/null 2>&1; then"
***Guest5602 is now known as roptat_
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***leah is now known as unoccupied
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