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***alMalsamo is now known as lumberjack123
<stikonas>oriansj: is fossy not added to mescc-tools-extra repository? I've tried to add fossy as reviewer for but somehow this doesn't work
<stikonas>fossy: now I'm getting the same guile checksum in chroot mode too, was something fixed?
<stikonas>I thought at some point earlier it was not reproducible
<fossy>stikonas: yes i pushed a fix
<fossy>it was that it needed to have the --build=i386-unknown-linux-musl
<fossy>but the diffoscope didn't make that very obvious
<stikonas>oh I see, yes, some packages need --build and/or --host options
<stikonas>fossy: anyway, your PR is almost ready now, just need to fix those missing checksuming issues
<stikonas>I pushed mescc-tools-extra update that might help with catching them
<stikonas>although, I still need to update it in stage0-posix
<stikonas>fossy: I've now pushed an update to stage0-posix
<fossy>stikonas: btw, i haven't seen line 196: /tmp/filelist.txt: error 02 in recent times
<stikonas>possibly fixed by your latest commits
<stikonas>it's not a big deal anyway, it was just a warning
<stikonas>and if it's still there and we spot it later we can fix it then
<stikonas>but checksums would be good to fix
<fossy>yep, adding that change now