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<oriansj>well I got to a hello world baseline:
<oriansj>next up, figuring out how to set up paging.
<oriansj>and the documentation in OSdev for VGA is wrong.
<oriansj>it isn't bbbbffffcccccccc; it is ccccccccbbbbffff (because little endian)
<Hagfish>that's really exciting
<Hagfish>does "hello world" mean actually seeing that text on the screen? using a font?
<Hagfish>"This is the x86's VGA textmode buffer. To display text, we write data to this memory location"
<Hagfish>oh, that makes sense
<Hagfish>while looking at VGA implementation details, i found this interesting project
<fossy>lol, stikonas[m], i didn't realise that changing SPDX checksums would change a file..
<fossy>uh, changing SPDX license
<fossy>all fixed...
<muurkha>feex! :)
<oriansj>Hagfish: well it does show it on the screen before the material after it causes it to scroll out of the buffer (just comment out the following lines if you want to see it)
<oriansj>mostly it was me proving to myself display is correct and scroll is correct
<oriansj>make run is all that it takes to build and run (assuming you have a cross-compiler setup)
<oriansj>I am curious if i should provide additional notes on setup for people who might not be familiar
<oriansj>that way anyone with the desire to learn and help can