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***robin_ is now known as robin
***ChanServ sets mode: +o oriansj
<oriansj>muurkha: well honestly if you are in a code-build-debug loop; the code will already be open in your emacs for editing. and the only point of the path data is to enable (c)gdb to show the source while you step through it in which case an immutable copy of the source is a better idea so you don't get weird interactions if you edit the code while debugging it in another window.
***bauen1_ is now known as bauen1
<muurkha>oriansj: you may be much smarter than I am and consequently never wasted 30 minutes editing the wrong copy of a file and recompiling it only to be astounded that the executable's behavior didn't change
<muurkha>but that is a thing that happens sometimes to, uh, a friend
<bauen1>posted in #osdev might be of interest: ticlk: a tiny linux compatible kernel
<muurkha>hmm, it's 126000 lines of C and C++
<muurkha>(and 1400 lines of assembly)
<muurkha>the author's definition of "tiny" may differ from mine
<bauen1>muurkha: well, compare it to the linux kernel
<muurkha>it's definitely smaller