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<oriansj>stikonas: no because the results would depend upon what M2libc and M2-Planet are used
<oriansj>in fact changes in those repos *SHOULD NOT* change the resulting binaries at the end; as they should solely be the product of the source code provided in the other submodules.
<stikonas>oh yes, I missed that...
<oriansj>and this way, integration with live-bootstrap is identical to the integration with stage0-posix itself
<oriansj>you can update or add/subtract architectures as you feel like supporting them or not
<oriansj>in fact, I am tempted to move the kaem scripts out entirely but that can just go on the back of my queue for a while.
<oriansj>but first I guess I need to learn about how to make a minimal C kernel and then hand compile to assembly.
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<muurkha>oriansj: solely the product of the source code and not the paths where things are installed?
<oriansj>muurkha: M2-Planet does not embed any PATH information. It only has file name information for error messages while compiling and that is it
<oriansj>So where things are that are used doesn't matter to the contents of the output
<oriansj>everything in stage0-posix can be relatively addressed; so if one just changes the /path/to/file in the kaem script, the resulting binary will be unchanged. but if a single functional byte is changed, the resulting binary *WILL* change
<oriansj>(whitespace and comment changes don't change output)
<muurkha>oriansj: we ran into a problem the other day where tcc did embed paths in its output
<oriansj>muurkha: The only piece in stage0-posix that actually has file info in its output is M2-Mesoplanet and that is only passing the filename to M2-Planet for correct error line numbers