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***roptat is now known as Guest2562
<clemens3>Hi, in the mes INSTALL docu, it says:
<clemens3>which seems to have been moved
<clemens3>this one seems to work
<clemens3>seems the project was not worthy of connection
<janneke>clemens3: thanks, that was a typo; nyacc has not applied for GNU status (yet)
<clemens3>and mes doesn't like my setup: GUILEC module/mescc/compile.scm
<clemens3>make: *** [GNUmakefile:95: build] Error 1
<clemens3>i guess guile version or latest gcc 11.2.0
***ChanServ sets mode: -o janneke
<clemens3>or can't find the installed nyacc maybe
<janneke>hmm works fine for me
<janneke>clemens3: yes, that could be; GUILE_LOAD[_COMPILED]_PATH must include nyacc
<clemens3>hmm, still doesn't work for me for git clone
<janneke>right, not for git clone
<clemens3>hmm, maybe you can put something into the mes INSTALL how to setup nyacc?
<clemens3>i just did a nyacc configure; make; make install
<clemens3>and set my PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH to /usr/local/bin aka lib for mescc-tools
<clemens3>and into the README to look at the INSTALL file:)
<stikonas>clemens3: yes, adding that info to INSTALL would be good, but you can check how to use mes in one of the bootstrapping places. Either in guix or live-bootstrap
<janneke>yeah, iwbn if configure complained about nyacc too
<clemens3>janneke: na, did not complain, just i did the most simplest installation without knowing how to guide guile to the installed files..
<clemens3>stikonas: yeah, no problem, not a serious mes hacker, just thought i'd give it a quick try and report back on the experience..
<stikonas>you can actually use mes instead of guile :)
<stikonas>although mes is certainly slower
<clemens3>so can i compile mes without guile?
<clemens3>actually that was the idea to have a simple scheme to get into
<janneke>yes, guile is only used for development
<stikonas>clemens3: mes itself only needs C compiler
<stikonas>mescc needs guile interpreter but mes can be used
<stikonas>so mes can be built with mescc and mescc can be built with mes
<stikonas>there is also some temporary mes form (mes-m2) that can still run mescc but can be built with M2-Planet (but only M2-Planet and not other C compilers)
<clemens3>re.. so how can i build mes then, something like "make withoutguile" or "./configure --disable-guile" ?
<stikonas>clemens3: you don't need to make anything
<stikonas>it's an interpreted language
<stikonas>you just run it
<stikonas>it's something like ${MES} -e main ${bindir}/mescc.scm
<stikonas>maybe make can be used to rebuild mes with mescc, I don't remember now
<stikonas>but in principle you can just build all files in libc and mes