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<stikonas>so flex maintainer refused to tag flex 2.5.11 when doras asked it
<bauen1>stikonas[m]: perhaps a few words on how we're aware that it's not supported, why we need it, what we plan to do with it, and pointing out that it's very little effort for him to tag the historic releases (in fact he's already done so for 2.5.39) could persuade him ?
<bauen1>stikonas[m]: most importantly it's not immediately obvious that we are aware that there is no support and don't expect any
<Hagfish>if we can just get through this decade without complex system collapse, the rest of the century could be relatively easy to survive
<muurkha>the end of the century is 78 years away
<muurkha>unless life expectancies start increasing dramatically again, only a tiny fraction of the people alive today will live that long, almost all of them children
<Hagfish>muurkha: sorry, you're right. by "we" i meant "humanity" (or, yeah, children born in 2030)
***civodul` is now known as civodul