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<plasma41>unmatched-paren: I would recommend you start your search here:
<plasma41>unmatched-paren: I had looked at bootstrapping fpc previously, but I got sidetracked by other things.
<unmatched-paren>plasma41: thanks :D
<unmatched-paren>plasma41: hm, i don't think it's going to work... even the oldest directory in there is still self-hosting
***ChanServ sets mode: +o rekado
<rekado>stikonas[m]: pretty sure that this GHC 4 isn’t usable. It doesn’t build most of the standard library.
<rekado>so I guess I’ll still have to try to combine its RTS with Hugs and interpret the compiler to compile itself.
<unmatched-paren>plasma41: and even if it was, the old versions only support really old architectures (i368, etc.)
<unmatched-paren>rekado: good luck :)
*unmatched-paren contemplates writing a pascal -> <some other language> converter...
<unmatched-paren>pascal seems a nimple enough language...
<unmatched-paren>phone keyboards :P
*unmatched-paren searches for 'pascal tutorial'
<ekaitz>I managed to compile GCC 4.6.4 using weird tricks and magic
<ekaitz>if I add `binutils` as a propagated input it fails
<ekaitz>that is going to be a lot of fun later probably
<ekaitz>i was able to generate an assembly file with it and even make an environment with binutils and generate an statically compiled ELF
<ekaitz>looks like enough for testing, but probably needs rework
<ekaitz>it's enough to apply RISC-V changes on top, though
<ekaitz>so that's what i'll do next
<stikonas>fossy: ping?
<stikonas>I was looking at your branch. Is openssl 1.1.1 used deliberately (cause openssl 3 does not work)?
<alMalsamo>Hey does anyone here run Coreboot? I wanted to flash it to my NOR Flash chip but I am undecided on what payload to use. I must have a boot menu where I can choose between multiple internal SSDs, USB flash drive, optical drive (and maybe LAN boot but not as important). Also I want to be able to encrypte my entire / filesystem including /boot so this maybe means I need dm-crypt support in my
<stikonas>alMalsamo: not sure, maybe oriansj has coreboot...
<bauen1>alMalsamo: i had coreboot flashed to an old macbook some time ago, iirc i used a "grub payload"
<stikonas>alMalsamo: well, grub supports encrypted /boot, so you can use it
<stikonas>first stage of grub is obviously not encrypted but it can decrypt the next stage (grub modules, config, etc...)
<unmatched-paren>i've found a pascal to go transpiler... i hope it'll be adequate for bootstrapping pascal...
<stikonas>that's worth trying
<unmatched-paren>it says `compiles a *subset* of turbo pascal` (emphasis mine), which makes me slightly worried
<unmatched-paren>i'll try converting old nim with it
<stikonas>or try to get pascal compiler working first...
<unmatched-paren>...yeah, on second thought that's probably smarter
<stikonas>and you might get more benefit from that: pascal bootstrap path
<unmatched-paren>yes, although nobody writes anything in pascal anymore :)
<unmatched-paren>(the nim compiler doesn't count as `anymore`; the pascal version was written in 2008-2010...)
<unmatched-paren>problem: old versions of fpc only work on i386
<unmatched-paren>(well, either i386 or a variety of other legacy architectures...)
<unmatched-paren>i think it might be a better plan to try getting gpc packaged, but even rekado couldn't get it working...
<unmatched-paren>unless we use a really, really old gcc
<unmatched-paren>rekado: which gcc did you try to get gpc working with?
<unmatched-paren>i think i might be able to start a domino chain with pas2go; at least it _works_, unlike p2c
<unmatched-paren>i could fork pas2go and add support for any missing features needed to compile the latest x86_64 fpc, i guess
<unmatched-paren>but i don't know go :)
<stikonas>well, bootstrapping on one arch is still better than nothing
<stikonas>or you can learn go, it's fairly simple language
<rekado>unmatched-paren: I tried to use something old from the same period as the last GPC release.
<stikonas>oriansj: I've pushed stage0-posix update to use M2-Mesoplanet on mescc-tools-extra
<stikonas>seems to work now which confuses me a bit
<stikonas>even riscv32 works
<stikonas>oh, maybe it does crash occasionally
<stikonas>strange, before pushing I ran test-riscv32 4 times and it always succeeded. Now after pushing I started getting errors...
<stikonas>fossy: regarding QEMU mode in your branch, it might actually be not too bad. I've got an error when trying to kexec line 39: kexec: command not found
<stikonas>but I think that means we have enough RAM