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<stikonas[m]>well, risc-v manual is maybe 130 pages long but you mostly need a couple of pages
<bauen1>stikonas[m]: for doing a (probably correct) implementation of rv32i you only need <35 pages, probably less than <30
<bauen1>stikonas[m]: you probably need that much to even have a list of all opcodes for i386 and all the possible encodings used ...
<stikonas>bauen1: well, I mostly used table of opcodes
<stikonas>but yes, x86 has significantly more opcodes
<oriansj>bauen1: well we only use 84 x86 encodings (not counting immediates) for M2-Planet, M2libc, mescc-tools, mescc-tools-extra and Mes.c
<oriansj>so even though x86 migh have considerably more opcodes than RISC-V; I highly doubt one needs most of them to actually bootstrap everything.
<oriansj>plasma41: I greatly look forward to seeing your results.
<plasma41>oriansj: :-D
<plasma41>oriansj: What is the oldest x86 family processor that the hex0_monitor is supposed to support?
<oriansj>stikonas: looking at line 61 gives a pretty solid reason for why it failed:
<oriansj>plasma41: ideally? or what would be good enough?
<stikonas>oriansj: oh I might be on older kaem
<stikonas>didn't see this
<stikonas>LOAD_EFFECTIVE_ADDRESS_rdi looks like amd64
<oriansj>stikonas: indeed
<oriansj>so the question becomes how did it get there
<stikonas>./M2libc/riscv32/libc-full.M1 and defs file seem clean
<stikonas>so maybe M2-Planet
<stikonas>or libc definitions
<stikonas>maybe some copy-paste error somewhere
<stikonas>oriansj: it's including M2libc/amd64/linux/unistd.c
<stikonas>I think it comes from there
<stikonas>the question is why ifdefs didn't work
<plasma41>oriansj: As in what is the oldest processor that has supports all the machine opcodes we want to limit ourselves to? Currently there are a few opcodes in the commented hex that weren't introduced until the 80186. I've modified the assembly in a few places so that the generated machine code will be limited to what is available on the 8086.
<plasma41>s/has supports/supports/
<stikonas>plasma41: I think it's mostly because more opcodes aren't really necessary for bootstrap
<stikonas>even in riscv ISA I have not used all opcodes
<oriansj>plasma41: well EAX and that group only were added with i386 but the hex0_monitor should be able to run on an 8088
<stikonas>oriansj: strange in -E mode I don't see any amd64 stuff
<plasma41>oriansj: Basically was it a design goal for the hex0_monitor that it be able to run on an 8086? If so, a few 80186 opcodes snuck in.
<plasma41>oriansj: ah, ok
<stikonas>oriansj: and in fact manual invocation of M2-Mesoplanet builds it successfully
<oriansj>plasma41: actually the original design goal for the hex0_monitor was just: could I do something that could self-host in 510bytes and run on operating systems and bare metal. So one could say my goals have grown more ambitious with our collectiv sucess.
<stikonas>oh, actually my chmod error on riscv32 happens later than in orisnsj's paste
<stikonas>M1 runs fine for me, it's hex2 that crashes
<stikonas>I have the following
<stikonas>yet running "../riscv32/bin/hex2 --file ../M2libc/riscv32/ELF-riscv32-debug.hex2 --file /tmp/M1-macro-000019 --output ../riscv32/bin/chmod --architecture riscv32 --base-address 0x600000 --little-endian" works just fine
<oriansj>stikonas: can you share the /tmp/M1-macro-000019 please
<stikonas>oriansj: one moment, rerunning
<oriansj>and tonight I'm gonna fuzz hex2 with --architecture riscv32 to see if I can find anything else that might cause a segfault
<stikonas>oriansj: actually, it doesn't crash
<stikonas>it's kaem misreporting it as crashed
<stikonas>so maybe the problem is in M2libc
<stikonas>I've just checked, the file in riscv32/bin/chmod seems functional
<stikonas>migth be bug in this function
<oriansj>very possible
<oriansj>as it is unique to riscv32
<oriansj>(all other architectures have either wait or wait4)
<stikonas>ok, something to look at tomorrow... Unless you find the bug while I sleep
<oriansj>stikonas: well I found a bug in the behavior of --architecture, so I'll be fixing that tonight
<stikonas>well, it's nicer to have --architecture in M2-Planet rather than env variable
<oriansj>and I'll be fuzzing hex2 just in case
<stikonas>no, it's definitely not hex2
<stikonas>I can't reproduce it in any of the manual runs
<stikonas>so must be something to do with kaem
<stikonas>actually, I can try to run just 1 command in kaem and see
<stikonas>hmm, just running hex2 in kaem worked..
<stikonas>and also running M2-Planet in kaem worked...
<stikonas>anyway, that's it for today
<oriansj>stikonas: I'm probably totally wrong but wouldn't the correct form be:
<oriansj>now the order of --architecture --debug-mode --max-string and -I no longer matter; they will be processed first before the setup of environments and thus will always be respected
<oriansj>patches are up
<oriansj>(for M2-Mesoplanet)
<plasma41>EBFE, the shortest self-hosting x86 machine code program! :-P
<oriansj>plasma41: well that isn't self-hosting, so much as self-calling. as one needs to read input and write output to be considered a hosting language. and self-hosting just simply requires just enough functionality to enable it to make the act of a human developer using that language to be able to implement the functionality of that language in terms of that language.
<oriansj>hence why support for comments of some kind (be it line and/or block) seem to be some sort of universal requirement for actual self-hosting languages.
<ekaitz>janneke: gcc-4.6.4 is kicking my ass at the moment, do you have any recipe for old versions of GCC that I can use as a reference? Looks like the one that comes with guix (4.7) uses newer environment variables that were not available in 4.6.
<stikonas>ekaitz: are you having trouble building it?
<ekaitz>yeah some
<ekaitz>i'm on guix
<ekaitz>that explains part of the problem
<ekaitz>most of the thing is related with search paths
<ekaitz>I had to patch a couple of configuration files but this is supposed to just compile by its own
<stikonas>hmm, I haven't tried 4.6 but both 4.0.4 and 4.7.4 were at least not sensitive to installation prefix
<stikonas>ekaitz: have you set LIBGCC2_INCLUDES?
<stikonas>that might help
<ekaitz>now the problem I have is it doesn't find /lib/cpp
<ekaitz>what I don't understand is why is it searching for it there
<ekaitz>this step was supposed to be the easy one... lol
<stikonas>well, it tooks me some time to build it in live-bootstrap too
<ekaitz>is there any script for building 4.0.4?
<ekaitz>I'd like to take a look into it
<ekaitz>it's not very different to what I'm doing
<stikonas>4.7.4 is actually pretty similar too
<stikonas>just need to point build to those new dependencies (gmp, mpc, etc...)
<ekaitz>but you are compiling folder by folder
<ekaitz>I tried to compile the whole thing
<ekaitz>maybe that's my issue
<stikonas>we were forced into compiling folder by folder by pre-generated files
<stikonas>there is no way to build top-level
<ekaitz>and what's the problem you get?
<stikonas>it's machine generated, it's not a source file
<ekaitz>yeah that's what I'm having issues with
<stikonas>and it's generated with autogen
<ekaitz>it has some hardcoded paths that are kicking my ass
<stikonas>which has huge self-dependencies
<ekaitz>oh I see
<stikonas>everybody who had a look at it quickly gave up
<ekaitz>I'll try your way then, I was more stubborn and tried to patch it a little :D
<ekaitz>it more or less worked
<stikonas>that top-level thing is kind of optional...
<stikonas>subdir configure files seem to work well enough
<ekaitz>i tried to execute it but it was complaining about some things... i'll give it another try
<stikonas>you could always build live-bootstrap chroot :D for compiling gcc
<stikonas>although, that wouldn't help you once you build natively on risc-v
<ekaitz>i just need this building normally to be able to backport it
<ekaitz>but even compiling it is shooting myself in the foot
<ekaitz>i'll try your method later but it looks reasonable... will see...
<janneke>ekaitz: aren't you building gcc-4.6 using guix?
<ekaitz>janneke: yes but i'm having problems with it
<ekaitz>janneke: do you build 4.0 with guix too? do you have any guix package definition for it?
<janneke>this is an old branch, very much wip
<janneke>maybe you can use some trick from the package description
<ekaitz>thanks i'll take a look to it!
<janneke>i notice it has a patch too
***ChanServ sets mode: -o janneke
<plasma41>oriansj: Yes, I did use the wrong term; you are right. I was just being silly. Though it is rather amusing that all it takes to write a program that creates an infinite loop and eats up all your CPU cycles is just sixteen bits.
<plasma41>Or the fact that it only takes nine keystrokes as a root user to tell a Unix system to self-destruct. (Unless the system behavior was changed like it was in Solaris, see <> starting at 1:20:58)
<oriansj>plasma41: if you are referring to :(){ :|:& };: setting /etc/security/limits.conf to have soft nproc 100 and hard nproc 300 and fork bombs don't work anymore
<oriansj>but if you mean rm -rf / well fortunately that is fixed and you need --no-preserve-root these days
<oriansj>but dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda will continue to work
<plasma41>oriansj: Yes, "rm -rf /" plus the final carriage return. While requiring '--no-preserve-root' is better than not doing so, I think the way the Solaris folks solved the problem is more elegant.
<stikonas>plasma41: why is it surprising to have infinite loop in so few bits?
<plasma41>stikonas: Not surprising, just amusing.
<stikonas>isn't it just putting jump instruction to current address
<oriansj>you can have a segfault in just 24bits
<oriansj>:label push eax; jump !label
<stikonas>or jal zero, 0 on risc-v
<Hagfish>that makes me think of a question like "what is the smallest dangerous number?" (obviously open for debate)
<Hagfish>i guess arguably zero is dangerous as a divisor
<oriansj>Hagfish: 0xFE shutdowns the entire computer
<oriansj>or 0x9D and 0xDD on the Motorola 6800; which causes the system to halt and catch fire
<plasma41>F0 0F C7 C8
<oriansj>or the sandsifter x86 HCF bug
<plasma41>oriansj: I rewatched the original sandsifter conference talk just this week actually. It's a classic.
<oriansj>plasma41: well it certainly proves the point from NASA that no IC with more than 16 pins ever actually matches the spec exactly.
<plasma41>oriansj: I hadn't heard that quote, but I like it!