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***Guest4659 is now known as roptat
<clemens3>stikonas: hi, i reverted my gentoo isntallation back to minimum, wanting to do the bootstrap again, this time including rust..
<stikonas>clemens3: ok. Well, I fixed icedtea:8 ebuild, it should work now
<clemens3>so after layman -a gentoo-bootstrap, how do I get the rust baby going?
<clemens3>i saw, some more updates in the log
<stikonas>but you can do openjdk bootstrap without rust
<clemens3>yeah, which to focus first.. i was thinking of rust in order to build firefox.. but i do not really need it, true
<clemens3>do i need rust for X in some way?
<stikonas>clemens3: for rust you have to do each rust version on it's own, start with dev-lang/rust:stable/1.39
<clemens3>via logind, shouldnt be
<stikonas>well, librsvg
<clemens3>so: emerge dev-lang/rust:stable/1.39
<stikonas>but there is still older version
<stikonas>clemens3: yes
<stikonas>clemens3: let me know if it works, I haven't tested it in a while
<clemens3>hmm, doing the whole thing, so start with rust, build x for better scroll back, then java
<stikonas>and as we saw, sometimes new versions of GCC break things
<clemens3>likely i won't have enough disk in the vm.. but maybe i get to 1.41 or so
<stikonas>oh yes, the first ebuild needs maybe 60 GB
<stikonas>mostly due to debug symbols that mrustc enables
<stikonas>maybe that will change in future versions of mrustc
<stikonas>but right now it uses 'gcc -g' unconditionally
<clemens3>hmm, maybe i need to do another disk first..
<clemens3>yeah, final 1.56 is also lots of gb on disk
<stikonas>so the small difference between openjdk and rust is that all rust versions are in the same slot, they are not coinstallable
<clemens3>ok, i create a bigger disk in vm and try with your command line.. get back later
<stikonas>hence you have to install the first and tell portage to upgrade one step at a time
<clemens3>hmm, maybe i first try java again
<clemens3>what is that command line now: emerge dev-java/icedtea:8
<clemens3>or should i do in smaller steps, like jamvm first etc.
<stikonas>clemens3: almost, it's in readme
<stikonas>oh, readme needs updating
<clemens3>yeah, you can use me as tester
<stikonas>emerge dev-java/icedtea:8 will work if it tries to build the one from my overlay
<clemens3>well, you tell me the best appraoch
<stikonas>oh, actually I think it will
<stikonas>I think that's fine
<clemens3>ok, i try now
<stikonas>my icedtea:8 is marked stable
<stikonas>and the one from the tree is not
<clemens3>it's doing.. so java first, later rust..
<clemens3>installing 113 packages.. will take a bit
<stikonas>well, you might need to get older librsvg
<stikonas>oh, check if rust is not included there
<clemens3>for java?
<stikonas>might depend on use flags
<clemens3>so java pulls in rustc, yes
<stikonas>you might be fine if gtk is disabled
<clemens3>ok, we will see, no problem now
<clemens3>yeah, last time it was enabled, right now is disabled
<stikonas>or alternatively unmask gnome-base/librsvg-2.40.21
<clemens3>hmm, already running, we will see
<clemens3>ah, stopped
<clemens3>hmm, isn't it included now?
<clemens3>maybe i unmasked something in the past
<stikonas>oh yes, that's temporary
<clemens3>problem is, i am in a small qemu window in tty
<stikonas>fastjar is now masked in the tree
<stikonas>will be removed in 30 days
<stikonas>I added it to my overlay
<clemens3>can't scroll all the way back, need next time tee into log
<stikonas>but it's still masked due to mask in the tree
<clemens3>i think i need to mask it back in
<clemens3>problem is with fastjar, how do i know it tries to take the one from the overlay and not the old masked/unmasked onw?
<stikonas>clemens3: doesn't matter which one
<stikonas>they are identical
<stikonas>it's just that the one from the main tree will be removed
<clemens3>hmm, will put log output online, fails with fastjar somehow
<clemens3>will copy the build.log also
<clemens3>build.log has same information, so the traversal patch failed
<stikonas>clemens3: oh, I need to add patch from the tree...
<clemens3>but guess that is not your patch, ,hmm
<stikonas>didn't copy all required files
<clemens3>ok, super
<stikonas>clemens3: try pulling
<clemens3>re, ok
<clemens3>compiling, thanks..
<stikonas>so fastjar was removed from the tree 2 days ago
<clemens3>heh, good timing
<stikonas>that's why it broke now
<stikonas>it started actually using ebuild from my overlay
<stikonas>so I think unmasking shouldn't be necessary anymore
***roptat_ is now known as Guest7387
***theruran_ is now known as theruran
***sam__ is now known as sam_
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***Guest7387 is now known as roptat
*** sets mode: +o janneke
<gbrlwck>do we have a list of features lacking from cc_* (compared to a standardized C)?