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<stikonas[m]>Yeah, that looks suspicious
<stikonas>doras: yes, that line wouldn't do anything without grep, so I guess we can remove it or move it later
<stikonas>(after grep is built)
<stikonas>but it's not surprising that it does not fail
<stikonas>failures don't propagate via pipes
<Hagfish>if it looks sus, maybe it travelled via pipes by venting ;)
<siraben>stop the compiler posing as an impostor
<fossy>I am back
<fossy>I was having hardware problems so I have not been on IRC for a few days (ssh keys to irc box on that machine)
<fossy>doras: configure script creates test programs in same directory configure is run from
<fossy>did you get that fixed?
<fossy>i am glad to see progress being made on buildstream
***jackhill is now known as KM4MBG
***KM4MBG is now known as jackhill
<gbrlwck>i cannot find the link to that mailing list archive post where someone claims to have found and removed Thompson's malicious code insertion into the c compiler -- or was i dreaming? i'm at least 70% sure i've seen that somewhere (and, like 50% sure it was here)
<gbrlwck>soooo... anyone have that at hand? is it in oriansj 's talk-notes?
<bauen1>gbrlwck: supposedly it was never distributed
<bauen1>gbrlwck: might be some useful pieces of information in there
<bauen1>regardless it would be very interesting to see an actual implementation of this attack (iirc there was one floating around here somewhere either for go or rust)
<gbrlwck>it would indeed be!
<bauen1> could also be interesting