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<oriansj>mala: not directly but it is a valid root seed for bootstrapping
<oriansj>So if someone put in the effort to use it to build a chain to GCC or MesCC or even hex0; it would be fair game.
<oriansj>Basically if someone used it to implement hex0 and used it to check a hex0 root seed, it would be *very* bootstrap related.
<gbrlwck>not sure who is on bug-mes mailing list, so i'll cross post my most recent email here:
<gbrlwck>maybe fossy or stikonas have stumbled over the same issue (weird stuff happening when invoking mescc with -- options) ?
<stikonas>gbrlwck: you might need to specify architecture flag...
<gbrlwck>i do --arch=riscv64
<gbrlwck>and it doesn't improve if i also set ARCH=riscv64
<stikonas>hmm, yeah, --arch=riscv64 sounds good
<stikonas>not sure what's going on there...
<stikonas>I can try it later if you push your code somewhere
<gbrlwck> this includes my most current work (though nothing is supposed to actually work yet)
<stikonas>I'll try to test, just not right now
<gbrlwck>no problem :) maybe i'll get some useful indicators through the mailing list