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<gbrlwck>soooo... on RISCV i hit a "Checksum mismatch" exception (i guess relatively early). weird thing: the checksums displayed do not match, but the actually downloaded file's sha256sum does match the one in the SHA256SUMS.sources file... is python's sha256sum different from the other implementations?
<fossy>gbrlwck: on live bootstrap?
<fossy>live bootstrap dosent support riscv yet
<fossy>oh, should work as a goer if you dont use kvm
<gbrlwck>i know, i changed the arch test to `if args.arch not in ("x86", "riscv64")` and just gave it a go
<fossy>yeah, none of rhe code has any support for it
<fossy>as a riscv guesr
<fossy>but can you try nuking sources/?
<gbrlwck>what does "nuking sources" mean?
<gbrlwck>i disabled the checksum test for now
<gbrlwck>i thought since compilation works up to mes-m2 i gave it a go :)
<stikonas>gbrlwck: might be something changed in upstream tarballs
<stikonas>I think we had this before
<stikonas>gbrlwck: which file git that error?
<stikonas>and python's sha256 checksum should be the same
<stikonas>although there was a bug earlier where python's downloader was not downloading whole file
<gbrlwck>it was for coreutils-8.32.tar.gz
<stikonas>this was fixed but got accidentally reverted at some point when fossy was doing rebase but then fixed again
<stikonas>ok, let me try deleting that file
<gbrlwck>but as i said, the checksum of the file correstponded to the entry in the checksums-file
<stikonas>hmm, seems to work fine here
<stikonas>6f7cfc0ac6717afb6ba1f41b0da43a713ba0dd97dec1227e32effc12d79f08c1 ?
<gbrlwck>i could actually build stage0 (and the extras); but i've disabled the tests
<gbrlwck>that's the checksum i have
<gbrlwck>but python said: Exception: Checksum mismatch:
<gbrlwck>expected: 12cfa21abf618a274017d6b18e95fc6582519d7c08e2403e5c5772ccdd5b85f4
<gbrlwck>actual: e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855
<stikonas>that's not even the same checksum I have
<gbrlwck>(i adjusted the output to see what did not match)
<stikonas>hmm, 12cfa21abf618a274017d6b18e95fc6582519d7c08e2403e5c5772ccdd5b85f4 gnulib-d279bc.tar.gz
<stikonas>so that's probably not coreutils
<stikonas>but gnulib in coreutils
<stikonas>still, I have no issues here on amd64
<gbrlwck>so it somehow messed up to match checksum-lines with the corresponding files
<stikonas>hmm, just tried with emptyh sources directory, no problems here
<gbrlwck>i guess you're trying x86? this worked for me too
<gbrlwck>ok, it is not about coreutils-8.32 after all
<gbrlwck>gnulib-d279bc.tar.gz's entry doesn't match
<gbrlwck>re-downloaded, now it seems to work :)
<stikonas[m]>OK, maybe it was bad download...
<fossy>misleading error message maybe... will rake a look
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<rekado_>stikonas: wow, I really don’t remember 25933! That’s when we had GCJ.
<stikonas>yes, I saw... But that was my motivation of trying to build icedtea-7 directly
<stikonas>if gcj could build it, I thought we should be able to do it with jamvm too
<stikonas>as long as we get a slightly newer compiler
<rekado_>good thinking
<gbrlwck>fossy: not sure if that's necessary -- i was mislead by Python's stacktrace (which showed the "wrong" package followed by an ellipsis to indicate an array; i thought it was the package in question)
<gbrlwck>i improved the error message nevertheless:
<gbrlwck>but i guess i'll improve some more while trying to get riscv64 to work
<stikonas_>gbrlwck: can you use f-strings?
***stikonas_ is now known as stikonas
<stikonas>they are a bit nicer than .format()
<stikonas>it's something like f"Expected checksum is {expected}" rather than "Expected checksum is {}".format(expected)
<gbrlwck>sure thing
<stikonas>it's not a bit deal but let's be consistent
<gbrlwck>so, live-bootstrap downloads mes twice: once to bootstrap mes with m2 (mes-m2) and then mes-0.23. this is for self-hosting mes? which are there major differences between the two?
<gbrlwck>or is mes-0.23 only to serve mescc?
<stikonas>gbrlwck: one is mes-m2 cause that's the only thing we can build with M2-Planet
<stikonas>we don't build self-hosting mes at all
<stikonas>we just build tcc directly there
<stikonas>although one could build self-hosting mes if we wanted (we actually did that before but it's a bit slow than building tcc directly)
<stikonas>gbrlwck: the other mes is just latest mes release
<stikonas>it's used for mes C library
<stikonas>we want the latest C library there when we build tcc
<gbrlwck>i see
<stikonas>it has some bugfixes...
<stikonas>although, if I remember correctly, there are a few more bugfixes in unreleased master branch
<stikonas>but we just add them as patches
<stikonas>anyway, hopefully one day we can just build mes directly
<gbrlwck>sooo, if i pull upstream mes-0.23 (or master branch) and merge it into my riscv64 branch i wouldn't need the both? i'll give it a try
<stikonas>gbrlwck: you won't be able to easily merge upstream mes into mes-m2
<stikonas>and right now m2-planet can't compile it
<gbrlwck>i only need the mescc part (if i understood you correctly)
<stikonas>oh maybe
<stikonas>so basically right now we build M2-Planet -> mes-m2->tcc -> meslibc from mes
<stikonas>so if you do M2-Planet -> mes-m2->tcc -> your patched mes libc then that should work
<stikonas>but even mes libc has been somewhat simplified in mes-m2 (although not too much), so you might have to deal with merge conflicts
<stikonas>if your work is based on mes-m2
<stikonas>but in any case, that's something that you'll have to do if you want to submit riscv changes upstream
<stikonas>there are still quite a few features that M2-Planet does not support and upstream mes uses
<stikonas>postfix/prefix increments/decrements, local structs (and accessing their members with dot operator), type casts and possibly more stuff
<stikonas>maybe some of them we can avoid doing (e.g. type casts) and instead patch mes
<stikonas>hopefully that will be upstreamable unlike mes-m2
<stikonas>oh there is also pointer arithmetic, but we can probably #typedef it in mes too
<oriansj>well M2-Planet was an assembly prototype growing features over time; So it isn't expected to be a full C standards compiler but rather just enough C to make bootstrapping possible.
<stikonas>well, that's understandable. I'm just saying it would be nice if we eventually converge in what M2-Planet supports and what upstream mes needs (could be both by improving M2-Planet and simplifying mes)