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<muurkha>worth reading:
***ChanServ sets mode: +o rekado
<rekado>woah, this channel looks very different from the last time I checked in
<rekado>stikonas: I finally have enough time to simplify the Java bootstrap in Guix. I built ecj 4 and got 21 minutes into the build of icedtea 2 (skipping icedtea 1 entirely), but rmic fails to build sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.remote.RemoteDebuggerServer
<rekado>it fails with “java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: MALFORMED” in
<rekado>does this sound familiar?
<stikonas>rekado: hmm, I don't think I saw something like this. And I've been looking at openjdk bootstrap recently
<rekado>I haven’t really looked much into this. Maybe I’m just doing something silly without noticing it.
<stikonas>(since I had to update my Gentoo ebuilds to GCC 10)
<rekado>okay, guess I’ll just have to debug then :)
<rekado>(I don’t even know what rmic does and I haven’t felt motivated to look it up)
<stikonas>neither do I...
<stikonas>looks like it is rmi compiler, but that still does not tell me anything useful
<stikonas>probably because I don't know that much java
<rekado>the code tells me that the error is merely a decoding error
<rekado>javac (the wrapped ecj 4) works just fine; enough to build the whole bootstrap JDK
<rekado>so perhaps it’s some inane locale / encoding problem on an input file.
<stikonas>perhaps some patch that I'm applying workarounds that...
<stikonas>without me realizing that
<rekado>could also be that the Guix build environment is just a tad too strict
<rekado>but it’s good to know that you didn’t encounter this
<rekado>good sanity check
<stikonas>I did encounter some issues with hotspot checksums
<stikonas>but found a workaround
<rekado>yeah, I saw your patches
<rekado>(I’m still bad at reading ebuilds, but I’m getting better :))
<stikonas>basically I had this issue too
<stikonas>but workaround form Guix did not work
<stikonas>so I had to disable that check completely
<stikonas>maybe even newer GCC will break things in Guix too...
<stikonas>but things don't break that much in Guix due to ability to use older versions of some tools
<rekado>stikonas: we’re building with GCC 10
<stikonas>yeah, I saw that
<stikonas>I haven't tried 10, only GCC 11
<stikonas>so if that error comes back later in Guix
<stikonas>the way to solve it is to completely disable checksum
<stikonas> ( I had to remove exit(1))
<rekado>I see
<stikonas>rekado: btw, do you have your wip changes pushed somewhere?
<stikonas>in case I find some time to try to reproduce it
<stikonas>(although not today...)
<gbrlwck>muurkha: thanks for acknowledging wrongdoing. your excuses seem flawed, though. you say you're sorry about feeding the discussion off-topic, only minutes after elaborating again (!) on what you seem to believe /how i think/. this is incredibly weird and does not make me feel invited to express myself.
<gbrlwck>i doubt there is actual interest in how to categorize my Weltanschauung -- so why is this even an issue? i thought we're here to solve the bootstrapping problem and bootstrappability issues.
<gbrlwck>i usually enjoy discussing politics or philosophy. i feel like you've been ignoring what i say (about my own positions and /how i think/). you could have asked, nicely, you could have commented in a respectful manner, but all this? this made the usual joy vanish rather quickly.
<gbrlwck>i suggest we all (re-)read the GNU Kind Communication Guidelines. it's a really good read -- and i hope this clarifies further what went wrong here and how we will be able to interact in a peaceful manner in the future
<rekado>if I may suggest something: long discussions of Marxism, capitalism, etc are off-topic for this channel.
<rekado>also: harassing people here is not acceptable
<rekado>I’m not pointing fingers at anyone
<rekado>in part because my webcam is disabled.
<rekado>but really: let’s please keep this channel focused on bootstrapping. Not bootstrapping society but programs.
<muurkha>rekado: I agree
<muurkha>it is possible for people with very different points of view to collaborate productively
<muurkha>we don't have to resolve our differing viewpoints on the nature of truth in order to write software
<rekado>stikonas: I haven’t pushed any WIP yet, but I’ll do that soon after cleaning up my work some more.
<muurkha>I do think that productive collaboration requires that people engage in discussion in a productive way, though, even if that isn't their thing
<stikonas>I wasn't participating in the previous discussion, but it seems to me that everybody would benefit if we try to keep discussions slightly more on-topic.
<stikonas>i.e. try to discuss things that are more common to everybody here
<stikonas>oh and I see rekado already mentioned that
<muurkha>and, in particular in scientific and engineering work, that they at least pretend that there is a difference between telling the truth and telling lies that goes beyond whether what they say is generally believed ("established between people, within communities")
<muurkha>I mean it's okay if you believe that truth doesn't exist outside a social context, or that heretics who reject Christ should be killed, as long as you don't act on that belief
<muurkha>at least within the project!
<muurkha>for example, if I say "tinycc compiled with this new version of mescc is dumping core on risc-v," I could of course be wrong about it, or describing an incomplete picture (is my kernel buggy? perhaps my RAM?) but I want to be engaging in productive discussion about the things that objectively happen in the real world in order to understand *the* truth about what's happening, an endeavor which in
<muurkha>my view presupposes that *the* truth exists
<rekado>let’s please not continue this meta discussion here.
<rekado>thank you
<muurkha>if anyone is interested in reading about it further, I think does a good job of presenting all sides of the issue