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<Hagfish>"without a TOML parser in stdlib (and there’s no progress in providing one), this means that every single build system now depends on tomli, and involves a circular dependency."
<oriansj>Hagfish: sounds like just another hurdle to break down, one which should be easier than previous ones we had to address.
<oriansj>river: well the limits of growth for a civilization are bounded by readily available energy and the ability to make new sources of energy readily available.
<oriansj>The biggest limit on our ability to make new sources of energy readily available, is the amount and quality of minds we can afford to feed.
<oriansj>assuming the preservation of some core knowledge, we have 97% pure uranium stockpiles that are currently illegal to use. (it is called nuclear waste but that is what it is)
<oriansj>which would be more than sufficient to power a proper bootstrap for civilization, provided a group has the handful of knowledge required and enough people to do the required work.
<Hagfish>i'm hopeful that places like Australia will soon be able to power all their heavy industry with renewables (even if it means using excess energy to create synthetic hydrocarbon fuels)
<oriansj>well synthetic hydrocarbon fuels are carbon neutral
<oriansj>and M2-Planet now supports #FILENAME $name $linenumber
<oriansj>so one can do // #FILENAME foo.c 0 and every line after it will be given the filename foo.c with a corresponding line number to enable accurate debugging from M2-Mesoplanet outputs (once I add matching support there)
<oriansj>but first I need to make M2libc more C standard
<Hagfish>sounds good
<muurkha>Hagfish: I think it was probably about half the global population at the time, because the area around the Mediterranean was probably much more densely populated than less developed areas. and I think farmers did feel it quite acutely, because the palace economies that collapsed not only were their protection against random raiding, but also ran the granaries
<muurkha>so afterwards they would go hungry in lean years and their children would die
<muurkha>admittedly, the historical record during the Dark Age is relatively thin!
<Hagfish>that's some helpful context, thank you!
<muurkha>so I could be wrong
<muurkha>we don't have records from the farmers
<oriansj>muurkha: one thing I have noticed in libcs ( is they don't actually provide any actual functions nor #include them. seeming to have that sorted out by the linker rather than importing the C code for the library functions at compile time to allow for more compile time optimizations
<muurkha>yeah, I think usually when that stuff gets optimized it's special cases hardwired into the compiler
<oriansj>however since M2-Planet is dumb and M2-Mesoplanet doesn't currently output M1 files for linkage, I might probably have to do a #ifdef __M2__ #include <math.c> #endif sort of hack
<muurkha>yes, that is a thing you can definitely do. linkers are an optimization
<stikonas>oriansj: nice progress regarding #FILENAME
<stikonas>well, that's first step to getting includes working