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<stikonas>oriansj: I am now able to build M2-Mesoplanet with M2-Planet but something is a bit broken in M2-Mesoplanet and it does not self-host
<stikonas>./bin/M2-Mesoplanet -f ./M2libc/sys/types.h -f ./M2libc/stddef.h -f ./M2libc/$ARCH/Linux/unistd.h -f ./M2libc/$ARCH/Linux/fcntl.h -f M2libc/stdlib.c -f ./M2libc/stdio.c -f ./M2libc/bootstrappable.c -f M2libc/bootstrappable.c -f M2libc/string.c -f cc.h -f cc_globals.c -f cc_reader.c -f cc_core.c -f cc_macro.c -f cc_env.c -f cc_spawn.c -f cc.c -o M2-Mesoplanet
<stikonas>possibly #includes are badly tokenized
<gbrlwck>fyi: civodul did a talk at PackagingCon and mentions bootstrappable builds in regard to Guix (bootstrappable topic is around 5'20")
<stikonas>yes, and also oriansj's lightning talk is also available there
***sm2n_ is now known as sm2n
<oriansj>stikonas: or possibly I broke #include trying to get a rough flag for if stdio.h was listed
<oriansj>gbrlwck: thanks for letting me know they finally uploaded it
<gbrlwck>you're welcome, but that was actually stikonas ;) i was not yet able to locate it! could someone share the link?
<oriansj>I'm at 8:52
<oriansj>to 10:48
<oriansj>pity civodul mistook the .5MB Mes.c root with the few hundred byte stage0 root
<oriansj>but I guess it could be considered the proper start of Guix once it is able to run Guix.
<gbrlwck>oriansj: omg you talked fast there! but honestly: good talk for the little time you had!
<gbrlwck>so i watched a couple of talks yesterday (including jannekes talks form the previous years) and i wonder: is one of our goals to raise awareness in regard to computing security in general?
<Hagfish>my hope is that the reproducible builds people see the importance of this work (as they are somewhat dependent on it)
<Hagfish>and similarly we can point people to the clear benefits of reproducible builds
<Hagfish>i suppose the third leg to this stool is source auditing / developer reputation
<Hagfish>(and i'm assuming that "bootstrapping" includes auditable hardware too, but maybe that's a strand that needs to grow more)
<stikonas[m]>yeah, auditable hardware might also be included in bootstrapping
<gbrlwck>riv: hello
<gbrlwck>stikonas: you mean verifiable designs or tamper-free devices?
<stikonas>I didn't mean anything in particular...
<stikonas>so it's up to you...
<stikonas>well, one option is FPGA designs which is somewhat like stage0-posix vs stage0 in software bootstrapping
<riv>what about ben eater's computer
<riv>he sells a breadboard computer kit
<riv>so that's something that's relatively easy for people to replicate
<riv>,maybe it will need more ram though
<stikonas>riv: yeah, that might be good for some early stages of stage0
<stikonas>how much ram does it have?
<stikonas>probably enough for hex0 to hex2
<stikonas>although, it's not one of the supported arches in stage0 yet
<stikonas[m]>Hmm, Ben eater's computer has only 64 bits of ram...
<stikonas[m]>That's probably insufficient
<oriansj>well 64bits is enough scratch memory for hex0 but the hex1 table is much to big for that (4-8bytes x 256 entries)
<oriansj>gbrlwck: when I speak about bootstrappable hardware, I think about hardware you could make at home with just a little bit of money.
<gbrlwck>oriansj: hardware powerful enough to replace our current computing stacks?
<gbrlwck>and... make at home: from microprocessors through die to PCBs? or just assembling ready-made, trusted PCBs?
<stikonas>gbrlwck: I guess either
*gbrlwck is wishing a nanometer scale solder and etch kit for the holidays
<gbrlwck>i guess securing the (whole) computing stack is hard, at least as long as it's hard to impossible to verify whether some hardware is exactly what somebody designed (and nothing more). i read a paper suggesting that it is possible to detect even tiny hardware trojans, but the authors were looking for discrepancies and only checked one single (crypto) chip.