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<stikonas>oriansj: can you also review ?
<stikonas>it should add support to stuff like *a instead of having to use a[0]
<stikonas>that's used quite a bit in mes
<stikonas>hmm, although I think it only implements things like a = *b but not *a = b
<oriansj>stikonas: well *a isn't just a[0]; it is the FULL object so for a struct it might be a[0], a[1], a[2]...a[32]
<oriansj>*a = *b is the full copying of an object
<stikonas>oh indeed...
<stikonas>ok, nevermind that PR then...
<oriansj>I love the ambition
<stikonas>well, I might be able to fix it but it needs more thought...
<oriansj>well it is only used in mes.c garbage collection
<stikonas>it's only used in mes libc
<oriansj>so maybe we can convince janneke to remove its use from master
<stikonas>well, that's what he did with mes-m2...
<stikonas>but was mostly thinking about char* arrays...
<oriansj>but didn't backport to master
<stikonas>and in char* arrays *s means s[0]
<oriansj>as it is only a single byte in size
<oriansj>and multi-dimensional array test is now test0026 in M2-Planet
<stikonas>ok, it passes here too
<oriansj>and the 24 fuzz run has found 8 new unique crashes; so I'll debug and add some requires to catch them
<oriansj>^24^24 hour^
<stikonas>hmm 8 is quite a lot :(. But on the other hand, we do have quite a bit more of functionality
<oriansj>actually 8 isn't bad at all for 24hours of fuzzing, it means only 1-2 places that need input validation
<oriansj>trust me, when I started fuzzing 6K unique crashes in 30 seconds were not uncommon
<oriansj>in this case, it only requires a single if(null == token) exception block
<stikonas>hmm, my PR actually does seem to work on the right hand side of equality...
<stikonas>(for dereferencing)
<oriansj>well that is useful as a half-step
<stikonas>yeah, but maybe will finish the rest before pushing
<stikonas>otherwise it might be confusing
<stikonas>but e.g this seems to work
<stikonas>(prints test)
<stikonas>not just "t"
<oriansj>and solution for existing fuzz crashes up
<oriansj>I'll start fuzzing the latest code paths
<oriansj>(pointer happy code concerns me heavily when doing audits)
<stikonas>yeah, that's definitely important...
<muurkha>happy Frege's birthday
<gbrlwck>what makes 'include/mes/macros.h' tricky (mentioned here by stikons 2 days ago)? isn't preprocessing mostly just (literal) text replacement?
<stikonas>gbrlwck: it's two things there, one is preprocessing (so somebody has to implement more advanced text replacement than what we have right now)
<stikonas>and the other thing that needs implementing is '.' operator for struct members
<stikonas>gbrlwck: it's definitely possible to do
***wowaname is now known as opal
<stikonas>maybe tricky is not the best word
<stikonas>but it would probably need more code than some other features
<stikonas>(e.g. *s syntax for pointers)
<stikonas>so far, a lot of other features needed fairly small changes
<stikonas>e.g. support for array of pointers (like char **argv) only needed 2 lines of code
<stikonas>having M2-Planet tests does make it less tricky, but maybe we first need to add more tests that check existing macro functionality
<oriansj>well yes, it is best to add a test for behavior after adding that feature into M2-Planet, so that regressions are much more quickly found
<oriansj>perhaps test driven development might be something worth investing in M2-Planet
<stikonas>yes, perhaps I'll add tests too for that *s pointer feature
<stikonas>and tests did help us to finish of cc_riscv64 and other risc-v stuff
<stikonas>there were some minor issues before everything started working
<stikonas>gbrlwck: defines are handled in
<stikonas>so basically here we need to somehow implement stuff those functions like #define A(x,y) x+y
<stikonas>right now it's just litereal test replacement #define A a
<gbrlwck>what raises hex2's "Target label _start is not valid" ?
<stikonas[m]>gbrlwck: missing label
<stikonas[m]>I guess consequence of not including libc-full.M1
<stikonas>gbrlwck: _start is the label specified in ELF header, that's the first label where kernel will jump after creating new process
<stikonas>we do a bit of argc/argv/envp preparation there, initialize stdout/stdin/stderr jump to main() and on return from main() call SYS_exit syscall
<gbrlwck>thanks! so i need to tell mescc to include it.. doesn't do the trick. any ideas?
<stikonas>oh, mescc uses its own libc.M1
<gbrlwck>neither repo "mes" nor repo "mes-m2" seem to have such a file
<stikonas>mes-m2 has ./lib/linux/riscv64-mes-m2/crt1.M1
<stikonas>crt stands for C runtime
<stikonas>gcc also uses something similar
<gbrlwck>but i guess this /should/ be included automatically?
<stikonas>this one is m2 specific
<stikonas>mescc wouldn't know about it
<stikonas>it might be looking at riscv64-mes-mescc
<stikonas>or something like that
<stikonas>and contents might have to be a bit different
<stikonas>different compiler might need somewhat different initialization
<stikonas>(due to differences in calling convention)
<stikonas>and wip-riscv branch does not have anything yet there
<stikonas>porting crt is one of the more annoying things, since it's mostly assembly
<stikonas>so you have to understand compiler calling convention
<stikonas>and what preparation in needs
<stikonas>at least there are a few examples in other arches
<gbrlwck>it doesn't look too bad
<gbrlwck>so i just have to port void longjump() and int setjmp() ?
<gbrlwck>and by "compiler calling convention" you mean how we save register states on the stack?
<stikonas>gbrlwck: indeed, that's how we save registers on the stack and how function arguments are passed
<stikonas>gbrlwck: those longjump and setjmp are kind of ported but with different M1 defs file (that's before we got that . thing in mescc-tools)
<stikonas>other arches also have exit-42
<stikonas>maybe you'll need it too
<gbrlwck>but shouldn't we use the M1defs file from M2libc?
<stikonas>gbrlwck: M1defs file in M2libc is newer than that branch with attempted risc-v port of mes
<gbrlwck>stikonas: exit-42 is just "RD_A0 !42 ADDI" ;)
<stikonas>now yes, we use M2libc file
<gbrlwck>yeah, i'm on a new/my own branch
<stikonas>hnnm I'm trying to find where crt1 for mescc is
<stikonas>ok, that's amd64 version
<stikonas>another copy of exit-42.S ...
<stikonas>not sure why
<gbrlwck>for good luck
<stikonas>so _start is in crt1.c although that's really and assembly file
<stikonas>despite .c extension...
<stikonas>everything inside is inline assembly
<stikonas>probably that's simpled with mescc than to specify an external assembly file like we did with M2-Planet
<gbrlwck>stikonas: i didn't understand what you meant with your last statement
<stikonas>I meant that's why mescc crt1 file is in .c file with inline assembly rather than in M1 file
<gbrlwck>ah, yes :) makes sense