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<oriansj>very easy to test just put 2 fputs in in mes.c: try_open_boot
<oriansj>(or eputs)
<stikonas>yep, more bugs in syscall.c
<stikonas>was not careful enough when fixing it
<stikonas>so argments ended up in the wrong registers
<stikonas>yes, something else now
<stikonas>assert fail: x->type == TSTRUCT
<stikonas>and then segfault
<stikonas>oh, I need to reset env variables
<oriansj>oh god the garbage collection from 32bit to 64bit pointers
<stikonas>sounds scary :(
<stikonas>hmm, changing M2_CELL_SIZE from 1 to 12 (as in CONSTANT)
<stikonas>gets rid of this but still segfaults
<stikonas>in make_struct ...
<stikonas>oh, I probably should update M2_CELL_SIZE in more places
<oriansj>CONSTANT M2_CELL_SIZE 12 means in M2-Planet the cell size is 3 4byte words. So you'll need a bit more logic
<oriansj>but because 1U is used with the #define, it means you'll need to do it as a preprocessor block
<stikonas>oh I see
<stikonas>well, let's get risc-v working first
<oriansj>possibly with -D to switch between 32bit and 64bit
<stikonas>so I need 3 8 byte words
<stikonas>and __M2_PLANET__ might not be defined in #if...
<stikonas>somehow preprocessor doesn't seem to pick that branch
<oriansj>it would be __M2__
<oriansj>#if defined(__M2__) ...
<oriansj>-D 64bit=1
<oriansj>as M2-Planet does support -D
<oriansj>So #if defined(__M2__) && defined(64bit) .. #elif defined(__M2__) ... #else .... #endif
<oriansj>as you can see in this example:
<oriansj>or you could do 3* sizeof(long) as M2-Planet supports sizeof
<stikonas>yeah, can do that too...
<stikonas>and the same cane be done for pointer size...
<oriansj>yep (garbage collection and pointer arithmetic is one of the few places where M2-Planet doesn't act like C)
<stikonas>crashed M2-Planet...
<oriansj>nice give me a crashing test
<stikonas>actually it's probably a loop
<stikonas>I sued #define (3 * sizeof(long))
<stikonas>is that wrong?
<muurkha>I don't think ( is a thing you can #define
<stikonas>argh, forgot the thing to define
<stikonas>strange, #if defined(__M2__) doesn't seem to work for some reason
<stikonas>picks #else branch
<stikonas>oriansj: ok, I think I've got it working with some hacks (will have to clean it up before other stuff, e.g. x86 is unbroken)
<stikonas>but mes does print hello world now
<stikonas>and still not luck with #if defines...
<stikonas>had to add that constant to #else branch
<stikonas>gbrlwck: if you can, try it on real HW
<stikonas>hmm, sometimes mes-m2 still crashes on hello world, somehow it's non-deterministic
<oriansj>stikonas: if you used #if defined(__M2__); it should never use the else branch as can be seen in my example paste
<stikonas[m]>Yes, that's what I used
<stikonas[m]>Had to use else branch too
<oriansj>umm the word defined is no where on that page
<gbrlwck>good news, everybody! mes-m2 works on hardware :)
<gbrlwck>i get a bunch of warnings, though (#error and #undef unsupported in M@2
<gbrlwck>(riscv64, that is)
<fossy>gbrlwck: Out of interest what hardware,
<gbrlwck>hifive unmatched
<gbrlwck>is it possible mes-m2 is relatively slow?
<gbrlwck>i'm still also doing other jobs on the machine by the side, but the simple (display 'foo) (newline) takes 2 minutes(!)
<stikonas>gbrlwck: mes is very slow in general
<stikonas>although, not as slow (2 minutes)
<stikonas>on qemu printing (newline) takes maybe 2 seconds
<stikonas>gbrlwck: do you get random segfaults?
<stikonas>for me things have about 50/50 chace of working
<stikonas>and rest of the time it crashes in gc_push_frame
<stikonas>but when it works, it works even for complicated programs
<stikonas>I compiled some C file with mescc
<stikonas>(for x86)
<gbrlwck>that's gonna be my next tests :)
<stikonas>also need to unbreak other arches before this can be merged to mes-m2
<gbrlwck>if you point me to things, i'll try to execute them :) otherwise i'd have to come up with nice test-cases myself
<stikonas>(mainly fix syscalls)
<stikonas>hmm, not sure where to proceed though
<stikonas>yesterday I mostly debugged things with gdb
<stikonas>and found what goes wrong
<stikonas>now I just saw that crash happens in gc_push_frame function
<stikonas>but haven't checked why data is corrupted there...
<stikonas>gbrlwck: btw, if you want to check for slowness
<stikonas>maybe run
<stikonas>MES_ARENA=20000000 MES_MAX_ARENA=20000000 MES_STACK=6000000 strace -c ./bin/mes-m2 -c "(display 'Hello,M2-mes) (newline)"
<stikonas>might show which syscalls (if any) are taking time
<stikonas>oriansj: and what are the longer term plans for mes-m2?
<stikonas>is it going to be integrated back into mes?
<gbrlwck>we get 110725 read calls
<stikonas>half of my time is spent on read, but still on
<stikonas>only 1 second
<stikonas>% time seconds usecs/call calls errors syscall
<stikonas> 49,49 0,090765 0 110730 read
<gbrlwck>yeah, i guess it takes so long because i'm heavily using the machine on the side
<stikonas>probably non-syscall code takes a while
<gbrlwck>so we now have a full source bootstrap for riscv64 (at least up to mes)? next step would be compiling guile with mes? and then we can bootstrap a full guix system on top of that?
<gbrlwck>stikonas: how did you test c compilation? just `./scripts/mescc foo.c` ?
<stikonas[m]>I've used mescc.scm from live-bootstrap
<stikonas[m]>The one in scripts is almost identical but templatefmd values were nit filled not filled
<stikonas[m]>Also grabbed config.h from there but that can probably be replaced with -D define
<stikonas[m]>You'll also have to get nyacc and define GUILE_LOAD_PATH
<stikonas[m]>gbrlwck: next step is porting mescc
<stikonas[m]>Guile is far far away
<stikonas[m]>Once mescc is ported, you can 1) rebuild mes with it (optional but easy) or try to port tinycc to RISC-V (hard)
<stikonas[m]>Guile has quite a bit of dependencies
<stikonas[m]>And is best left after GCC is bootsrapped
<stikonas>gbrlwck: basically we'll have to more or less follow
<stikonas>so tinycc will be the first tricky step (right now it doesn't work even on amd64)
<stikonas>then after that it would probably be not too hard until binutils (although, old autotools versions might not like risc-v too but probably fixable)
<gbrlwck>tcc is a synonym for tinycc, right?
<stikonas>I think so
<stikonas>but we have 2 versions of it
<stikonas>one is very old 0.9.26 patched by janneke
<stikonas>so that it can be built with mescc
<stikonas>but patches only work on x86
<stikonas>tcc is actually quite capable compiler
<stikonas>at leats that newer tcc 0.9.27
<Hagfish>"The go command now embeds version control information in binaries including the currently checked-out revision and a flag indicating whether edited or untracked files are present."
<Hagfish>it would be nice if it also indicated that every commit was signed by a PGP key
<Hagfish>civodul: do you think that will make it non-reproducible?
<civodul>Hagfish: i think commit IDs are the new timestamp :-)
<civodul>the change less often than timestamps, so they're less of a problem from a reproducibility viewpoint
<civodul>but still, they're "silent metadata"
<civodul>but i don't know, there are also advantages to embedding provenance metadata like this (as --save-provenance in Guix)
<Hagfish>hmm, nice
<Hagfish>i think that commit IDs should (ideally) change exactly as often as the code itself changes
<Hagfish>i guess someone might create version 1, then version 1.1, then remove that code and call it version 1, even though it is later in the revision history
<Hagfish>in other news, the Qubes-OS people have tried rebuilding the packages in Debian buster and have confirmed that 92.1% of them are reproducible:
<Hagfish>a little less than the number that Debian's own reproducible builds effort calculated
<civodul>yes, nice!
<civodul>actually Debian was building slightly different packages than those people actually use
<civodul>the numbers were about those
<civodul>kinda confusing
<civodul>also, the Qubes OS folks are starting from pre-built binaries from snapshot.*
<civodul>so my understanding is that they're not rebuilding "recursively"
<Hagfish>ah, interesting
<Hagfish>it's slightly worrying if "recursiveness" is what causes the difference
<Hagfish>that would mean that a non-reproducible change is infecting builds further down the line, i.e. the output of a system isn't dependent on its source + input
<gbrlwck>stikonas: shows version 0.9.27 ?
<stikonas>that's not the branch that you can build with mescc
<stikonas>I guess you might want
<stikonas>gbrlwck: there is also this snapshot that is known to work on x86
<stikonas>I guess that's commit g5bba73cc..
<vagrantc>Hagfish: the difference with the builds from and the builds at are that builds the packages with the same toolchains that the packages in the archive used, whereas the builds use whatever happens to be currently in the relevent debian release
<gbrlwck>`git checkout g5bba73cc` does not seem to work (on that source tree)
<vagrantc>both of which are basically using binary seeds of "what was once in the archive" or "what is currently in the archive"
<stikonas>gbrlwck: oh, remove first g
<stikonas>it's 5bba73cc
<vagrantc>Hagfish: also the builds intentionally vary a bunch of arbitrary things to trigger reproducibility, the tries to minimize differences ... neither project really does any bootstrappable sort of stuff
<gbrlwck>:) thanks
<gbrlwck>they all show version 0.9.27, btw
<gbrlwck>is mescc more than invoking mes with a mescc.scm script?
<stikonas>gbrlwck: well, mescc.scm script doesn't have much logic in the file itself
<stikonas>it loads mescc module from modules dir
<stikonas>so depends on what you mean by "more than"
<stikonas>if you mean do you need to run anything else than no
<stikonas>it's just mescc.scm that you need to run
<stikonas>but under the hood it loads much more code
<stikonas>mes is just scheme interpreter
<stikonas>and all the C code is split between parser (nyacc) and mescc module
<gbrlwck>makes sense :) i was wondering if there was another repo involved which i couldn't find
<stikonas>well, nyacc
<stikonas>and you need specific commit
<stikonas>I think it's not backwards compatible
<stikonas>1.00.2 from
<gbrlwck>so, since we can not /compile/ scheme yet, i simply have to make the nyacc modules available in the load path of mes, right?
<stikonas>well, mes is an interperter
<stikonas>there is nothing to compile
<stikonas>mes itself is a C program and can be compiled
<stikonas>but at the moment you can only recompile mes for x86
<gbrlwck>yeah, just bc nyacc's make actually compiles the modules (and install probably copies them to $GUILE_LOAD_COMPILED_PATH)
<stikonas>if you want to rebuild it on riscv64 you need to first port mescc to it
<stikonas>there is some initial work done in mes branch
<stikonas>oh, make probably just uses guile
<gbrlwck>well, guild, but yes
<stikonas>guile does some processing from scm files to guile objects, but I'm not very familiar with it
<stikonas>yes, probably guild...
<Hagfish>vagrantc: thanks for the extra context
<stikonas>Hagfish: well, we also rebuild some stuff twice in live-bootstrap
<vagrantc>it's a project i'm following with much excitement :)
<stikonas>so there are some bugs that propagate a bit
<Hagfish>it's interesting that deliberately tries to trigger non-reproducibility, and yet i think they also achieve a higher percentage of reproducible packages
<stikonas>(most likely due to bugs in C library)
<Hagfish>stikonas: intriguing
<Hagfish>ah yes, that makes sense
<stikonas> e.g. see 20 and 22
<stikonas>first tcc has float handling messed up
<stikonas>so if binary snapshot used for building is older, having to rebuild everything twice is not entirely surprising
<stikonas>but yes, it does look a bit dodgy
<stikonas>at least when you do that in bootstrapping it's a bit less dodgy
<stikonas>since everything in the end is built from source
<vagrantc>Hagfish: possibly due to toolchain fixes introduced since the original package build
<stikonas>especially considering that toolchains often does source optimization
<stikonas>so if you have newer toolchain, it will compile packages differently
<vagrantc>well, is one build with old toolchain compared against another build with old toolchain, and is one build with current toolchain compared against another build with current toolchain
<vagrantc>but the current toolchains have fixes that fix reproducibility issues ... nobody's expecting bit-for-bit identical with different toolchains (other than with projects where that's a design goal like mes)
<Hagfish>yeah, good point
<stikonas>well, even different versions of mes and M2-Planet are not guaranteed to produce the same bit-for-bit identical binary
<stikonas>if we need to fix codegen bugs
<stikonas>and adjust assembly output, then binaries will change
<vagrantc>(i meant mes itself)
<stikonas>Mutabah seems to be doing good job with mrustc. Almost done with rust 1.54. Which is still fairly new
<fossy>yes, tcc is synonym of tinycc
<gbrlwck>yeah, it's also written in README
<gbrlwck>does linux-libre build reproducibly?
<stikonas>fossy: we don't do checksums for it
<stikonas>so how do we know?
<stikonas>at least by default kernel does have timestamps (compile date) but I don't remember if you removed that
<stikonas>and initramfs is definitely not fully reproducible bit-by-bit because we don't strip timestamps from it
<fossy>oh wait I meant to add that
<fossy>it is reproducible, I checked
<fossy>initramfs is not
<stikonas>but the contents of initramfs should reproducible, I think it's only metadata that differs
<stikonas>at the very least all binaries and sources in it are checksumed
<oriansj>stikonas: to the question of what is the future of mes-m2; well that is hard to answer. Ideally porting to multiple architectures but I doubt it will be backported into Mes as M2-Planet builds don't comply with the GNU build standards. (lack of autotools and all that jazz)
<stikonas>well, I guess it's fine keeping it separate...
<stikonas>although then the question is how to merge mes updates back
<stikonas>from upstream into mes-m2...
<oriansj>as for what go is doing. seems like just minor metadata additions. Personally if I were to go that route, I'd just add a source section to the ELF binaries themselves (trivial to do in M2-Planet) and distribute the source code used in making the binary in the binary itself.
<stikonas>by the way, that diff I posted has #if defined at the end...
<oriansj>well mes.c doesn't get updated much, but MesCC bit certainly does.
<oriansj>odd ctrl-f search didn't find the word defined at all
<stikonas>maybe I gave the wrong branch
<stikonas>well, mes-m2 actually doesn't have to deal with mescc much
<stikonas>as long as we can build mes-m2, we can then switch to upstream mes
<stikonas>and use mescc from there
<stikonas>I think mescc is somewhat compatible across mes versions