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<stikonas>hmm, actually doing it from GCC 4.0.4 might be easier...
<fossy>stikonas[m]: sure
<fossy>stikonas[m]: do you have any thoughts on changing /image to /usr. This is because when I attempt to migrate to a "real" FHS filesystem structure we would have to rebuild many things cause /image is hardcoded...
<stikonas[m]>fossy: I tried use before image, it didn't work
<fossy>huh, why not?
<stikonas[m]>Possibly due to some fix includes stuff...
<stikonas[m]>Didn't investigate more, but it was non trivial
<fossy>hm, I'll give it a try. If not then I guess we will have to rebuild
<stikonas[m]>Rebuild might hit the same problem
<fossy>possibly.. what package/software wouldn't like existing in /usr though
<stikonas[m]>Hmm, it was probably GCC pass2
<stikonas[m]>That failed
<fossy>hm ok
<stikonas[m]>So something on build system treats usr in a special way
<stikonas[m]>Maybe it's fixable with more work
<stikonas[m]>But yes,I would prefer /usr too
<fossy>pushed a fix to kaem for PATH variable... explains the earlier hacks we had to do lol
<siraben>NieDzejkob: oh you are also in formal verification (saw you at proof ground 2021)
<fossy>interesting, tcc compile seems a bit slower with mes-m2... wonder why, given that we were using mes compiled by m2-planet before
<siraben>I did a little experiment recently, verifying factorial for a simple assembly language
<fossy>what is proof ground
<siraben>The program is `[JZ 7; ST C; MUL ACC; ST ACC; LD C; DEC; J 0; LD ACC; HALT]`
<siraben>fossy: think competitive programming but for theorem proving
<siraben>basically you're given a question and have to formally verify it
<siraben>like a SAT solver or some data structure
<fossy>kinda cool
<siraben>Of course it requires both being able to be good at proving in general then translating it to one's proof assistant
<fossy>what are you using there?
<fossy>in that gist
<siraben>I think proof writing is like programming, with enough practice it becomes natural.
<siraben>fossy: Coq.
<siraben>NieDzejkob uses Isabelle IIRC
<siraben>The key correctness lemma is `Lemma fact_n (n : nat) : { m : store | csteps fact_prog (0, n, set empty ACC 1) (8, fact n, m) }.`
<siraben>to translate what this means;
<siraben>it says for every natural number `n`, there is a store `m` such that the factorial program steps from the initial state where PC = 0, A (the only register) = n, mem = empty[ACC] = 1 to the final state where PC = 8, A = fact n, mem = m
<fossy>stuck key
<siraben>lol thought you fell asleep
<siraben>anyway that was a pleasant start that took me a few hours yesterday, I'm contemplating proving a stack data structure correct in assembly
<siraben>so I would need to relate the abstract representation of the stack as a Coq list of natural numbers with the in-memory representation
<siraben>and show that the abstract representation changes as expected when I push/pop
<NieDzejkob>siraben: haha, yeah. small world
***stikonas_ is now known as stikonas