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***scs is now known as Guest20543
<stikonas>ok, got automake 1.6.3 working
<stikonas>pder: by the way, maybe early sed 4.0.7 can be dropped in favour of 4.0.9?
<stikonas>or is it too different?
<Hagfish>i'm glad my connection came back in time for me to read about automake. great news!
<stikonas>well, building autotools is not particularly exciting
<stikonas>they are just fairly simple script...
<stikonas>but it means that we are getting closer to gcc
<stikonas>that will be quite a bit more work...
<stikonas>to build...
<Hagfish>i can't imagine what twists and turns gcc is going to add to the journey (other than noting that it's stubbornly not reproducible, as distros have found)
<Hagfish>so yeah, getting gcc built as part of the bootstrap sequence is going to be a much more exciting milestone
<stikonas>well, we'll see whether we can keep reproducibility...
<stikonas>if not, we can still finish bootstrap without reproducible builds
<Hagfish>yeah, there might be some interesting discoveries (or at least hacks) to be found in the process
<stikonas>but I thought guix can build gcc reproducibly
<Hagfish>i was thinking of Debian and
<Hagfish>it might be that the environment for doing the bootstrap is sufficiently constrained that the unreproducibility won't be a practical problem
<fossy>The one package that reproducibility is probably not a feasible goal for is gcc
<stikonas>well, there are two things, gcc itself and packages built with gcc...
<stikonas>but we'll see when time comes...
<Hagfish>yeah, good point
<stikonas>I think we need to get to autocont 2.59 first
<Hagfish>how modern is 2.59?
<Hagfish>wow, okay
<stikonas>we have 2.52 from 2001
<stikonas>I don't expect much difficulty with those...
<stikonas>maybe some minor patching for 2.53
<Hagfish>does that mean we'll need much more recent versions later on? (for more modern gcc?)
<stikonas>but then possibly just build each newer one with the previous version
<Hagfish>yeah, hopefully
<stikonas>hmm, we might build newer onces anyway
<stikonas>it only goes to 2.71
<stikonas>and i think autotools became more compatible later
<stikonas>it's that period around 20001 where there were many incompatibilities
<Hagfish>it would be nice if it was just a phase that free software development went through, before learning their lesson, but i think new languages/ecosystems are still making bootstrapping mistakes
<stikonas>we probably just neeed a few versions in total 2.12, 2.13, 2.52 and maybe one new version
<stikonas>it's probably just a matter of autoconfs maturing
<stikonas>so fewer breaking changes
<stikonas>I saw this little bit of history yesterday
<Hagfish>"Copyright © 1995 ..."
<Hagfish>quite a dusty tome
<stikonas>well, gnu project itself is older...
<Hagfish>1998-04-05 Automake 1.3
<Hagfish> This is a small advance compared to 1.2. It adds support for assembly, and preliminary support for Java.
<Hagfish> Perl 5.004_04 is out, but fixes to support Perl 4 are still regularly submitted whenever Automake breaks it.
<Hagfish>it's like a time capsule
<stikonas>live-bootstrap only has 1.4-p6
<stikonas>which already incorporates APIVERSIONing
<Hagfish>"These two releases, Automake 1.4 and Autoconf 2.13 make a duo that will be used together for years."
<stikonas>(automake-1.4 instead of automake)
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<fossy><stikonas> well, there are two things, gcc itself and packages built with gcc...
<fossy>packages built with GCC shouldn't be too hard...
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<stikonas>fossy: automake stuff needs some reworking, I'll hopefully do it this evening
<stikonas>that aclocal.m4 file was actually used in stage 1 (both automake 1.4 and 1.6)
<stikonas>need to manually bootstrap aclocal first (with sed)
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<pder>stikonas: I will see if sed 4.0.9 can be built early on
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<fossy>stikonas[m]: wat, really?
<fossy>I was almost 100% sure that it isnt
<fossy>cause in stage1 we only use configure
<fossy>and aclocal.m4 is regened when we RM it afaict?
<fossy>unless im wrong... I did start going down the bootstrap aclocal path but I didnt think it was nessecary
<stikonas>fossy: configure needs autoconf
<stikonas>and autoconf depends on aclocal.m4...
<stikonas>like I said yesterday, aclocal is always before configure
<stikonas>I'll fix it later today...
<stikonas>it shouldn't be too hard to create>aclocal with sed
<stikonas>it's just setting some instalation paths, etc...
<stikonas>fossy: so I'm thinking of moving automake 1.6 much earlier (before 1.4)
<stikonas>and then try to do 1.4 using it
<stikonas>to avoid bootsrapping aclocal twice
<fossy>stikonas: how does stage1 even work then
<fossy>I realised why I didnt run into my ci error
<fossy>I think I was on the wrong branch oops
<stikonas[m]>stage1 I was running configure but not make...
<stikonas[m]>But I only yesterday realised that aclocal is used there
<stikonas[m]>At the moment we don't delete aclocal.m4
<stikonas[m]>Hence, deleting it broke CI
<fossy>yes I see
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