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<janneke>dannym: that would be, i have been mostly off-grid the past month...sorry about that
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<fossy>3 more undefined decls
<fossy>for kexec-tools
<fossy>stikonas[m]: merged
<stikonas[m]>Thanks! I'll do libtool next
<fossy>i opened an issue so we wouldn't forget
<dannym>janneke: No problem. Meanwhile, I've been busy prodding AMD to see the light of bootstrapping :)
<dannym>Now we got this ;)
<dannym>It boots into Linux
<janneke>dannym: oh, that's a recent x86 arch without ME or proprietary BIOS?
<dannym>ME-like thing (PSP) is still there
<dannym>But it's very small
<dannym>I can't drag them all the way at once ;)
<dannym>But no proprietary BIOS at all
<dannym>Also no blobs on the x86
<dannym>There are university people in Germany that have been reverse engineering the PSP;
<dannym>It has an emulator and everything
<dannym>So, situation slowly improving :)
<g_bor[m]>Wow, nice
<dannym>Thanks :)
<dannym>You have no idea how many meetings that took to clear... I'm a pro at meetings now
<g_bor[m]>I also have something similar. I started to have a look at the intel fsp. So far I found nothing that could not be done based on the public docs, but I have only checked the first part of fsp-t so far.
<janneke>dannym: amazing! well done!
<janneke>dannym: i was trying to remember in public here what i think you told me :-)
<dannym>g_bor[m]: Very good!
<g_bor[m]>Also I have found it problematic to find datasheets for some AMD chipsets, so there might be some guesswork in having those started. I had better luck with intel chpisets in this regard. Do you expect that this will also be solved?
<dannym>Confirming several weeks of guesswork here before it worked well enough that AMD got interested ;)
<dannym>Now we have AMD employees helping, too
<dannym>Like people doing the AMD evaluation boards; and the head of firmware at AMD
<dannym>Hmm, for datasheets it depends on whether it's something that a competitor could use to undercut AMD and produce compatible chips
<dannym>A lot of stuff that is not a competitive advanteage they just straight out publish
<dannym>See this:
<dannym>But for things where you need to know in detail how their chiplet interconnects work, those are under NDA
<dannym>But it's easy enough to get access to those (took under a day for me to get cleared for that)
<dannym>But they are a typical semiconductor company--default mode is "confidential"; it's hard work to make them work the other way, "open first"
<dannym>Advantage is that they've supported coreboot (i.e. written code for coreboot) for AMD CPUs before. Now it's just a matter of prodding them to do it again...
<dannym>Or let us do it, even
<dannym>Long term, there are people at AMD doing the hard work of convincing their streeting committee to just do silicon initialization in an open source project for ALL future cpus
<dannym>I'll know more about the latter at the end of this month
<dannym>janneke: I'll have a meeting with the security quickscan people tomorrow at 12:00 CET
<OriansJ`>very impressive dannym
<OriansJ`>It'll be wonderful to see more blobless computers in the future.
<janneke>dannym: ah, that's great; let me see if i can join
<pder>stikonas: nice job on getting perl modules working. Is there a reason you are still using "tcc -ar" instead of ar from binutils in your latest perl branch?
<pder>Oh yeah, nvm, perl is built before binutils.
<stikonas_>pder: indeed...
***stikonas_ is now known as stikonas
<stikonas>pder: and apparently for binutils we still need to sort out libtool
<stikonas>which is a bit tricky but hopefully possible
<pder>ive been away, whats the issue with it?
<stikonas>we think we should regenerate libtool files too
<stikonas>so need to install libtool
<stikonas>first of all libtool depends on env
<stikonas>that's easy
<stikonas>then also somewhat depends on ar/ld, but we might be able to get away with setting it to tcc -ar and true
<stikonas>also just in general need to familiarize with libtool
<stikonas>pder: so with perl, I can run newer automake (at leats until it doesn't require newer autoconf)
<pder>for the easy stuff to add to coreutils build, I know we need env and dirname. Anything else?
<stikonas>with autoconf it's a bit tricker
<stikonas>pder: hostname later...
<stikonas>newer autoconf now can find perl modules
<stikonas>but later autom4te invocation gets stuck
<stikonas>not sure if it's perl problem
<stikonas>might be m4...
<pder>interesting. I remember a perl Configure script getting stuck as well- not sure if the same issue
<stikonas>perl Configure script probably wouldn't support tcc anyway
<stikonas>it might also be that some perl modules aren't fully working
<pder>What do we need to generate the perl Configure script?
<stikonas>pder: anyway, it's now pushed, so you can try building newer autoconf with ./configure
<stikonas>pder: I'm not fully sure
<stikonas>it probably uses some perl modules
<stikonas>which we might have
<stikonas>but it might use more stuff
<stikonas>it's complicated...
<stikonas>so I would rather postpone it...
<stikonas>especially since it's unlikely to work yet in our non-standard environment
<pder>what autoconf should I try building?
<stikonas>anything newer
<stikonas>2.53 or 2.60
<stikonas>would have the same problem
<stikonas>even newer might complain on gawk...
<stikonas>(same problem you saw)
<pder>stikonas: would it be difficult to include Devel-Trace in the perl build? It could be useful for debugging these hangs- its similar to sh +x
<stikonas>pder: probably not too difficult
<stikonas>but hard to know without trying
<pder>I tried building autoconf-2.57 and ran into that autom4te hang
<stikonas>pder: I don't even see Devel-Trace in extention list in 5.6.2?
<stikonas>is it something newer?
<stikonas>Devel has DProf and Peek
<stikonas>those two are probably easy to build
<pder>Hmm, I am not sure on how old it is
<stikonas>even 5.8 doesn't seem to have it...
<pder>its probably not part of core perl. But a version of Devel::Trace existed in 1998
<stikonas>maybe can just drop it to perl's lib folder?
<pder>possibly, I need to read up on how all this works
<pder>apparently the perl debugger works with perl -d so hoping that will give some clues to the hang
<stikonas>let's hope you can find something
<stikonas>usually you are quite good at solving these issues
<stikonas>(last time I guess it was that flushing issue in musl)
<pder>So something is hanging in the following command after debugging /after/autoconf-2.57/bin/autom4te
<pder>/after/bin/m4 --nesting-limit=1024 --fatal-warning --include=/after/autoconf-2.57/lib --include=/usr/local/share/autoconf --define=divert /after/autoconf-2.57/lib/m4sugar/m4sugar.m4 /after/autoconf-2.57/lib/m4sugar/m4sh.m4 /after/autoconf-2.57/lib/autoconf/autoconf.m4 </dev/null
<pder>But I can run that command without issue outside of perl
<pder>I tried creating a trivial perl script that does $result = `m4 command above` and this hangs
<pder>But I can run the m4 command from the shell
<pder>My guess is the issue is in perl and not m4. I was able to run the same command adjusting all of the paths to ones outside the chroot using the perl on my system
<stikonas>pder: I tried running that command too
<stikonas>but somehow autoconf was not happy with the produced file
<stikonas>or maybe I did something wrong...
<pder>I tried running strace on our perl running the $result = `m4 command above` and it seems to be hanging on read(5, ) so maybe something related to pipes?
<stikonas>hmm, could be
<stikonas>maybe something with musl?
<stikonas>pder: this perl is still built using old musl...
<stikonas>perhaps we need to rebuild it?
<pder>Can't hurt, but I may have already tried that
<pder>Yeah, I just rebuilt perl and still get the same issue
<stikonas>pder: maybe can try to build perl with HAS_PIPE in config.h
<stikonas>if it's something to do with pipes
<stikonas>no, it's not HAS_PIPE...
<stikonas>still fails with HAS_PIPE...
<pder>stikonas: so I tried extracting the perl-5.6.2 source and ran ./Configure -Dcc=tcc -des && make
<pder>it builds miniperl but fails a bit later on. However copying miniperl over /after/bin/perl seems to fix that hanging error in autom4te
<pder>so maybe you can compare what Configure does compared to your build?
<pder>Note that paths will be wrong if you use Configure -des
<pder>I should clarify that the miniperl build after running Configure was able to run my trivial $result = `m4 command`;
<stikonas>what about our miniperl?
<stikonas>if ours is hanging, it's almost surely compile options, so I guess we are hitting some stub due to missing defines in config.h
<pder>Yeah, our current miniperl hangs on the trivial program that calls m4. The miniperl built by running Configure and make does not hang, so I was suggesting comparing the two different configs
<stikonas>well, I have already tried adding HAS_PIPE...
<stikonas>that might be necessary but is not sufficient
<stikonas>but yeah, I guess we can add quite a few more HAS_* defines
<stikonas>I already had to add a couple extra for autoconf
<stikonas>HAS_FLOCK and and something else
<stikonas>anyway, all of this looks very promising
<stikonas>so I think we'll soon have newer autoconf
<stikonas>then we need to sort out libtool, which might be slightly annoying, but hopefully not too bad
<stikonas>and then I think we'll be getting close to building gcc
<Hagfish>i guess any step can throw in some weird hurdles, but yeah, it does sound like there's not much left before gcc
<stikonas>well, this perl issue, get newer autoconf/automake (hopefully relatively easy), libtool, then a few trivial rebuilds and/or newer versions (gawk/sed)
<stikonas>and then gcc, which will require some work to cleanup and fix, but it does build
<stikonas>fossy: very small PR to add env to coreutils build
<stikonas>this will be necessary for libtool
<stikonas>although, I don't know yet which libtool to target
<stikonas>I guess depends on whether pder can figure out an issue with perl