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<bauen1>fossy: ironic as in: you guys are the first to start complaining once something achieves "self hosting"
<bauen1>as long as the documentation is readable without processing it really shouldn't be an issue, just when you can't read documentation without additional tools does it become an issue
<fossy>bauen1: yeah, lol
<OriansJ`>bauen1: well we are probably the only people actually truly self-hosting anything.
<OriansJ`>everyone else is larping with binaries
<fossy>stikonas: opinions on splitting out the parts to a seperate file
<fossy>i honestly think that the "part" descriptions probably dont belong in the readme anyway
<stikonas>yeah, we can split them into a separate file
<stikonas>I think with restructured text you can do that
<stikonas>or at least with sphinx (that uses rst) you can do that
<stikonas>fossy: so interactive bash seems to work when chrooting...
<stikonas>no need for busybox anymore
<stikonas>(that's with pder's commit)
<stikonas>although, I still need to try it on qemu
<OriansJ`>I find org-mode allows for fast and easy restructuring.
<OriansJ`>alt-up, alt-down, alt-left and alt-right
<stikonas>yeah, github also supports org-mode too...
<stikonas>although, what github can render maybe shouldn't be deciding factor...
<stikonas>by the way, I also have a copy of live-bootstrap here :D
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<stikonas>oh we already have /dev/console in qemu live-bootstrap
<stikonas>maybe I should conditionally create device nodes
<stikonas>if they don't exist
<stikonas>fossy: ok, so I've got shell in qemu now
<stikonas>fossy: pder: so I've opened autoconf PR
<Hagfish>getting to the stage of having an interactive shell, and versions of perl, really feels like civilisation hitting the industrial revolution
<Hagfish>there are some exciting things still to be built, but it will hopefully require less sweat :)
<stikonas>and don't forget that we have a modern C library
<Hagfish>yeah, nice
<stikonas>hopefully binutils too
<stikonas>that is really lacking right now
<Hagfish>(i don't know enough about C to understand all the implications of that, but it does feel essential)
<stikonas>well, C library is all those C functions that you take for granted...
<stikonas>string manipulation, maths, file operations, etc...
<Hagfish>doesn't every C program rely on those?
<stikonas>well, almost
<stikonas>baremetal ones don't, or something that directly calls kernel syscalls does not have to use those
<Hagfish>so what were previous steps using?
<Hagfish>a pre-modern C library, or directly calling stuff?
<stikonas>well, early enough direct syscalls, M2-Planet has very minimal C library, OriansJ` is expanding it
<stikonas>later for quite some time we use much bigger mes libc
<stikonas>it's still much smaller than glibc or musl
<Hagfish>so how does musl make things easier?
<stikonas>it has more functions that some programs use
<stikonas>e.g. interactive bash needs termios.h
<stikonas>which musl ships
<Hagfish>okay, i'm starting to get it
<stikonas>and implements functions defined there
<stikonas>mes libc doesn't have that part
<stikonas>so C library is the next most important thing after compiler
<OriansJ`>Hagfish: direct syscalls or in the NATIVE ports, directly talking to hardware devices
<Hagfish>yeah, i guess it's like saying that to compile a piece of source code you also need to compile all its dependent libraries, except this library is a bit more special because it is used by so much
<stikonas>but I guess direct syscalls or directly talking to hardware devices is less portable
<stikonas>libc abstracs it all out
<stikonas>well, it's more like to compile a piece of source code you need to compile c library first
<stikonas>since almost everything uses it
<OriansJ`>stikonas: indeed, the C standard libraries (and syscalls) hide a boatload of details and make porting fast and efficient
<stikonas>yeah, so you only have to do porting once..
<stikonas>or at least once per C library
<stikonas>we might need to build a few of them
<Hagfish>is it meaningful to ask about the relative complexity of compiling, say, musl versus something like bash?
<OriansJ`>well M2-Planet doesn't need precompiled libraries and neither does MesCC due to the nature of M1+hex2
<stikonas>Hagfish: depends on the stage. fossy wrote our own makefiles for bash
<stikonas>it was quite a bit of work I guess
<OriansJ`>Hagfish: yes entirely if one is thinking of C compiler features required.
<stikonas>Hagfish: for musl, we could already use their build system, but had to patch musl a bit to build
<Hagfish>hmm, interesting, thank you
<stikonas>so musl was more tricky in terms of things we had to change
<stikonas>but I'm not sure about work hours spend...
<stikonas>rebuilding bash is now quite easy though
<Hagfish>sounds like slightly different approaches to each piece of software
<Hagfish>at such a low level, i guess everything is a special case in some way
<stikonas>now it's basically just
<Hagfish>that looks very auditable :)
<stikonas>let me find first bash build script
<Hagfish>(assuming the .tar file itself has been audited, and the checksum checked)
<stikonas>we check checksums...
<stikonas>although we don't check whole tar source code...
<stikonas>it's just historic tarball release...
<OriansJ`>bootstrapping is a very different game when you have a C compiler able to build GCC (TCC) and a reasonably well tested libc (musl) to work with.
<stikonas>and three make files for bash
<stikonas>yeah, it's now much easier than early stages
<stikonas>much closer to distro packaging at this point
<OriansJ`>plus more people to help address problems (TCC and msul developers)
<stikonas>yeah, I guess so.
<stikonas>At least easier to find stuff online if you hit some problem
<stikonas>somebody migth have hit it before
<stikonas>even if we don't directly contact their developers
<Hagfish>i hadn't even thought about how "googleable" these problems are
<OriansJ`>Hagfish: It is kind of this is water sort of perspective shift
<Hagfish>are you hitting issues that came up 20 years ago, with solutions from back then?
<OriansJ`>Low level stuff -> No help anywhere and you have to figure it out all by yourself. Current stages -> bet there is a solution on stackoverflow
<Hagfish>wow, nice
<OriansJ`>So once M2libc reaches feature parity with Mes libc; it'll stop growing
<Hagfish>yeah, i was having a hard time visualising how all these libs telescope into each other
<stikonas>is there any chance M2-Planet can build tcc at some point?
<stikonas>or is mes/mescc way easier
<stikonas>(questions since mes seems to be hard to build from m2-planet)
<OriansJ`>stikonas: Well M3 was a plan to turn TCC into something M2-Planet could compile directly
<OriansJ`>breaking the C preprocessor and Assembly and Linking into seperate programs to help MesCC.
<stikonas>Hagfish: although, I don't think I found many problems I hit on SO or google or ddg...
<OriansJ`>That way MesCC could leverage binutils for development and standard operations but M3-* pieces for bootstrapping
<stikonas>I found exact problem on mailing list a few years ago (building musl with tcc was failing) but not answers. But I managed to solve it myself
<OriansJ`>Hagfish: short version is up until M2-Planet, there is no Libc. Then M2-Planet bootstraps M2libc to become faster. and then M2libc is supposed to become the libc for everything until musl libc is bootstrapped.
<OriansJ`>which reminds me, we probably need to add testing to M2libc (GCC+M2-Planet)
<stikonas>well, tests are always good. Not the most fun thing to write though
<OriansJ`>stikonas: yeah is it kinda a problem in bootstrapping.
<OriansJ`>tests keep things functional while features are grown or architectural changes are done.
<OriansJ`>but it is just work and hard to inspire people to do it.
<stikonas>in this sense scripting work (live-bootstrap) is much easier to test. It basically is its own test... On the other hand if you tweak compiler to fix a problem, something else might break without being noticed
<OriansJ`>We honestly got lucky with Matt enjoying nyacc and janneke wanting to do a C compiler in scheme. Otherwise we would have been stuck with M2-Planet (mescc-tools missing blood-elf and janneke's %hex2>enhancement)
<OriansJ`>but yes testing needs to become a more continuous activity as we grow into a more mature group. In all of our pieces.
<OriansJ`>perhaps siraben can help with CI like they did with blynn-compiler for live-bootstrap
<Hagfish>are there existing test suites out there that can be reused? (either standalone projects, or tests in other projects that could be run against the code from this project)
<OriansJ`>Hagfish: well the various pieces should be 100% reproducible so in theory one needs only to test and record the SHA256SUM (or any checksum really) of the functional binaries
<OriansJ`>So if the binary checksum changes, it just needs to be tested (probably against its own test suite)
<stikonas>well, that's what we do in live-bootstrap now
<Hagfish>yeah, good point, each stage that is built should already have its own tests
<stikonas>stuff that is built is hashed and compared
<stikonas>so far I only had to tweak perl a bit to restore reproducibility, everything else was reproducible out of box
<stikonas>in perl I had to undefine __DATE__
<stikonas>although, the hashing is more manual in live-bootstrap... Guix basically hashes everything
<OriansJ`>stikonas: perhaps reach out to the reproducible side to perhaps find other possible reproducible issues with it?
<stikonas>hmm, what else can go wrong with reproducibility?
<OriansJ`>well the short list is usually: time stamps, locales, floating point, build paths, optimizations (Usually build machine architecture related), user IDs, system names and probably more that I am forgetting at this moment.
<stikonas>if binary hash matches from time to time we should be good...
<stikonas>hmm, locales might matter on normal system, but I guess in bootstrap we don't even have them
<stikonas>at least not at this stage
<OriansJ`>stikonas: well yes you have the advantage of absolute control of exactly the state of the system building the program.
<fossy>ok i think we need to make the seed linux support kexec for now
<fossy>i have not found any viable replacement
<fossy>right, i have a new plan for kernels
<fossy>we can kexec tccboot
<fossy>so we compile tccboot with linux 2.4.26
<fossy>kexec that
<fossy>wait crap
<fossy>0. port kexec to 2.4.256
<fossy>0. port kexec to 2.4.26*
<stikonas[m]>Yeah, makes sense
<fossy>lol i thought you were asleep
<stikonas[m]>Going soon
<pder>I think there is a problem with the sha256 implementation in live-linux. I get a different result for /after/bin/bash compared to my system sha256sum
<pder>hmm MAX_FILE_SIZE is 2*1024*1024? so only files up to 2MB work properly
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<fossy>pder: hm, you are correct; that nerds fixing
<siraben>OriansJ`: yeah, when this semester is over I hope to update myself with the progress on this project and replicate it in Nix, with CI as well
<siraben>I'm glad to see everything coming together! very exciting.
<siraben>heh especially with the new Apple laptops with an M1 chip, bootstrap discussion has become widely discussed about (at least in Homebrew/Nix/Mac Ports)
<siraben>M1 = aarch64 IIRC
<fossy>Yeah irs
<fossy>its aarch64
<gforce_de1977>pder: which files are larger than 2mb now?
<gforce_de1977>(sorry, that MAX_FILE_SIZE is my fault and was just a guessing that "it will never happen")
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<fossy>gforce_de1977: only bash binary
<fossy>Its fine, i thought none of our binaries were over 2 megs too
<OriansJ`>gforce_de1977: use size = lseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); to get the file size and lseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET) to reset the pointer to the start of the file.
<OriansJ`>There is probably a C function that does it faster that I probably forgot about.
<OriansJ`>for example in M2libc f->buflen would give you the size of the file being read. There is probably a matching feature in the FILE struct for the libc you are using. (or there is a standard C function for providing that value)
<OriansJ`>Many of the C function names are terrible to guess but seem reasonable in reflection.
<pder>gforce_de1977: bash is the only executable currently over 2MB which was making me very confused why all of the other hashes were ok
<stikonas>pder: probably the only executable over 2 MB that we'll have...
<pder>I think the static binutils utilities might have been larger
<stikonas>oh, so big?
<stikonas>ok, then bash and binutils...
<stikonas>after that I think we can build shared musl
<gforce_de1977>OriansJ: thanks for the hint, will do: fossy: can i send a PR?
<pder>gforce_de1977: I was looking at the patch for sha256sum and thought there might be an issue in hash_to_string. the line with hash_string[65] = '\0' seems both unnecessary and potentially dangerous. the hash_string pointer was incremented in that function so you would effectively be writing a null character 65 bytes after the end of the string.
<pder>Wont sprintf do the null termination for you?
<gforce_de1977>pder: interesting, if sprintf will do that, but it does not hurt, the hash is *always* 64 bytes long, is'nt it? so the root cause was the static buffer with 2mb. i will read into sprintf, i'am not good at C, sorry 8-)
<gforce_de1977>pder: you are right. in my initial approach, i had not done this: (CTRL+F -> static void hash_to_string)
<pder>The issue I pointed out in hash_to_string is unrelated to the 2MB file limitation. Just something I noticed and thought that you don't need (or want) that hash_string[65] = '\0' line
<gforce_de1977>pder: you are right, this is maybe not a problem, but at least unneeded and should be fixed, i will to that together with the 'read-the-real-filesize-and-reserve-a-buffer-for-that-patch'
<pder>great, thanks for fixing that!
<stikonas>pder: by the way, for your bash rebuild, I think we should also rebuild bison file
<pder>stikonas: I agree, I added that last night
<pder>And it worked nicely
<pder>Before didnt we use yacc?
<stikonas>and should we build with ./configure --prefix=/after?
<stikonas>yes, we used yacc
<stikonas>luckily it worked
<pder>Oh yeah, I tried make install and it wanted to install man pages
<stikonas>otherwise, thigns would have been so much more annoying
<stikonas>we used bash quite a bit before we were able to build bison
<pder>Should I just install the binary to /after/bin
<stikonas>well, I'm fine with installing man pages...
<stikonas>although, maybe there is configure flag to disable that
<stikonas>hmm, probably no
<stikonas>anyway, installing manpages should be fine
<stikonas>they are just copied...
<stikonas>from tarbal
<pder>I was confused about the sha256sum for bash failing last night but that problem is now understood
<stikonas>well, maybe we can get newer coreutils soon...
<stikonas>although, I think we might need to beef up autotools before that...
<pder>So one approach would be to rebuild musl without the patches, but we might also be able to jump to a gcc toolchain as well
<stikonas>well, yeah...
<stikonas>although, I'm hoping we can jump to newer gcc...
<stikonas>that might be helpful with porting to new architectures...
<stikonas>most of the trouble is probaby in compiler...
<stikonas>pder: some patches to musl will still be necessary
<stikonas>I think we can only skip those weak symbols
<stikonas>well, and "AR" makefile patch and tcc static patch...
<pder>Do you know if tcc 0.9.27 can build newer versions of gcc, or do you think we will need to build tcc from the mob branch?
<stikonas>pder: no idea...
<stikonas>probably nobody tried
<stikonas>guix has much simpler C library, so they can't try
<stikonas>but in my experience, tcc is quite good
<stikonas>(at least when paired with musl, not mes libc)
<stikonas>and having some binutils should help us a lot too
<pder>In any case we will need be careful about using compatible versions of binutils, gcc, and glibc
<stikonas>that's true...
<stikonas>but how incompatible are they?
<stikonas>at least I hope binutils shoulnd't matter too much
<stikonas>maybe gcc and glibc should match more...
<pder>Probably need to at least be fairly close on the time period they were released
<stikonas>binutils -2.14a is much newer though
<stikonas>so I think we'll be fine
<stikonas>it's from 2011 (2.14 is from 2003)
<stikonas>hmm gcc 2.95.3 is from 2001
<stikonas>so I think fairly close allows at least a few years...
<stikonas>pder: also for bash keep in mind that hash depends on arch...
<stikonas>it will not match in i386 qemu
<stikonas>bash --version prints
<stikonas>GNU bash, version 2.05b.0(1)-release (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu)
<stikonas>--target --host --build options might help....
<pder>ah yes, thats a good point
<stikonas>at some point I guess we'll have to build x86_64 compiler if we are on x86_64...
<stikonas>but early bootstrap should work on both
<stikonas>or maybe I should say middle of bootstrap...
<stikonas>we are not really in early stages anymore
<pder>Any thoughts on what you think the end goal of live-bootstrap should be? My thought was possibly having a system that included all of the prerequesites for a host system for Linux from scratch
<pder>possibly something like this:
<pder>Maybe a bit more since our requirements are to use autotools instead of generated configure scripts
<stikonas>pder: I thought maybe even something further...
<stikonas>i was hoping we can even bootstrap one or two simpler distros...
<stikonas>at some point we might have to give user a choice which path to take...
<stikonas>e.g. one option might be to install portage...
<stikonas>(for Gentoo)
<stikonas>another would be to just leave in standard state for LFS like install
<stikonas>btu like you said with a bit of extra
<stikonas>(we already have most of that list from LFS)
<stikonas>only gcc/glibc/findutils/kernel/xz/texinfo and python are missing
<stikonas>findutils is probably not too hard to build even now
<stikonas>hmm, how come that LFS list does not include anything to download stuff with (wget/curl/rsync)...
<stikonas>it doesn't include mount either
<stikonas>even though mount is immediately used
<stikonas>well, I guess it's a bit incomplete
<gforce_de1977>stikonas: pder: my ultimate goal would be to bootstrap from a mini-OS (singletasking, minimal support for files in ramdisk, minimal syscall support) and bootstrap till we can kexec a linux kernel and after that build an automated-linux-from-scratch (ALFS) till desktop
<gforce_de1977>the early parts are hard work, the other things is just playing with scripts
<gforce_de1977>and yes: in the end every distro must be bootsrappable
<stikonas>pder: minor tweaks to bzip2
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<pder>stikonas: looks good
<stikonas>pder: by the way, should we still build ls in the first pass of coreutils?
<stikonas>in principle we can build ls later and drop the patch
<stikonas>but if you think it's worth keeping it, I'm find with it too
<pder>Are you talking about the patch to mes-libc involving qsort?
<pder>Oh, there is also the strcmp patch
<pder>I think keeping the qsort patch is useful, since it fixes a potential segfault, but as long as ls is not needed, I can see skipping it until coreutils pass 2
<pder>So the ls-strcmp.patch could be removed
<pder>It might make sense to keep the first pass of coreutils to the absolute minimum needed to get through the next stages
<fossy>gforce_de1977: go right ahead for the pr
<stikonas>pder: yeah, I was talking about ls-strcmp...
<stikonas>fossy, pder: do you think we should deal with autoconf/automake stuff in src_prepare or src_configure?
<stikonas>because e.g. before we dealt with bison stuff in src_prepare
<stikonas>(just minor style question but better to deal with it before we have too much)