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<stikonas>argh... lex is much harder to port away from wchar_t :(
<stikonas>yacc was relatively straightforward...
<fossy>anything in particular ur running into
<stikonas>well, I have partial WIP commit that generates lex.yy.c but that one has some truncated strings (as with yacc)
<stikonas>but I can't easily replace remaining wchars with chars
<stikonas>because some functions don't work with them
<stikonas>I think in particular yycgid
<stikonas>this needs more thinking than blindly replacing...
<stikonas>this is my WIP patch for now...
<stikonas>but in any case, I"ll look more some other day
<stikonas>sleep now...
<fossy>what is wrong with just making that function take a char
<stikonas[m]>Then setsymbol function fails
<stikonas[m]>i=-1 there
<deesix>OriansJ, how can I run the Knight binaries during M2-Planet testing? I guess one part is to override the arch, then configure something for the system to recognize the binaries and use the VM in stage0, maybe? Do you have any script/doc about this procedure?
<OriansJ>deesix: well the knight native binaries are the most simple to test, Simply vm --rom binary --tape_01 input --tape_02 output
<deesix>hmm, but that's not what the scripts are doing, right? How do you glue it all?
<OriansJ>deesix: I've just been manually running them
<deesix>So lines like... ./test/results/test0006-knight-native-binary >| test/test0006/proof || exit 4
<OriansJ>test0000 for example is just vm --rom ./test/results/test0000-knight-native-binary && echo $?
<deesix>... are not used, hmmm
<OriansJ>become vm --rom ./test/results/test0006-knight-native-binary --tape_02 test/test0006/proof
<deesix>Any reason not to call the vm from the scripts?
<OriansJ>deesix: well we wouldn't want to try to run the vm if the stage0 vm isn't installed as it would result in failing tests
<OriansJ>but as knight-native isn't something uname or get_machine is ever going to actually return without an override, it wouldn't be a problem to do that.
<OriansJ>knight-posix however is a bit more complicated
<OriansJ>as you need more than stage0's vm built
<deesix>I think I leave Knight out of the unification for a while.
<OriansJ>as you need execve_image.c built too but after that it is actually quite similiar
<deesix>... as M2libc migration is not complete and this other situation about running binaries.
<OriansJ>as you need to convert the binary into a program image with argc, argv and envp included for loading into Memory prior to execution.
<OriansJ>just gcc High_level_prototypes/execve_image.c -o bin/execve_image and you have it
<OriansJ>then you would use it like this: execve_image test/results/test1000-knight-posix-binary --architecture x86 -f test/common_x86/functions/file.c -f test/common_x86/functions/malloc.c -f functions/calloc.c >| memory_image
<OriansJ>and then just vm --POSIX-MODE --rom memory_image --memory 2M
<OriansJ>I guess it is just another mess for me to clean up
<deesix>OriansJ, thanks for the details. I'll keep them in mind and maybe some way to plug it all arises.
<deesix>Manually running them doesn't seems fun, for sure.
<OriansJ>well knight-native will always be pure bare metal knight. knight-posix should exist in a few years and thus I'll probably make an environmental variable which if set would enable that testing
<OriansJ>plus other people probably would want to test knight without having to do all the manual work too.
<OriansJ>So just gotta find time to do the work.
<OriansJ>but first I need to get guix pull to work on my new build server.
<deesix>Yes, I found a couple of details missing in the knight-posix migration and though about fixing them and so a run check. But I guess I can patch and just let the sha cover the situation.
<deesix>*do a run
<OriansJ>deesix: well a couple of the knight HALCODE calls haven't been implemented in the knight vm yet like fork and waitpid
<OriansJ>fortunately, that doesn't matter because known of the knight posix tests depend upon them yet
<OriansJ>fortunately knight vm doesn't care about undefined instructions that it doesn't have to run.
<OriansJ>the disassembler might bitch that it is data but it will not prevent people from doing development and testing.
<OriansJ>for the sake of simplicity and convention, knight-posix shares ALL Linux call numbers with AMD64; the difference being instead of putting the number in RAX, it is in the instruction itself eg 0x42000001 is sys_write and 0x42000002 is sys_open, etc. with the arguments passed in R0-R6 with the results returned in R0-R3 respectively.
<OriansJ>mostly to make polymorphic syscalls impossible in R-X memory as that is a horrifying idea in bootstrapping audit.
<stikonas>fossy: so after a bit more investigation, I think instead of patching lex we should fix mes libc
<stikonas>I guess vfprintf function...
<stikonas>I have a small reproducer for that bug, just need find out what causes it
***malina is now known as ``````````
<stikonas>argh, it's probably strlen function...
***`````````` is now known as ``^``-``^``
<stikonas>when it encounters multibyte wchar_t, it finds 0 quicker than end of string
<stikonas>probably not easy to fix either because it's correct for char... Unless we implement whole wchar in mes libc...
<deesix>stikonas, is wchar still defined as char? (I think I read about this some days ago here).
<stikonas>no, I think it's mulitibyte
<stikonas>let me double check
<deesix>Because, indeed, I can imagine every other byte being zero and the string truncated to one letter.
<stikonas>mes libc defines typedef int wchar_t
<stikonas>I can add some hack, that fixes strlen if input is multibyte...
<stikonas>but it's realy ugly hack
<deesix>I guess it's around the 18th in the logs.
<stikonas>yeah, but I don't think we can define wchar as char in lex...
<stikonas>it works in yacc...
<stikonas>but I think lex functions expect multibyte
<stikonas>ok, I think in the end I'll patch lex...
<stikonas>getting much better now...
<stikonas>hacked around most of the issues
<stikonas>fossy: ok, I think I've got lex working now...
<stikonas>and patch is just 11 KB, so not too bad
<stikonas>now need to test, prepare PR and then do flex 2.5.1...