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<pder>I took a stab at getting blynn-compiler working with M2-Planet. It is currently working up to the point of loading classy.hs
<pder>The main issues were pointer arithmetic as oriansj pointed out. I also found some strangeness with the behavior of FUNCTION pointers
<V>OriansJ: woah
<V>definitely going to grow up to become a hacker
<pder>Throughout the code, the run function takes two arguments which are functions. In functions like fp_get, i had to move some local declarations out of the function and make them global.
<pder>I wonder if this behavior is similar to how you cant declare a local inside a loop
<siraben>pder: passing the function pointers causes issues?
<siraben>Could you paste the build log?
<pder>The script to build and run is in my branch named
<pder>If you look at the diffs, I had to move local variables out of str_get and fp_get. There was some strange misbehavior where those variable assignments were not working
<fossy>pder: hooray
<fossy>pder: is this on top of VM.c changes that OriansJ already did
<pder>fossy: yes, that is correct
<pder>I just pushed another small change to blynn-compiler that now successfully runs vm without arguments to generate "raw"
<fossy>how long did it take when compiled by m2-planet?
<pder>on my old laptop the M2-planet version of vm takes 57 seconds to run vs 7 seconds for the vm compiled with gcc -O2
<OriansJ>rain1: we probably could do something similiar with kaem.hex0 for the bootstrap
<OriansJ>pder: thank you so much for the help ^_^
<OriansJ>well it is certainly possible that FUNCTION pointers are not properly cleaning up after themselves but we probably need to figure out a test to fix it.
<OriansJ>rain1: probably ending with mes-m2 or guile as the init but that is just a fun idea to play with. (thanks to gash and gash-utils)
<pder>Thanks, oriansj. I will see if I can create a minimal test case to illustrate the problem. If you check my commits, I basically had to make some of the local variables in the function called by a function pointer global in order to work around the issue.
<rain1>Oh right! nice
<OriansJ>pder: very impressive work as you single handedly got us 60% to the end goal with these commits
<pder>I think the next step is making rts.c M2-Planet friendly. It also appears several of the .hs files in the last stages have some duplicated C code as well.
<OriansJ>pder: absolutely right
<OriansJ>and some changes to the generated C code as well; which is where FUNCTION pointer behavior problems in M2-Planet will really need to be addressed.
<OriansJ>and once we complete that, we can make bylnn-compiler a submodule for mescc-tools-seed
<OriansJ>and siraben will help us to a scheme able to finish the bootstrap
<OriansJ>as ultimately we will need to ensure blynn-compiler behavior is consistent across all architectures that M2-Planet+mescc-tools support
<OriansJ>I just triple checked and the output of the working vm2 for RAW is 9732a8852bf92b4097f275da4ceba3b718138a5e16190cbef43bbd4be42a27dd (which is exactly the same generated by GCC, clang and the original version of blynn compiler)
<OriansJ>now I am checking if lonely.c is the same as what the GCC version makes
<OriansJ>nope, big difference