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<Hagfish>just the phrase "chip-to-cloud security" has me feeling sick
<fossy>OriansJ: i just ensured that kaem builds and tests pass, i pushed it to mescc-tools.
<fossy>now i will try mescc-tools-seed
<fossy>OriansJ: ah, i just pulled the latest M2-Planet and now it dosen't build.
<fossy>commit 57264eb15775f6ff70395931418e6e1dcc85467e is highly problematic for kaem
<fossy>literally everything is in a loop
<fossy>so, idk... fuzzing kaem never came across this issue. could we hide this behind a flag or have a way to disable it or smth
<fossy>i don't rly get the prupose of this either
<fossy>if there is a legitimate reason i can fix it but it will be quite painful to od
<fossy>ah, ok, it's not exactly what i though
<fossy>but it def makes the code less clean
<fossy>i'll push anyway for now
<OriansJ>fossy: thank you for the work; the reason for not allowing the creation of variables inside of loops has to do with how M2-Planet creates variables and when done inside of a loop results in the function returning to something other than the calling function.
<OriansJ>Which is one of the primary reasons for M2-Planet binaries segfaulting. Thus it is better to show an easy to fix error to the programmer, then create a hard to debug binary.
<OriansJ>and fossy I had to make a minor change to get kaem to build with gcc 10 (Just ignore kaem_globals.h when doing mescc-tools-seed)
<Hagfish>the absolute madlad
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<fossy>OriansJ: ah, I see
<fossy>OriansJ: ok, cool, I dont have gcc 10 installed yet