***stikonas_ is now known as stikonas
<OriansJ`>Boy this channel has gotten quiet without my daily prodding. <xentrac>well, I'm sure not making any progress on anything <xentrac>but it's surely helpful to have people showing interest in what one is doing <OriansJ`>xentrac: fair but I always hope to see progress coming from others <OriansJ`>and I just finished converting AMD64's kaem-minimal.S into kaem-minimal.M1 <OriansJ`>I mean, what is the point of taking an interest in something you don't care enough about to pick up a text editor and doing anything. <OriansJ`>fix spelling, improve documentation, make pretty pictures, etc ***xwvvvvwx- is now known as xwvvvvwx
<OriansJ`>although it looks like the hex0 version of kaem-minimal for AMD64 will end up being 894 bytes in size (a moderate growth over x86's 737 bytes) <xentrac>it's hard to keep amd64 code compact ***ChanServ sets mode: +o rekado
<fossy>I am slowly progressing on gcc-seed, keep hitting issues with static guile hanging