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***terpri__ is now known as terpri
<christianbundy>Worth a shot: anyone know of non-computer bootstrapping projects? I think I'm looking for something like a technology tree that leads to the 21st century.
<Darius>there's a channel called something like ##hplus_roadmap, i forget exactly
<Darius>xentrac, do you know?
<christianbundy>thanks Darius, I'll check it out
<Darius>ah no _, just remove that
<christianbundy>Darius: oh, just checked it out -- I'm looking for something similar, but I think different
<christianbundy>I'm looking for something like this, except including seeds and tool creation (mining, smelting, agriculture, etc)
<bauen1>christianbundy: i know of a project for creating opensource farming tools, including e.g. generator, let me see if i can find it again
<bauen1>christianbundy: or the main page
<vagrantc>my, how #bootstrappable has grown!
<christianbundy>bauen1: Yes! I love OSE and it's a super ambitious project. I think I'm looking for something like their bill of materials, but... more recursive. :~)
<xentrac>christianbundy: maybe Factor E Farm/global village construction set; How To Make Everything; John Plant's Primitive Technology
<xentrac>the guy has tried assembling a makefile for civilization but not there yet
<xentrac>oh, I see bauen1 already mentioned FEF/GVCS/OSE