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*** sets mode: +o rekado
<OriansJ`>markjenkinsznc: now that is exciting to hear about; I just thought you were only working on the knight disassembler in python for stage0, so I could finally simplify that architecture's NULL padding scheme. (which I do eagerly look forward to)
<OriansJ`>note, one can do Mes-M2 development with GCC (provided one doesn't go crazy leveraging its features) it is entirely possible for M2-Planet to generally work the same way
<OriansJ`>The only big difference is if you are playing with pointers
<OriansJ`>but then again, I have been quite out of the game for the last couple months and hope I haven't missed anything important
<xentrac>OriansJ`: hope you've been doing okay and haven't gotten shot at or beaten
<xentrac>it's been quite an interesting couple of months
<OriansJ`>xentrac: been dealing with the birth of my son and spending lots of time playing with him ^_^
<markjenkinsznc>OriansJ, unfortunately my interest in the knight disassembler has been dragged down by my speculative toy project, I had it pretty much done (produces good disassemblies for all stage0 knight binaries, is integrated with gui)
<markjenkinsznc>But I'll try to not let a 95% done project get hung up for too long and get back to it as well, thanks for the encouragement
<markjenkinsznc>5% not done is bugs I'm seeing on inputs other then the stage0 binaries, including one documented as an assert based test
<xentrac>OriansJ`: that's wonderful, far better than I had feared!
<OriansJ`>markjenkinsznc: understandably, that last 5% can be brutal to do and I am ok if it sometimes mis-detects string vs instructions
<OriansJ`>xentrac: well there is a reason why bus factor is sometimes called the lottery factor
<OriansJ`>oh anyone else notice:
<markjenkinsznc>OriansJ, the bug caught by this last commit is more serious then string/binary
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